Getting distance on bunker shots?


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Does anyone have any decent tips or videos for this?
Really struggle to get any reasonable distance from the sand, I always seem to flop them out which leaves the ball well short so it's something I need to work on but I'm not sure where to start. I usually tend to aim an inch or so behind the ball but that's about as far as my knowledge goes unfortunately.


Tour Winner
Mar 23, 2013
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Will watch this for replies as I was going to ask this today. HID reckons that I've no strength to do it:eek:


Club Champion
Jan 20, 2009
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Im no expert but I struggled with judgement when trying to vary the amount of sand to take. For me I get most consistent results from varying the club from 60º up to 9 iron and using full or 3/4 swings. If I then always take the same amount of sand (about two inch) this gives me 8 distances up to about 40 yards which is all I need at the moment.

For really accurate bunker play I guess its all about practice.

Fairway bunkers, more club and no sand before the ball.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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If greenside likely that you could be a good ways to steep into the sand, maybe mostly only using a arm swing.
All good bunker players have a shallow swing under the ball as a general rule for a normal kind of lie in the sand

Normal lie greenside bunker whatever distance (assuming a decent set-up) you really need a shallow swing, taking a money note size thin sand divot which the ball just comes out on. One of the few shots that allows some margin of error as you don't have to find solid contact on the back of the ball)

So set up pretty crucial, little wider stance as that encourages a shallow swing arc (narrow stance too much weight left will tend to favor a steep approach presenting the leading edge which then just digs in little forward momentum in swing, ball goes nowhere)

To start with, an easier set up, take the sand wedge open a little so you can easier use the 'bounce' to skid under the ball, the low point of the arc will be opposite the sternum, so ball a little forwards of that point. Address the point you want the club to enter sand not the ball, so clubs an 11/2" to 2" behind ball at address, you want the shaft 'vertical' not forward leaning ( a FL shaft will tend to present the leading edge so dig in too much) Feel the body turn very much turns around the fulcrum of the sternum, so more a centered turn, no sway right or left in the swing motion.

Have your slightly open club face aimed at the landing point, feet a little open to that line, will just help you rotate fully through the shot better. You want to feel the arms connected to the turn (it's the turn that's the engine for distance) the through swing has to be at least as long as the backswing to be able to generate the speed under the ball to provide the forward momentum on the ball.

Open the club face a little, then take your grip to that open face. Don't grip it square & just rotate your arms at address as they will just return square into the sand leading edge will dig in.

Think as a generalization a place to start, that the length of swing for a 15ft -20ft splash shot would be a similar swing length to a 40ft-50ft pitch shot from the turf.
Then it's just about practice to become familiar with the length of swings needed. Generally folks just don't practice them enough.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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How do you get height and distance? We have proper deep revetted bunkers. Some 6ft plus deep.

Employ the same technique, ball bit further forward in your stance, feet line open to target line, open the face of the sand wedge a little more. Then a connected swing body & arms hands to shoulder height on the back swing, swing under the ball same shallow divot of sand but make sure you really turn through & swing up to a finish with the hands at least as high as the shoulders on the through swing.

Make sure you bed your feet in a little, wider stance, make sure you retain the knee flex back a through so you stay level with a centered turn, no sways, no vertical height up & down, try to maintain a steady level head throughout.

Important it's a smooth swing from start to finish, body turn with connected arms, not just a 'hit' with the hands & arms.
Smooth constant speed through the shot. No quit & dig down into the sand.