Gracious in Defeat!


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Im sorry in advance if this turns out to be too long to read.... It'll be hard to keep short.......

I had initially posted it in OddSocks thread as a reply but thought it was unfair.......
I hope he might take something from it or even someone else may get something from it....
I got to 14 without lessons.... I was sick of loosing the ball way right and way left and knew that i needed to get help before it got worse.... In October 2012 i started a course of 8 half hour lessons that would stretch out until march 2013 and the start of our season.....
I have a young family and a 9-6 Job but i knew that it was going to be tight fitting in time for practice..... Since that day in October i spend 2 nights a week at the range... At the range now i forget technique and concentrate on targets...
If i had the time i would happily spend all day everyday at the range working on things but in the real world this just isnt possible..... My little fellow who is 6 is taking a keen interest in golf so i need to dedicate time to him also...
The main issue for me was Posture related and swing path related...... I had great positions in the back swing but was throwing the club on the downswing, cutting across the ball and loosing posture....All inter-related..

The change to the swingpath was Alien....And to this day i still cant get into the positions that my Pro wants me doing.... Im supposed to be swinging like you see in the Down The Line positions you see with the guys on tour whereby the hands are visible well after the ball has gone...... I feel that the way i swing the club and my body type hamper this....

I physically cannot do this....I dont know why....Iv given up trying to....... Looking at my swing now to the naked eye it looks nice and compact and with a nice balance and rhythm to it..... I got way too mechanical about things and was in a hole of self doubt for a long time which has seen me take a back seat from the Forum....
I have no problem in admitting to people on here that told me to go out and hit the ball find it and hit it again that i was wrong.....But when your in the middle of an Improvement programme then its pretty hard not to think about these things.....

I have lots of positives to take from the last 15 months or so..... Since my lessons my swing has definitely tightened up for the better....My misses now are mostly right but i now play a shot i can control at least 8 out of 10 times....I have a few thins that i set at address that helps me...... I keep my left hip higher than my right.... In the backswing and downswing i try and keep my backside up against an imaginary wall for as long as possible which helps with posture......And at impact i try to connect with the inside of the ball which more often than not gets me either slightly under plane or on plane and stops the OTT move and produces a straight shot or one that falls a little to the right...... Thats it.... No other thoughts....

Im now in a much better place with my game.... I accept that im not perfect and that i will hit stray shots over the course of a round and i now play golf with the swing i have, my way.....
My practice for this season will be all about the short game.... I feel that there is no point in worrying too much more about the swing....I now set up on the right side of most tee's , aim everything down the left and let fly......

I dont think that there is such a thing as a quick fix for any player above CAT1..... For anyone playing in that Category they'll pretty much only have small things that they'll work on....For the rest of us mere mortals that are trying to get there it is going to be a long road of Soul Searching..

My Dont's for what its worth and for anyone that might take the lessons route....
(a) Dont expect things to work straight away.
(b) Dont expect one fix to fix all issues.
(c) Dont think you'll be a GIR and FIR machine.
(d) Dont raise the bar so high that you cant reach it.
(e) Dont neglect your short game.
(f) And my favourite, Dont think that there is only one way to swing.

Its just my 2 cents and its been my journey up till now but everybodys different.
Im not giving up trying to get to CAT 1 and i know some day i will...I just dont know when.....But im going to have plenty of fun getting there :lol:

Current Handicap is 9 and this is the last time my swing will ever be filmed taken 3 weeks ago......



Aug 19, 2011
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People put far too much emphasis on what they do during the swing, rather than setting up correctly in the first place. Getting the set up correct - grip, aim, stance and posture (GASP) - gives you the best chance of making a good swing. After generally playing well last year, my game went off the boil a bit over the last month or so. Eventually realized that this was due to poor stance and posture. I was standing too close to the ball (both before and after I hit it!) and curving my back too much. Modifying my stance and posture so that I was standing a bit further away from the ball and keeping my back straight made an enormous difference to my ball striking, which feels much more solid again. It is so easy to lapse into bad habits, even if you practice a lot!


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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People put far too much emphasis on what they do during the swing, rather than setting up correctly in the first place. Getting the set up correct - grip, aim, stance and posture (GASP) - gives you the best chance of making a good swing. After generally playing well last year, my game went off the boil a bit over the last month or so. Eventually realized that this was due to poor stance and posture. I was standing too close to the ball (both before and after I hit it!) and curving my back too much. Modifying my stance and posture so that I was standing a bit further away from the ball and keeping my back straight made an enormous difference to my ball striking, which feels much more solid again. It is so easy to lapse into bad habits, even if you practice a lot!

Very True..... I also had the lie angles of my clubs flattened which was a huge help.... They were standard but were too upright for the way i swing....Causing my to stand up through the ball....I can now swing the way i want and have a nice shallow swing...


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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nice write up Mate , glad to hear your in a good place with your game , this one thing alone i think will help ya get lower .. i made the mistake early last year of putting too much pressure on myself to get lower & struggled wit the game for a few months , now it will be what it will be ..

Now get over to the arrange a game section and get ur butt up to Slieve Russell and challenge for the irish craic classic title in july..

best of luck for the season mate looking forward to possibly getting a game with ya somewhere


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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My journey towards single figures (or not) is well documented. Contrary to popular belief I DO ENJOY MY GOLF. Despite thousands of posts saying it hasn't made an iota of difference, my swing IS much better after the swing change last winter and the work I did in 2013. If only we had 18 holes to play on and test it right now. My biggest issues are still short game but I am taking huge strides forward in this direction.

My swing is unique and is full of foibles but I now have something that delivers the club back in a better manner. It is still evolving but I am close. I have never been scared to work on my game and will continue to do so. I did stop taking stats as I was getting tied up chasing GIR and FIR like the OP but realise it is a powerful tool to really see where the game is. Just my take naturally as I know they aren't everyones bag but I might just have OCD tendencies!

In essences, like the OP I need to trust my work to date, work on my short game so I can stand there and trust it implicitly especially under pressure and just go and fire scores. It will happen. I just need to keep ploughing MY OWN furrow


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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nice write up Mate , glad to hear your in a good place with your game , this one thing alone i think will help ya get lower .. i made the mistake early last year of putting too much pressure on myself to get lower & struggled wit the game for a few months , now it will be what it will be ..

Now get over to the arrange a game section and get ur butt up to Slieve Russell and challenge for the irish craic classic title in july..

best of luck for the season mate looking forward to possibly getting a game with ya somewhere

Cheers Pal.
Ya im in a pretty good way with the game...Im comfortable with the swing and just need to get the wedges and putter going this year..... I want to be known as "That fellow thats lethal from 100 yards and in".

I must get out for a game with you this season definitely...... We say it every season but never go through with it...

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Interesting read pal :thup:

You do what you think will suit you best. This game is just a hobby and should be enjoyed.

I'm back in with a few more lessons to work on a few more areas of my swing, mainly short game, that need more focus.

My swing itself is much tighter than it was, now to get rid if the silly mental errors and I'll be a half decent player :D

All the best on your journey pal :cheers:


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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My journey towards single figures (or not) is well documented. Contrary to popular belief I DO ENJOY MY GOLF. Despite thousands of posts saying it hasn't made an iota of difference, my swing IS much better after the swing change last winter and the work I did in 2013. If only we had 18 holes to play on and test it right now. My biggest issues are still short game but I am taking huge strides forward in this direction.

My swing is unique and is full of foibles but I now have something that delivers the club back in a better manner. It is still evolving but I am close. I have never been scared to work on my game and will continue to do so. I did stop taking stats as I was getting tied up chasing GIR and FIR like the OP but realise it is a powerful tool to really see where the game is. Just my take naturally as I know they aren't everyones bag but I might just have OCD tendencies!

In essences, like the OP I need to trust my work to date, work on my short game so I can stand there and trust it implicitly especially under pressure and just go and fire scores. It will happen. I just need to keep ploughing MY OWN furrow

Just stay Positive Martin..... It'll pay off...:thup:


Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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Kid, yours was one of the most documented journeys on here and nobody can doubt the work you put in, and I enjoyed reading about your highs and lows along the way.

I think your efforts paid off and you've reached the promised land of single figures, but sadly you sound a ltitle bit disillusioned having got there!

Maybe like me, having travlled a similar journey, you realise that to now reach Cat 1 will require an even greater effort and more dedicated practise and you don't have the time or the will power to do that at the moment.

If so then you're in the same spot as me and should just enjoy the level you're at for a while.
The only difference between us is that I think you're young enough to tick over at this level for a while and then, when family is older and maybe you get a bit more time, you'll be able to get to Cat 1 if you so wish.



Journeyman Pro
Nov 24, 2013
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I'm at the beginning of more or less the same journey as yourself, lessons are tricky, you think you know your swing until you see yourself videod. One step forward etc... who'd of thought hitting a little white ball around a field could get so complicated??


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Interesting read pal :thup:

You do what you think will suit you best. This game is just a hobby and should be enjoyed.

I'm back in with a few more lessons to work on a few more areas of my swing, mainly short game, that need more focus.

My swing itself is much tighter than it was, now to get rid if the silly mental errors and I'll be a half decent player :D

All the best on your journey pal :cheers:

I needed to be true to myself Gar... I hit the ball a good distance, fairly straightish and iv eliminated the worst shots i used to hit... I think all this is down to the practice and the shallowing of my swing as well.... I understand my swing a lot more than i did before the lessons and now i know why i miss where i miss..
I know with time i would probably get where my Pro wants me to be..... But Time is something of a rare commodity when you have small ones about...Im a little lucky in that my daughter is 11 and my small lad is 6...So they are not very young and can come with me to the course when they like....

I think the swing is good enough to get me lower and from talking to most people from 9 down its all about the wedges and the putter so thats where the focus will be this season.


Aug 19, 2011
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Very True..... I also had the lie angles of my clubs flattened which was a huge help.... They were standard but were too upright for the way i swing....Causing my to stand up through the ball....I can now swing the way i want and have a nice shallow swing...
Interestingly enough I had the same problem. I had always had a problem with hooking or turning over to the left my iron shots, especially if I caught them slightly fat, although my drives and fairway woods were OK. Although I am of fairly average height, a custom fitting showed that I needed my irons set 2 degrees flat. Now have such a set and golf seems a whole lot easier. Don't know if my incorrect posture was related to using clubs that were too upright for me, but I guess it might not have helped!


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Kid, yours was one of the most documented journeys on here and nobody can doubt the work you put in, and I enjoyed reading about your highs and lows along the way.

I think your efforts paid off and you've reached the promised land of single figures, but sadly you sound a ltitle bit disillusioned having got there!

Maybe like me, having travlled a similar journey, you realise that to now reach Cat 1 will require an even greater effort and more dedicated practise and you don't have the time or the will power to do that at the moment.

If so then you're in the same spot as me and should just enjoy the level you're at for a while.
The only difference between us is that I think you're young enough to tick over at this level for a while and then, when family is older and maybe you get a bit more time, you'll be able to get to Cat 1 if you so wish.


God knows iv melted enough heads on here over the past 2 years with things....But iv enjoyed it all none the less.... I wount give up though...Ill keep chipping away (No Pun intended :lol:) and see what transpires.....

Im not sure about the disillusioned bit... I always wonder if i never had the lessons would i still have got to the 9....Maybe, maybe not.... But i dont think they did me any harm technique wise..... I definitely tightened up my swing through them.......

I think the journey to CAT 1 will be a longer one though.... I cant see myself dropping 5 more shots this season..... It would be a little too adventurous to set that bar.... But i do believe that its the short game that will get me lower..... Iv got plenty of power and plenty of length off the tee..... All i need to do is make sure i keep the little white fellow in play.:lol:


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I'm at the beginning of more or less the same journey as yourself, lessons are tricky, you think you know your swing until you see yourself videod. One step forward etc... who'd of thought hitting a little white ball around a field could get so complicated??

Best of luck with them Dave..... Only piece of advice that i can give you is try not to get too technical..... You will be told things in your lesson and you'll also be told not to think about them while your playing competitions and just trust the swing....

This is where i had the issue..... Its very hard to take changes onto the course and Not think about them....To me it defeats the purpose of what your trying to achieve... HTH


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Cheers for posting the thread kid, it's helped cement thoughts I had and get rid of some that maybe I shouldn't,

Good luck on the journey this year.

You too Pal..... And even when things fall to pieces ( and they will ) keep the head up... It'll come together eventually..


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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People put far too much emphasis on what they do during the swing, rather than setting up correctly in the first place.

You can have an awful set up position and still hit the ball well.
You can have the perfect set up and hit it rubbish.
A good set up helps but in my opinion what you do during the swing is still the most important thing for me.

P.s. Good swing Kid2 :thup:


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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You can have an awful set up position and still hit the ball well.
You can have the perfect set up and hit it rubbish.
A good set up helps but in my opinion what you do during the swing is still the most important thing for me.

P.s. Good swing Kid2 :thup:

Hi Kid2.
Im with Bob on this,very nice swing,great tempo.
Well done on getting this far,I definitely think you will get lower,first of all you have something
that money cant buy[determination].
Good luck with your short game and this years golf.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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You can have an awful set up position and still hit the ball well.
You can have the perfect set up and hit it rubbish.
A good set up helps but in my opinion what you do during the swing is still the most important thing for me.

P.s. Good swing Kid2 :thup:

Completely true Bob...... And thanks for all the help over the years..... it was very much appreciated..... :thup:


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Hi Kid2.
Im with Bob on this,very nice swing,great tempo.
Well done on getting this far,I definitely think you will get lower,first of all you have something
that money cant buy[determination].
Good luck with your short game and this years golf.

Cheers pal. ..

Im not sure if its just pure outright stubbornness or determination. ...:lol:

I think the swing is decent enough as wwll as the setup so I need to concentrate now on the short stuff.... Iv played with enough very low single player's to understand that you'll always miss left and right at times but its making sure that their not overly punishing is the main thing....