Football logo polo shirts

  • Thread starter Deleted member 18121
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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2012
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If football club crests arnt allowed, what do they do with people with visible club tattoos?

I’ve one on my leg, wear shorts the majority of the time and it’s never been a problem.

Nor has it caused a fight in the bar afterwards 😆

Probably just call you a tramp behind your back 🤣


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I'm going to go against the grain here
If, I repeat if your club doesn't permit football tops, it doesn't matter if its an official strip, polo, singlet, muscle or any other variation. This top would /should be banned

It's a top/shirt with a club logo on it, whether it's Liverpool or Leighton orient

The obvious reason some clubs ban football tops is that it can antagonise others (with low brain cell count) and might lead to ill feeling or worse between numpties of similar mentally
Lots of football fans play golf
That bloke who might have been good company might give another player a slap just because of the team he supports. That is the unfortunate behaviour by a minority and clubs will guard against the possibility by banning football tops

That's any top with football team on it
Anyone who would slap someone because of their football team could never be 'good company'. :LOL:


Assistant Pro
May 18, 2009
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The thought that wearing a shirt would cause a fight in a golf club is either from people at particularly dangerous clubs or people with no idea who believe everything they read in the papers. Normal people are able to play with anyone, of different beliefs on a number of topics and have a discussion about them without resorting to violence.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I believe the idea of not allowing footy tops, be it polo shirts bearing the badge of a club is that it looks a bit naff at a golf club and also it could lead to the next guy trying to wear an actual football Jersey.

Deleted member 18121

Going back to the original picture would Opinión differ if it was EITHER the Madrid logo OR LFC logo?

Not for me, considering some of the outfits I see at golf clubs the style of the one I posted is nowhere near as garish or in your face.

As for it being a bit naff... Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I disagree.

Deleted member 16999

I believe the idea of not allowing footy tops, be it polo shirts bearing the badge of a club is that it looks a bit naff at a golf club and also it could lead to the next guy trying to wear an actual football Jersey.
I’d guess the opposite mate, the rule for most golf clubs would of been brought in a while back and as fashion as evolved I wouldn’t class a polo with a football badge on as a football shirt, the tops I believe clubs mean are replica shirts.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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Dubious, but as it's not technically a football top it probably would be allowed. However, would I want to wear it to Elsewhere, most definately, but not to golf.


Tour Rookie
Nov 15, 2009
Dunfermline Scotland
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I wore a Arsenal on a few years ago when we was Nike. pro said he had no problem with it as it was in Scotland but if it was either Celtic or rangers one he would have to say no as there would always be someone who would object

Deleted member 21258

Would imagine such a shirt could run into problems if you went to play somewhere like RSG, Muirfield or Thorndon Park ?

Had a guest of mine told to change his socks at TP and iirc that had a football logo on it.

Don't think I would ever risk it, unless I had another shirt in the car :D

At my home club, sure they wouldn't have any problems with it.


Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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The shirt in the OP would be fine at our place - it fits the dress code nicely. I may be out of date, but it's not a "football shirt" anyway is it - just a nice tailored polo shirt, which happens to have logo (albeit football related) on it. You might get chucked off Wimbledon Common though - wrong shade of red for their compulsory "must wear red shirt" policy.

As to football logos causing a ruckus in the club bar, c'mon, let's get real. It doesn't happen. Our place is a London club so, as you'd imagine, we get loads of ManU/ManC rivalry with nae trouble :). Obviously we get plenty of Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham rivalry, also without bother. Because of our location, we even have quite a few Millwall fans, and I still have never seen a fight!