Golf Card scanners

We've not been returning the physical cards since May/June.
Maybe our gestapo accept electronic records ?‍♂️
Like Tram we've not been returning cards since June. Mark own scores and those for someone else in group (or often all 3 if a 3 ball). Verbally confirm the scores in the open air after the round. Key into masterscoreboard site.
These will have all gone into the WHS calculations, no drama.
Best part is the general x reasons for silly DQs are removed.
I believe there is an option to input your card via HHID on your phone after the round, whether in the clubhouse, your home, car park etc. No need to have your phone out on the course in that case. Leave it in the car, use it afterwards. It isn't live inputting but does that matter?

Which is what we do.

Using a mobile phone app to record scores whilst playing flies in the face of everything clubs up and down the country have been trying to achieve for years in banning the use of phones on the course.

Even in these strangest of strange times I can see no reason why entering scores “live” should be necessary.
We've not been returning the physical cards since May/June.
Maybe our gestapo accept electronic records ?‍♂️

Electronic records are already accepted for banking, finance, legal documents, maybe one day they will be considered secure enough for golf scores! If we can get to this point, not only can results and handicaps be calculated quicker and with less effort, but golf can also claim some green credentials too - I wonder how much rain forest is chopped down each year to make the scorecards for the worlds golf courses?
Does anybody use them?
Do they exist? I believe I recall I've heard of them in use in outback spots in Australia.
Are they under development in the UK.

Back on topic

I’ve used them a couple of times when playing in Australia.

You still fill in a card as normal for cross referencing but also have a separate part to the card with boxes for each hole and gross score is entered as an X against the number, put this part under the scanner and it automatically fills in your scores on the screen, you check the scores and then accept if correct!

It seemed a bit awkward at first but like anything if you were using it every time you played you’d soon gut used to it. First time I played I made the mistake of not filling that part in as I went along and it was a bit more of a faff doing it all at the end!
Clubs don't want golfers having conversations on their phones on the golf course, there's no "ban" on using a phone for other reasons.

Inputting the scores either during or after the round is EASILY the best option at the moment, no touching the same screen, no input of actual cards, just a photo.

It's an ideal system, I've not read anything better on here.

Agreed but some clubs don’t allow mass use of the PSI which some may think is wise. How does your club deal with the non techie guys and guys without smart phones.
Clubs don't want golfers having conversations on their phones on the golf course, there's no "ban" on using a phone for other reasons.

Inputting the scores either during or after the round is EASILY the best option at the moment, no touching the same screen, no input of actual cards, just a photo.

It's an ideal system, I've not read anything better on here.

We’re allowed mobile phones for emergencies only at ours, and I suspect most other places are the same.

I’m talking comps only here, obviously, but I made contact several years ago with the R & A when writing a local rule regarding the use of phones as distance measuring devices. The official stance then was that, as most modern smartphones come with pre-installed software (allowing you to access weather data, read slopes etc), and because many of those apps couldn’t be deleted, mobile phones could not be used on the course except in an emergency.

Now I know none of us are bothered what the wind speed is at the nearest weather station, and I’m yet to see anyone lie an iPhone on a green to assist in reading a putt, but I kind of see where they were coming from. And I suppose that, unless that stance has changed, the same approach perhaps applies to using your phone as a means of direct score inputting whilst out on the course.

I’m not saying I agree with such a stance, merely second guessing what the rule makers are likely to say.

EDIT - to add, I absolutely agree direct input via an app such as HDID and submitting a photo of your card are the best options. It’s what we do at ours, but the direct input is done AFTER our round and not whilst on the course.
We’re allowed mobile phones for emergencies only at ours, and I suspect most other places are the same.

I’m talking comps only here, obviously, but I made contact several years ago with the R & A when writing a local rule regarding the use of phones as distance measuring devices. The official stance then was that, as most modern smartphones come with pre-installed software (allowing you to access weather data, read slopes etc), and because many of those apps couldn’t be deleted, mobile phones could not be used on the course except in an emergency.

Now I know none of us are bothered what the wind speed is at the nearest weather station, and I’m yet to see anyone lie an iPhone on a green to assist in reading a putt, but I kind of see where they were coming from. And I suppose that, unless that stance has changed, the same approach perhaps applies to using your phone as a means of direct score inputting whilst out on the course.

I’m not saying I agree with such a stance, merely second guessing what the rule makers are likely to say.

EDIT - to add, I absolutely agree direct input via an app such as HDID and submitting a photo of your card are the best options. It’s what we do at ours, but the direct input is done AFTER our round and not whilst on the course.

Are you one of these hickory courses that play with all the old gear too?
Are you one of these hickory courses that play with all the old gear too?

No. We’re one of those courses where nobody wants to see golfers walking around the course making calls, sending texts, updating social media, checking their investment portfolios.........

Agreed but some clubs don’t allow mass use of the PSI which some may think is wise. How does your club deal with the non techie guys and guys without smart phones.
They have the following options
Go home and submit their card on a computer attaching the marked card photograph
Get another member to photograph the marked cards and email the club office
No. We’re one of those courses where nobody wants to see golfers walking around the course making calls, sending texts, updating social media, checking their investment portfolios.........


So if a player is using a dedicated golf GPS unit, how can you tell from a distance whether it is a phone or a GPS unit?

At that point what is the difference?

Would it really be that difficult to allow phones to be used for entering scores and measuring yardages, but not permit the use of making calls or other communication except in an emergency? Even then as long as someone isn't slowing play, who cares whether they are fiddling with their phone or not?
So if a player is using a dedicated golf GPS unit, how can you tell from a distance whether it is a phone or a GPS unit?

At that point what is the difference?

Would it really be that difficult to allow phones to be used for entering scores and measuring yardages, but not permit the use of making calls or other communication except in an emergency? Even then as long as someone isn't slowing play, who cares whether they are fiddling with their phone or not?

You can’t. Which is precisely why the R & A advice was to restrict use to emergencies only. You then rely on others within a group to ensure that it is a GPS device being used, and not a phone.

I can see the sense in it. If you allow use as a DMD (that’s been done to death on this forum) or, potentially, to input scores, you have absolutely no way of monitoring wider abuse.

We have had a situation where two members playing in different groups in a comp were caught out exchanging information re club use on the par 3’s via text. An extreme example, but if you want to clamp down on phone use/abuse, then you really can’t cherry pick what you do allow them to be used for, precisely for the reason you have identified.
They have the following options
Go home and submit their card on a computer attaching the marked card photograph
Get another member to photograph the marked cards and email the club office
I get one, but believe it or not, we still have members who haven’t bothered with computers because there are still some areas in N Devon with poor or no internet availability.
I believe that "phones not being used for GPS" is out of date and is fine now, similar to lasers that have slope are now allowed as long as the slope function isn't accessed.
Nobody is forced to input their scores on the way round, they can do it at the end if they wish, but doing it as you go is easy and quicker, you're done 30 a minute or so after holing out on 18.
I must admit that getting Tinder match notifications half way round the first tournament using this system was interesting ?

Been off our committee years now so a bit out of date on that one. But I’m still rather anti phones being allowed on the course - it’s as much an etiquette thing as anything else, and I really don’t want to get to the point where everyone is strolling round the course staring at their phones or talking on them. We get enough of that off the course!
Agreed but some clubs don’t allow mass use of the PSI which some may think is wise. How does your club deal with the non techie guys and guys without smart phones.
It's amazing how people learn when they have no choice. Remember how people wouldn't go cashless before the pandemic? Now cashless is standard.

In terms of those without smart phones, at clubs without a PSI, how many actually come into that category? For those that do how many are in a group with no smart phone who can't enter for the others? The numbers left will be miniscule and for those, hand them to someone in the next group who can input them for a drink and then wash their hands.
With regards the scoring, it literally takes a couple of seconds while you're standing on the tee as the others tee off.
Or you do it every few holes, which also takes a few seconds.
You wouldn't even notice anyone doing it as they'd be behind you as you're teeing off.

I don’t disagree at all. But the problem is a score entry will soon become a “quick text” or a “short call” and so on. People will always abuse something like this if there’s an opportunity.
But, at the moment, (still waiting for clarification) cards need to remain for any possible audit requirements by county HC gestapo.

I posed the question/point on another thread and was told that it no longer a requirement.

It is one the troubles with time management in the office, they still had cards going back 4-5 years stored away. Easier to plonk another box on top of the others than to sort through what to discard.
Clubs don't want golfers having conversations on their phones on the golf course, there's no "ban" on using a phone for other reasons.

Inputting the scores either during or after the round is EASILY the best option at the moment, no touching the same screen, no input of actual cards, just a photo.

It's an ideal system, I've not read anything better on here.

I find entering the scores before going out is the easiest option. Always time to kill before going to the tee.