Getting your own back.


Tour Winner
Sep 26, 2010
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Sorry Kid but I think you were wrong. I understand you were trying to make a point but you should take up the booking issue later. On the course you should let faster groups through who ever they are.

I assume there were other players behind the ladies. You effectively held up everyone playing behind them. I wonder how many of those players didn't see what was happening ahead and will simply blame the delays on the ladies in front of them?

Might also be worth checking that they haven't changed the bookings/comp arrangements to allow the ladies to play. After all there isn't any reason why they shouldn't if they have paid their fees same as the blokes.


Nov 16, 2011
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What's wrong with that? Scared of being beaten by a girl will probably be the reason why all comps aren't mixed!
Actually, I meant participation rather than a single comp. As Men's and Ladies courses are different, it makes sense to me to have separate comps. Been at a club where they were combined and it worked OK-ish, but seemed it was done for no particularly good reason - and the '2 courses = 2 comps' reason is a good reason to have them separate.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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I think the point he is making DDD, is that at mos clubs, women pay substantially less for membership. I've no issue with stopping all sorts of segregation. No ladies days, just play when you want. But charging me more for the privilege of equality seems a little bit strange, doesn't it.


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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I think the point he is making DDD, is that at mos clubs, women pay substantially less for membership. I've no issue with stopping all sorts of segregation. No ladies days, just play when you want. But charging me more for the privilege of equality seems a little bit strange, doesn't it.

Surely that doesn't happen any more because of equality legislation. As I understand it, you can only charge ladies at a lower rate as a short-term measure to try to increase numbers in the ladies section.

Deleted Member 1156

If they had have been really fit I would have thought about it though.

More like you would have liked to have gone through them rather than the other way round?? :whistle:


Seriously though, I think this whole 'Male/female tee times block booking equality thingy' is probably worth a thread in it's own right as it seems there are some contrasting views out there.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Big wows! I really don't want to get into this again but, in general, women work as well in this century so a half day midweek block versus a weekend block is not equity. I actually can't believe the number of ridiculous posts on this forum that suggest men are getting a raw deal at golf clubs.

Our Ladies Comp day is Tuesday
Well in advance - and I mean the rest of the year! - Tuesday mornings are booked out on the BRS system so you can't get a time even if you wanted to.

Saturday/Sunday "Men's" comps are not blocked out so anyone can book a time and find themselves in the middle of the Monthly Medal

For example there's a Men's Medal on the 8th July - nothing booked out
10th of July there's a Ladies Medal - the usual slots are booked out.

Who's getting the good deal..?


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Surely that doesn't happen any more because of equality legislation. As I understand it, you can only charge ladies at a lower rate as a short-term measure to try to increase numbers in the ladies section.

I guess that my interpretation of "short term" must differ from most clubs then eh? It must be "short term" in the same way that the Moon is only a short distance from the Earth, compared to the Sun...


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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Our Ladies Comp day is Tuesday
Well in advance - and I mean the rest of the year! - Tuesday mornings are booked out on the BRS system so you can't get a time even if you wanted to.

Saturday/Sunday "Men's" comps are not blocked out so anyone can book a time and find themselves in the middle of the Monthly Medal

For example there's a Men's Medal on the 8th July - nothing booked out
10th of July there's a Ladies Medal - the usual slots are booked out.

Who's getting the good deal..?

I agree in your example there is a disparity there - perhaps you would like a tee reserved for a couple of hours say on a Wednesday morning to even it up? Maybe you'd like the men's medals to be played midweek?The important measure of equality at a golf club, in my opinion, is access to the course at weekends.

At my club there are a fair mix of mens and ladies comps at weekends, each with block bookings.

However, if it's a men's comp the tee is effectively booked out all day so no chance of a female getting a game. If it's a ladies comp - one of the "majors" - then at the most the tee is booked out for four hours so reasonable opportunity for guys to play. Now this is simply a function of arithmetic due to relative numbers of male/female members but the bottom line is that male members who work during the week have the opportunity to play at some stage every weekend day; the ladies do not.


Ladies are equal members at my course. In fact they ACTUALLY PAY MORE than the men as they're subs to the Renfrewshire Ladies Golf Union is higher than the men's subs!


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Havent read all the answers but can i ask a question here just for the heck of it .. you are last out in your sat comp singles, strokes , off the back sticks ok ? there is a society out next playing off the front tees ? maybe even a ladies society off the ladies tees ? they are playing a different comp off different tees .. do you let them through ??
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Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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I think the point he is making DDD, is that at mos clubs, women pay substantially less for membership. I've no issue with stopping all sorts of segregation. No ladies days, just play when you want. But charging me more for the privilege of equality seems a little bit strange, doesn't it.

I guess that my interpretation of "short term" must differ from most clubs then eh? It must be "short term" in the same way that the Moon is only a short distance from the Earth, compared to the Sun...

When was the last time you checked on subscription rates at your club? I would be astonished if "women pay substantially less for membership". A quick trawl of the dozen or so nearest clubs to me shows that they all have exactly the same subscription rates for men and women - which is what is required by the legislation which was effective from October 2010. Is Wigan still in the 20th (or 19th) century?
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Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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What's wrong with that? Scared of being beaten by a girl will probably be the reason why all comps aren't mixed!

id have no problems with that as i am well aware there are many women golfers that are better than me .. but if peoplen wana play in the same comps , we have the same handicap limits & play off the same tees ..


Money List Winner
Feb 4, 2010
north yorks
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Who cares if it was women, toddlers, midgets, men, old farts in carts or wheres Wally's with trolleys.

Poor form sir, hang ones head immediately!

plus one for me it shouldnt matter who or why they are playing they are playing faster than you so you call through, as with the issue of ladies playing in the middle of the mens comp if they have been requested not too its up to the committee to deal with the issue?


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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When was the last time you checked on subscription rates at your club? I would be astonished if "women pay substantially less for membership". A quick trawl of the dozen or so nearest clubs to me shows that they all have exactly the same subscription rates for men and women - which is what is required by the legislation which was effective from October 2010. Is Wigan still in the 20th (or 19th) century?

A quick trawl through the clubs near me shows several "offers" which substantially reduce the cost of first (and in some instances, subsequent) years fees. You are of course, missing the point I was trying to make, which was that if you are paying the same fees, then total integration should be the aim. If I phrased it badly, then fair enough.


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Havent read all the answers but can i ask a question here just for the heck of it .. you are last out in your sat comp, singles, strokes , off the back sticks ok ? there is a society out next playing off the front tees ? maybe even a ladies society off the ladies tees ? they are playing a different comp off different tees .. do you let them through ??
Any thoughts ? ? anyone ? i would be intrested how ye all feel on this ...


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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Havent read all the answers but can i ask a question here just for the heck of it .. you are last out in your sat comp singles, strokes , off the back sticks ok ? there is a society out next playing off the front tees ? maybe even a ladies society off the ladies tees ? they are playing a different comp off different tees .. do you let them through ??

Irrespective of who they are or which tees they are using, if you have lost significant ground on the group ahead and the group behind are having to wait to play every shot, you should call through.


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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Havent read all the answers but can i ask a question here just for the heck of it .. you are last out in your sat comp, singles, strokes , off the back sticks ok ? there is a society out next playing off the front tees ? maybe even a ladies society off the ladies tees ? they are playing a different comp off different tees .. do you let them through ??

Any thoughts ? ? anyone ? i would be intrested how ye all feel on this ...

If you're holding them up let them through. Why wouldn't you?


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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2 replys two different scenarios , rosecott yes defo if i have lost ground on the group ahead , i would wave them through , thats just manners ,
FD , would you not expect to be held up by a group/ groups playing a single strokes comp off a much longer course ?? so does the next medal group let them through aswell , slowing things down so im now holding up the next society group ? where does it stop ? how long will your medal round take then ?

Im not saying theres a right or wrong here im just intrested in peoples replys
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