found club


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 15, 2008
Visit site
hello all
the other day i was walking down the 15th and i was glancing along the hedges for golf balls. :) :D
when a club head caught my eye. it was a callway 3hybrid heavenwood. Do you think it would be worth putting a shaft on it and either using it or selling it? :D
age 13
handicap 19- was 24 last month won medal with a nett 63 :D
You really should have handed it in at the proshop, as someone will have lost it, you can always request that if it isn't claimed, could you claim it after a reasonable time. Feary, if you lost a club on a course I'm sure you'd want to be able to get it back. I supose if it was deep into the hedge, then maybe it had been thrown away, its not unknown for peopleto throw away clubs, but I really think honesty should have ruled the day on this one.
Cernunnos, he found a club head not a club.
This could have been thrown away, lost and not found or abandoned.
Ask at the pro shop, if no-one has reported it tell them you'll hang onto it for month and if no-one claims in that time, good luck.
Cernunnos, he found a club head not a club.
This could have been thrown away, lost and not found or abandoned.
Ask at the pro shop, if no-one has reported it tell them you'll hang onto it for month and if no-one claims in that time, good luck.

But was it just the head, (it maybe as you say but) this is not clear, as he spotted the head of a club in the headge, its a common function in the english language to say what first attracted your attention to something, in this case a club, or I suppose the club head itself, as yes it might be, but still not clear. He might have simply wanted to put a different shaft in it, either way, it should have been handed in or reported as found. And if it is simply the head of a club he has, then its certainly too early to put a fresh shaft in, as if someone does claim it, then the O.P. will have repaired something for no gain, aqs the true owner has no cause to pay for the repair.
thanks guys will check in pro shop and yes i am a member at the club
if not its all mine !! :) :D