
May 12, 2009
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Hi Everyone

I have been reading through a lot of the problems people are having with their golf swings and it seems to me not many people mention the grip. I have greatly improved this year and i am convinced its down to my new grip. I had all sorts of problems with my swing and went for a lesson with my local pro. He altered my grip quite a bit and i have really started to hit the ball solid. I used to hit a slice and now hit a draw. My point is just by gripping the club properly, this removed a lot of my swing faults. Has anyone else had a similar experience?


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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Yes, I'm always adjusting my grip. Currently using a glove with parallel lines drawn on with a sharpie.....


Assistant Pro
Aug 27, 2009
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Yep I certainly have!

I have had all sorts of issues as I have the biggest hands ever! I could arm wrestle king kong!

I started with thumbd down the middle (yeah I know) but my first lesson sorted my grip. I also had to add a tennis grip over my normal jumbo grip but that has worked so so well.

I also have my clubs next to my PC and probably pick one up every 10 minutes and just grip it for a few seconds. Sad I know but it seems to help. I can just pick a club up now and not fidget or mess about for ages.

I tried to show a mate the normal grip and because it didnt feel comfortable he just gave up which is a shame as a good grip I think it the most important thing.

Im glad you've sorted ya grip :) I see so many crap grips at the range from people who have been playing for years no doubt!!



Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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bob gave mine a very easy tweak when we played Stoke Rochford. Rotate left hand half a thumb right. I think I'm straighter more often, when I'm not it's mostly down to memory lapse.

Interestingly, it works on all but one club - my Yonex 3-hybrid. I'm wondering if that may be down to the widely tapered grips that they use.
May 12, 2009
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I just think that the grip is the only thing thats connecting the club to you so its very important. Having the correct grip can get you swinging on the right path and getting the club face square at impact and stop those slices. I should know i used to spend half my round in the trees on the right. People talk about releasing the hands, flattening out the swing etc etc when a good grip can get you doing these things without thinking about it.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I'd like to throw another component into this equation then - grip pressure. Too tight and the club can't release properly - too loose and there is a problem with control. I was in the too firm bracket which use to cause me a lot of problems but now I've learned to grip with less pressure there isn't the need to get overly active with the hands to try and get the club square