Getting your own back.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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This seems to be the answer I would give.

I understand where you are coming from though, but the issue is with the club not the women playing. Report it to the pro/secretary/manager but from where I am sitting you just looked like someone that isn't very nice on a course (from this one instance!)

I didnt mean to portray myself this way...As im not the big bad wolf that im coming across as.....Im pretty laid back and reserved and really most of the time stuff like this doesnt bother me....But being caught behind 4 of them last week around the whole course and not being called through as well as airing my thoughts through the Pro shop on finishing my round, it seems to have fallen on deaf ears...
And im not the only one that has complained about it.


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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I didnt mean to portray myself this way...As im not the big bad wolf that im coming across as.....Im pretty laid back and reserved and really most of the time stuff like this doesnt bother me....But being caught behind 4 of them last week around the whole course and not being called through as well as airing my thoughts through the Pro shop on finishing my round, it seems to have fallen on deaf ears...
And im not the only one that has complained about it.

I don't know you apart from reading your posts on here but I would think that you are not like that generally. However my point still stands (I think) that it is up to the club to sort out not the members who if they all did like you would drive other members away from the club.


Oct 5, 2011
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I didnt mean to portray myself this way...As im not the big bad wolf that im coming across as.....Im pretty laid back and reserved and really most of the time stuff like this doesnt bother me....But being caught behind 4 of them last week around the whole course and not being called through as well as airing my thoughts through the Pro shop on finishing my round, it seems to have fallen on deaf ears...
And im not the only one that has complained about it.

Hang you head in shame:D


Sep 11, 2011
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Two wrongs don't make a right. You were in a slower group, and you should have let them through. Issues with the booking system, and (possible) abuse of it should be taken up with the club mgt.

And what happened last week has nothing to do with today's incident - just poor use of it in an attempt to excuse your poor etiquette.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Two wrongs don't make a right. You were in a slower group, and you should have let them through. Issues with the booking system, and (possible) abuse of it should be taken up with the club mgt.

And what happened last week has nothing to do with today's incident - just poor use of it in an attempt to excuse your poor etiquette.

Ok well i respect all the opinions and replies and as i said i knew it wasnt good etiquette so ill hold MY hands up but it would be nice if other slow players (men or women) did the same.
Wouldnt it cause less 1 less problem if they did?


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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If Ladies are the last to cause that type of trouble at your course then you have no idea how frustrating it is to be caught behind them without being called through.

So because some slow ladies didn't let you through you now don't let any women play through?



Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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So because some slow ladies didn't let you through you now don't let any women play through?


Not when these particular ladies have been told already on a few occasions that they are not to book inside mens comps......Seems fair to me.....
I know im wrong for not calling them through but ....Should they have been on the course when they have been told by their own committee not to book the times.....

Seems to me that they are equally at fault.....


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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Not when these particular ladies have been told already on a few occasions that they are not to book inside mens comps......Seems fair to me.....
I know im wrong for not calling them through but ....Should they have been on the course when they have been told by their own committee not to book the times.....

Seems to me that they are equally at fault.....

Seems to me that your booking system is sh*t and an innocent mistake has been made.

I've been stuck behind very slow groups of men who clearly aren't ever going to let women play through and it pisses me off. Your attitude is appalling.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Seems to me that your booking system is sh*t and an innocent mistake has been made.

I've been stuck behind very slow groups of men who clearly aren't ever going to let women play through and it pisses me off. Your attitude is appalling.

You obviously are not reading posts to the full FD.....As i said iv also been behind groups of slow men and it bugs the crap out of me too....But i fail to see how you think that it was a mistake by these ladies to book when they did..Your seem to miss the point that they were told by their own Ladies committee NOT to book in mens competitions....
Mistake......More like ignorance in my opinion.

How hard is it to adhere to that request?


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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You obviously are not reading posts to the full FD.....As i said iv also been behind groups of slow men and it bugs the crap out of me too....But i fail to see how you think that it was a mistake by these ladies to book when they did..Your seem to miss the point that they were told by their own Ladies committee NOT to book in mens competitions....
Mistake......More like ignorance in my opinion.

How hard is it to adhere to that request?

I have assumed, possibly wrongly, that your booking system doesn't make it clear that there is a men's comp on. Hence an easy mistake to make. If they are repeatedly and deliberately booking within the men's block then I understand where you're coming from.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Putting aside the playing through part, I do know what he is getting at when he mentions Ladies comps and Ladies Day and how men cannot book tees.

Our Ladies have a comp day on Tuesdays and have full use of the course up mid afternoon. On Saturday Mens medals there are now a group of prime tee times held for Ladies to go out so they can use the course. Also on Friday Mornings the Ladies section have started going out in force at 10:00 am, you get between 30 and 40 Ladies all going out at the same time, not in a competition or roll up, they have started booking friendlies all at the same time. This creates a big log jam.

Now I am not an Anti Lady golfer type, my wife is a member of my club and I play in many of the mixed competitions and team events. It just seems that since the club has brought in an equality policy the course seems to be proportionately Lady biased. We have around 500 Male members and 80 Ladies, it often seems the other way round.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I have assumed, possibly wrongly, that your booking system doesn't make it clear that there is a men's comp on. Hence an easy mistake to make. If they are repeatedly and deliberately booking within the men's block then I understand where you're coming from.

No Pal.....Booking on the internet clearly states at the top of the page what comps are on....And also it gives the designated tee times for the ladies competition....All they have to do is ring to book their time....

This has been the 4th week in a row where they have booked in a mens block....And 2 weeks ago it was during a medal as well.....
So its been simmering for a while...
As i said im normally very laid back and let nothing bother me but if they have their own time slots then they should stick within those in my view.


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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Our Ladies have a comp day on Tuesdays and have full use of the course up mid afternoon.

Big wows! I really don't want to get into this again but, in general, women work as well in this century so a half day midweek block versus a weekend block is not equity. I actually can't believe the number of ridiculous posts on this forum that suggest men are getting a raw deal at golf clubs.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Now I am not an Anti Lady golfer type, my wife is a member of my club and I play in many of the mixed competitions and team events. It just seems that since the club has brought in an equality policy the course seems to be proportionately Lady biased. We have around 500 Male members and 80 Ladies, it often seems the other way round.

And nor me SR....Iv also played in mixed events and really enjoyed the banther with them....But rules are rules...To be fair if the shoe was on the other foot the ladies are usually the ones to give out first.
Im glad that you can see part of my reasoning behind my post....

As i said ill hold my hand up and admit i was wrong this morning and if im honest if they were men behind instead of ladies i would have called them through....But part of me was kind of trying to get my point and the points of other complaints throughout the last few weeks across to them seeing as they are ignorant to the fact that they have their own times on a sunday.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I was caught behind a ladies comp once (there were two of us) and they wouldn't let us through despite having lost 4 HOLES on the group in front of them.

Whilst I admire your resolve you were still in the wrong.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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If the tee is reserved for the mens comp but there are gaps in the booking sheet, why shouldn't the women use them? After all, I'll bet they have jobs too so can't play during the week.
If it was booked solid and it meant some men couldn't get a tee time for the comp then I'm afraid the ladies were in the wrong.
However, not calling them through because they are women of the same sex as some other women who held you up isn't on in my opinion.
As a solution, why not just have 'a medal' in which both men and women can play in.


Nov 16, 2011
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Big wows! I really don't want to get into this again but, in general, women work as well in this century so a half day midweek block versus a weekend block is not equity. I actually can't believe the number of ridiculous posts on this forum that suggest men are getting a raw deal at golf clubs.

But true equality is where no group/body is treated/deemed differently.

So no midweek block - for anyone; no weekend block - for anyone; Medals/comps merged; Same fees; etc.

Simples? :whistle: