Get Golfing CIO

The Fader

Sep 12, 2017
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The members have been told that our club is about to come under the stewardship of Get Golfing CIO.

Can anyone who is a member of one of the 10 clubs already in their portfolio (or has knowledge of them) give me a heads up as to what we might expect?

Are they delivering on their website ideals and ethos which makes all the right noises?

On the face of it, it looks like it is probably a positive for the club. My nagging doubt is that subscriptions will rise considerably and there will be a heavy push to fill the course with pay and play to
generate the revenue required for any investment in the course and facilities especially as Get Golfing will have the expense of an annual lease which gives them a considerable
extra expenditure over what the existing owners currently have. The current owners are maintaining the freehold whilst relinquishing control of just the golf operations.

I know the money for investment has to come from somewhere and I don't mind paying a bit extra for improved conditions but it would be interesting to know what happened elsewhere.



Head Pro
Aug 2, 2017
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they took over my old club, Hampton Court

they have invested a lot of money in it, redoing all the bunkers, improving the greens, renovating the clubhouse facilities.

The did put up membership fees significantly though, from £1,500 to £1,950 the also closed the physical pro shop and put everything online, so you can't see any merchandise before buying. I don't know if that's what Get Golfing like to do or was specific to HCGC.

It was previously run by Crown Golf, I would say the improvements are good, but not to the tune of the additional membership fees