Grip /path question


Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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Been struggling with push cuts off the tee. Have noticed that my left hand had slipped underneath the grip (weak).

Strengthened it so that the V points to my right shoulder. Major pulls and pull hooks.

Kept this grip for irons and was drawing nicely (starts right, comes back to target), flying nearly all the greens as it give me a club length of distance. When drives went straight, they did fly a good 10 yards of so further.

Need to take the OOB lefts away from my game.

My driver is set to draw setting, so I'll try and adjust and see what difference it makes.

In the meantime, should I weaken my left hand grip a little? Also, now that I have strengthened the left, I fear I may have done so with the right hand. Has anyone got a majorly easy, simple-to-the-point-of-stupid video or advice NB: I use 10 finger grip.



Nov 16, 2011
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10 finger grip - I played with one for 6 years or so - exaggerates any cohesion issues that happen, either through swing timing or grip change.

It only took a couple of range sessions for the Vardon/overlap grip to feel completely natural, and I'd thoroughly recommend changing if you want to avoid excessive hooks or slices in the future. It certainly reduced mine!

I have never got on with the Interlock, which apparently tightens up even more.

If not prepared to make that change, try easing the left hand back slightly. Make sure that it feels that the left hand is above the shaft through impact though, as opposed to behind and under as that will guarantee a cut/slice!
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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probably worth checking if there's a bunch of lateral movement going on with the hips & upper body, both away from & too the ball.

could be you not 'rotating' going back & not rotating the lead hip or the upper body on the way through the ball.

would see if you can get to have your lead hand to see 2 knuckles at set-up 'V' pointing middle trail shoulder, trail hand comes in from the side not 'underneath', so right thumb pad 'sits' atop the left thumb, the palms face/parallel each other, the trail 'V' points similarly to middle trail shoulder.

as the club moves away the right shoulder turns behind the right ear, right ear doesn't move trailside with the shoulder, upper body will then turn the right hip which then allows the upper body to complete turn at/near 90%, as the hips 45%.

from the top then weight smoothly transfers to lead foot/leg, lead hip turns (weight into lead heel) - doesn't slide - head stays behind the ball as the body turns bringing the arms & club through the ball.