Goal setting for 2009


Tour Winner
Apr 18, 2007
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Right, time to geek up and help you all out in 2009. If you haven’t tried Goal Setting please give it a go as it will help your golf.

You need to start of by picking a long term goal, this is for a years time and must follow the principles below, then a medium length goal for six moths and finally a short term goal for between a week and 2 months.

Record your goal on a piece of paper and keep it safe.

All the goals you pick have to be

Specific – So they have to be specific to your final goal and golf based, i.e. Break 80 by 31/12/09

Measurable – You have to be able to measure if you have reached your goal, i.e. knock two shots off handicap by 01/06/09

Achievable – Don’t go nuts, set a goal you are confident in doing, i.e. complete a course of lessons in January

Realistic – Like above, think about where you are now and what you can really achieve

Time based – You have to set a time for each short, medium and long term goal, i.e. play to handicap by 01/02/09

If you want to post below your 3 goals and I will feedback on them, I am going to do the same in my following post.
Short term goal: - Book a course of lessons with Jan pay and break 90 around my local short 9 hole by 28/02/09

Medium term goal: - Break 90 at Celtic Manor 2010 course on 02/05/09

Long term goal: - Join club and achieve handicap between 15-18, by 31/12/09
Short term goal - book in for a course of short game lessons to sharpen up aiming for 32 putts a round 28/2/09

Medium term goal- go round Hillside in less than 88(that blooming course)ill have 3 chances by 30/4/09

Long term goal- change clubs(work permitting) and get a cat1 handicap 31/12/09
Break 80 by end of Jan 09 (consistantly hitting under 84 at moment so should come soon)

Book some short game lessons from 20-30 yards off green in Jan 09

Hand in my 3 cards by start of season in April (aiming for a handicap of around 15 or less)

Drop to 12 by end of 09 looking for single figures in 2010.

I'm quite confident this can be achieved, Not sure though how many shots is realistic to take off in a year? I havn't had a handicap for a long time!
I always do it it as SMARTER htl as opposed to just SMART ;)

S - goals must be Specific
M - training targets should be Measurable
A - goals should be Adjustable
R - goals must be Realistic
T - training targets should be Time based
E - goals should be challenging and Exciting
R - goals should be Recorded

Anyway mine would be:-

Short term: Keep striking my irons well ( I will also use my remaining 2 lessons from a series booked before christmas to get these really polished) I also want to play more rounds of golf- at least once a week.

Mid term: I then intend to get another set of lessons half to be used on my driving off the tee and half on my short game.

Long term: By the end of 2009 I want to be playing to a handicap of < 12, hitting at least 12 fairways a round, and getting up and down 60% of the time when I miss the green. I also want to start averaging below 32 putts.
Improve my short game have booked in for a course of 6 short game lessons in jan
Get my handicap down to single figures by the end of April weather premitting currently 10.5
Win one of the club match plays this year.
Short term goal is just to play more!

Medium Term goal is to win a club competition by May.

Long term goal is single figures by September.
short term(1-02-09): finish my block of lessons and keep practising what I'm taught.

mid term(1-04-09): join a club,get official h/c,play in all comp's that I can.

long term(31-12-09): Hopefully win something,score regularly in the 80's.
Have given this a lot of thought and there were a load of different things I could have listed but decided these fitted the criteria the best.

Short term - Qualify for the summer knockouts via the qualifying medals (have never got through in 8 attempts) 31/3

Mid term - Get a reliable short game (putt average <31 and significant improvement to up & down and sand save stats. To be achieved via 4 short game lessons focussing on pitching, chipping, putting and bunkers with each facet having an hour dedicated to it - 30/6

Long term - Have a handicap of 10 or less by the Masters competition (invitation only to winners of monthly medals, stablefords and gold board events in the preceeeding 12 month qualification period) - 30/9
Short term: Keep practising orplaying thru Jan/Feb/March....

Mid Term: Become deadly with my Vokey's from 60yds in......

Long Term: Single figures by October (11.2)
I'd just like to get my ball striking (with irons) back up to standard.
Still driving OK but my distances with my irons are all over the place, and it's all down to a terrible swing especially through impact..
I'm not keeping my left side firm at all, so this is what I've got to work on.
Winter golf isn't doing me any favours, and with a distinct lack of practice facilites around here, all my "tinkering" is having to be done on the course...
My goals are...

To still be playing golf to at least my current h/c

To play more comps as I have had too much time away from comps.

To improve my drivingaccuracy.(more range time)
Well after a bit of thought here my targets for 2009.

Short term goal: - 6 lessons (Christmas Pressie) to be scheduled before end of April 09. Continuing on from work done last year with pro.

Medium term goal: - Improve scrambling around greens. This is where I have left shots on the course. Measure this using SS2 software. Improvement by end Jun 09.

Long term goal: - Consolidate play after lessons 08 & now 09. Consistency in medal scores is target here. Play to or just under hcp as often as possible. Measure on SS2 Software. Improvement by Aug 09.

Again, I want to enjoy my golf, not chase scores as I did before 08. 08 was a reasonable season, building on this will be a strong way forward. If I hadn't played during the very wet Aug & Sept period, I would have statistically improved in all areas of my game and handicap would have, at worst, remained constant. To me that proved I was playing reasonably well last season. Here's to a good 2009 season.
My goals:

Short term - get into winter league knockout stages - mid Feb 09

Mid term - break 77 (5 over) in competition - Aug 09

Long term - knock 2 shots off my handicap - Dec 09