Golf lessons - structure


Oct 27, 2020
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Hi all,

I'm a mid-handicapper and thinking of getting some regular lessons in to improve my game.

I've been doing some research into lessons and also speaking to other golfers about them and lessons structure all seem to be just a quick fix thing. Ie: people will go in and be like "I want to improve my swing" and it'll be like a revolving door with no sort of plan.

Is this the case or with some coaches can you say "I want a one hour lesson a month or 2 x 30 min lessons a month" and then the coach will factor this in and give you little bits to improve on and then the next time carry on from there with a long term improvement plan in place?

It might be a stupid question but most people I speak to seem to give the impression that it's just a setup where one person comes in, works on something, he leaves and another person does the same and there's no real plan?

I'd prefer a structured coaching style plan with notes to work on before next lesson etc. Is this unrealistic? Thanks all.


Journeyman Pro
Jul 13, 2012
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That's up to you to discuss with the pro,but it seems perfectly reasonable.
I was able to do roll up sessions with my current pro so got to know him before I committed to 1:1 lessons.
If you let us know where you are, you might get a recommendation


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2020
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Something I'm looking at doing also.

I don't think that's an unrealistic expectation at all. One of my PPs does exactly what you've described with his coach and his game has come on quite a lot since he's been doing it. Doing it that way actually gives you time to practice and ingrain what they've taught you with the added benefit of reviewing it in the next lesson, and either altering/adding to it or moving on to the next thing.

sweaty sock

Mar 2, 2013
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Most coaches will do the quick fix routine.

Mostly due to golfers massively underestimating how hard it is to change. Its amzing how many 6 month lesson plans get stuck on lesson one, and become just the same issue being attacked in various ways... most golfers just dont put the effort in to change.... so its supply and demand.

Deleted member 29109

A good pro will be able to offer what you are asking for. I’d recommend having an initial lesson before booking a series to get a feel for whether you want to work with someone longer term.

I have things I’m working on that will take time to develop, my sessions with the pro are to assess progress, then when appropriate move on to the next thing. I’m 6 months in to my swing changes. Heading into winter is where I plan on embedding them in readiness for next season.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I had countless lessons when I started playing golf. When I look back many of the lessons were about the same things like different positions to take the club too and after a while didn't do much to improve me. It was only when I took my head out of golf swing robotics and started understanding ball impact that I started to really improve. Not one of the Pros I used explained anything about a forward leaning shaft with irons, ball turf impact, using the bounce of the club etc. If I was starting again I would have spent more time looking up the best way to create good impact and then had a discussion with the Pro on how he taught this before wasting money on going through lessons that did little to improve my golf.

Deleted member 29109

I had countless lessons when I started playing golf. When I look back many of the lessons were about the same things like different positions to take the club too and after a while didn't do much to improve me. It was only when I took my head out of golf swing robotics and started understanding ball impact that I started to really improve. Not one of the Pros I used explained anything about a forward leaning shaft with irons, ball turf impact, using the bounce of the club etc. If I was starting again I would have spent more time looking up the best way to create good impact and then had a discussion with the Pro on how he taught this before wasting money on going through lessons that did little to improve my golf.

This is a very good point.


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Jan 3, 2021
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I have 2 x 45 minutes a month as part of a package deal, and we work on whatever I like or what I might be struggling with. Doing it this way, I have found that if I get into any bad habits, they can be ironed out very quickly, and before they get too bad or too ingrained. For me, if I just waited to have a lesson when I had a problem, it might take 3 or 4 lessons to fix the issue. If I'm not struggling with anything (rare) I can combine a couple of the lessons and have a 9 hole playing lesson. It might seem overkill to have that many lessons, but it works for me.


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Sep 7, 2019
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I was nervous about lessons for similar reasons, I recently brought a block of 6 hours of lessons as I am keen to work on my swing but want to feel like the pro is actually interested in what I’m looking to achieve. So far (two lessons in) feels completely tailored and working on things very specific to me. All video’d so I am clear on the areas that are strong and what I need to work in. One of my playing partners has also been getting lessons and are working on completely different areas and drills etc certainly doesn’t feel like a cut and paste approach, my game is also improving massively but I’m also practicing much more, so you’d hope it would.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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HID tends to get me a set of lessons (7 for price of 6) which I take over the course of a year. In the last few years, we've discussed the seasons performance around January time, decide what needs particular focus and work out a plan to develop my game and in particular weak areas (short game in my case). Well discuss what needs to change and the professional will tell me what he thinks we need to do. Once we've had the lesson (say to fix pitching as an example), I'll get a practice plan and can send videos back as I'm working on the changes so the pro can comment on whether I'm swinging as wanted

We can do one off "quick fixes! if form dips and I'm really struggling but I try and keep those to a minimum.

At the end of the day any form of golf tuition has to be a two way street and unless you are open and honest about what you are looking for from the lesson(s) the pro will usually look at fixing the biggest problem in a one off lesson. You have to bear in mind in a one off lesson there is limited time and it is hard to change too much


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I had countless lessons when I started playing golf. When I look back many of the lessons were about the same things like different positions to take the club too and after a while didn't do much to improve me. It was only when I took my head out of golf swing robotics and started understanding ball impact that I started to really improve. Not one of the Pros I used explained anything about a forward leaning shaft with irons, ball turf impact, using the bounce of the club etc. If I was starting again I would have spent more time looking up the best way to create good impact and then had a discussion with the Pro on how he taught this before wasting money on going through lessons that did little to improve my golf.
My pro has me focussing on the strike plus the last foot of the downswing and trying to help me understand whats happening when I thin a shot; catch one heavy etc - and then understand why what he wants to me to do actually sorts it. I have had no teaching as such on ‘backswing’; ‘follow through’; hip turn etc. in other words - something very akin to the Mo Norman school. A series of lessons continually aimed at improving my understanding of what I have to do and why - and how to fix things when they go wrong. And the rest will follow.
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Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 2, 2008
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At the end of the day any form of golf tuition has to be a two way street and unless you are open and honest about what you are looking for from the lesson(s) the pro will usually look at fixing the biggest problem in a one off lesson. You have to bear in mind in a one off lesson there is limited time and it is hard to change too much[/QUOTE]

HJS.........Good to see you back fella,(y)
Have taken your last sentence as being the 'true basis' for anyone wanting to improve and move up in consistency of good striking and feeling of achievement!
SWMBO has got me my annual xmas pressie of bumper package (cut price-special offer;)) of lessons covering all aspects of game-OPTIMISM, EH??
Honestly if doing it in practise got you into THE OPEN then I would win every year --hands down! Telling you, I'm bloody scratch at practise:cool:
I've even 'sort of'? challenged KAZ-aka Scratch Girl for a £:D Don't think she'll lower herself to my standard though:LOL:
Just a pity reality hits me when the old scorecard is in hand come March:(
Still at least I get a card (and pressie) off our Craig -somebody loves me:whistle:

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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How long have you been at that level, and what effort are you prepared to put in?

As others have said, it takes a huge amount of effort to make a change. If you are not prepared to put that effort in, you're wasting your money.

I've played for too long to make huge changes; Mrs BiM is getting me a set of lessons for Christmas but it will be a tune up rather than a rebuild.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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How long have you been at that level, and what effort are you prepared to put in?

As others have said, it takes a huge amount of effort to make a change. If you are not prepared to put that effort in, you're wasting your money.

I've played for too long to make huge changes; Mrs BiM is getting me a set of lessons for Christmas but it will be a tune up rather than a rebuild.

Its a good point. Even if you have a singular lesson for the "quick fix" you still need to work on the changes and any drills. If not you're wasting your time. Even more so if you have a series of lessons and don't put the work in. You have to be prepared to go backwards to move forwards. I rebuilt my swing a while back now with a very technical guy. At the time I thought it was the way forward and I made some good progress and I don't regret the decision. However since going to the guy I see now (and have done for 4-5 years) he makes changes in small stages (like peeling the layer off an onion) and if he doesn't think I need a rebuild this winter then that's a huge positive