Gainsboro PING fitting experience.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Well that came around quick. For those that have been following my soul searching about whether to go to Ping now or August. General opinion on here was to get booked in sooner rather than later.
Anyway I got there about 12.30 and booked in and was given a voucher for 25 balls to warm up on the range at the side of the European fitting centre. Hit the first five balls and I was proper Rammel. After the 25 balls had been hit I was hitting it better but not to brilliant.
Walked around to fitting bay and Paul introduced himself with the firmest handshake I have ever had hold of. He had a few questions and asked what I wanted out of the 90 minute fitting session.
1, fitting for some irons.
2, trying 5 and 6 irons same as my Titliest which I struggle to get any height or distance with.
3, trying the tour shaft in my G30 driver and measuring it against my standard reg shaft.
4, trying my Titliest 913 FD and f woods
5, trying my hybrid.

1, first up the irons, started with the G max, checked the shaft in my current irons, XP95 started with those. Height, the lot was measured. First interesting bit. When iron is flat to the floor as soon as you swing because of swing speed the toe dips so you don't get a correct contact. The balls were ad 333 and I was hitting it well. Really well. Turns out the range balls were of a lesser quality. A few differant shafts were changed, and an explanation on differant weights of shafts with differant levels of flexibility. Once the right shaft with the head was decided upon
( XP 95) re dispersion and distance. The shaft was tried with the G iron head. It was ok but not as good for me. Bottom line was that with the G max for me I was hitting it 15 yards furthher than my current irons. The ball flight was gorgeous and consistent. Even my bad shots were good bad uns which went as far as my Titliest.
2, Five and six iron, I hit the six and five irons and I have never ever hit irons as good as I have hit them. One thing paul showed me was to just put my left hand a bit further over ( two knuckles ) the ball,was going as straight as an arrow with distance. I really was hitting the ball well. The clubs really do give you the confidence to go after the ball.
3, I hit a few balls with my drivers stock shaft and the ball flight was a usual down the middle with a bit of fade. At this point Paul showed me a couple of things that proved invaluable. The ball was to far back in my stance with a square face. Which caused the fade or pull to the left. He put the ball level with my left ankle. And just told me to rest the club on the floor at the back of the ball which opened the face. Two knuckles over and he explained that because the ball is forward of centre when the club hits the ball the face has squared up. Er "right oh" he said just picture the shot. Well i did but it did not look that beautiful. bang straight down the middle. He also told me because I was straightening the face before he adjusted my swing that caused the very low ball flight. He then decreased the loft. I was gobsmacked. It went even better. I was in heaven. He said at that point we will try the tour shaft. The bottom line was with the tour shaft in it went 15 yd further than the stock shaft. The flight, distance dispersion was worth the admission price alone. Paul even picked up that the grip needs changing for a smaller grip so my hands can work. I was happier than a dog with two peckers.
4, Paul asked me if there was owt else he could do for me and I mentioned my two woods. Now there is something I have never ever understood til today. How can someone be straighter and safer off the tee with a three wood Than a driver. I hit a few with my 913 f and it was similar to my previous shots with the driver before Paul mentioned resting the club, two knuckles etc. Plus the ball again was too central. He said hit it like you hit the driver. Bang, flippin ECK were did that come from. I hit five on the spin as sweet as a nut. Put the ball on the tee and bang, bang, bang. Flippin Eck. Then I tried the FD. It was sublime, just sublime.
5, last up the hybrid. Paul said hit the hybrid like you have been hitting the irons, not the woods. Well I did and the distance was more or less the same as my five iron. A beautiful ball flight. This led to some discussion about whether I would have it in the bag alongside the five iron. General feeling is yes because it could work better in first cut etc.

it was the best £35 I have ever spent, the valuable input from Paul was unbelievable. If ever i go back for owt I will ask for him. It was a memorable fitting experience of which Pauls experience was well an experience. After leaving Gainsboro I drove straight down to Norwood and ordered my brand new set of shiny G max irons 5-PW.
PING thanks for a fantastic couple of hours. This year there's gonna be casualties coz Tashyboy is now a machine.
Glad you had so much fun, enjoy your new shinies😃
Does this mean my cobbled together set off ebay is the thing that is holding me back from world domination? I just need to wait for my kids to grow up, leave home and then I can make that glorious trip south to club fitting heaven with some money in my pocket.

Sounds a great experience.
Played today and proper bogged off. Hit the drives and woods well really really well, but my short game was shocking ( which normally I am happy with ) How can you have five putts lip out in a round.
Set off on fire.
But and it is a massive but, when you are used to your shots going left to right with a fade which is sometimes strong. Lining up with woods with the club face open and expecting it to go straight is a very very odd feeling.
Eg, last hole long par five. Hit a good drive ( not forum distance ) hit a three wood which went like an Exocet into the top of the trees LHS. But I lined up a normal shot which Normally would of faded left to right and not hit the trees.

Loved the experience of yesterday, really was a good day out.
Despite being a member I have never been to the fitting centre.
Sounds like a good day bud

The ping fitting was excellent but the ad 333 balls were fantastic to play with. But the driving range balls were iffy. Very iffy. Funny thing was that I kept pulling
Pro V 1 balls out of the practice bag which some other players use on the range. Wonder why they Use the ad 333 in the fitting centre.

Would be an excellent place to have a forum day. 👍😁
Sounds like you had a great day. Well worth the admission fee.

All them new toys. Id love to have a go, shame ive changed my whole bag this year. Ive not got a 3/4 wood or hybrids though...
Measured on weds and clubs are here today. Woohoo.

Cannot pick them up til Thursday coz am in Italy til weds. boohoo.