Flag chuckers.... maybe you have a bad back

If I take the flag out I usually drop it on to my foot and just let it roll off at the flag end with the other end already on the fringe.
Using your putter especially the ones with painted finishes can cause damage.
Most damage to the hole is caused by putting the flag back with one hand ,if you watch caddies on tour nearly all the time they use two hands with care especially in the wind.
The term “Spear Chucker” has racist connotations however innocently used, therefore I have binned a couple of posts and edited the title accordingly.

Let’s be aware of what we post guys ?
The term “Spear Chucker” has racist connotations however innocently used, therefore I have binned a couple of posts and edited the title accordingly.

Let’s be aware of what we post guys ?

That‘s a new one on me, apologies. If edited to “javelin,” the original intended imagery from the text is retained.
Always lower it down on my putter. Never thrown or dropped one.

If someone throws one and then can’t find it, do they then throw a provisional? Just asking for a friend…
Always lower it down on my putter. Never thrown or dropped one.

If someone throws one and then can’t find it, do they then throw a provisional? Just asking for a friend…
No, they just have to NR.......?
I'm finding that most who I play with now simply leave the flag in - even for the shortest putts. When a player prefers the flag out - and it's not a match - we pick that up and take it on board from the first green and tend to have 'flag-inners' putt out first, then one will remove and hold the flag for 'flag-outers'. It's actually quite rare that a flag hits the deck.
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Isnt it bad etiquette to lay the flag on the green? Or maybe bad luck? We always play a version of pass the parcel if the flags out... have done since I started?
Isnt it bad etiquette to lay the flag on the green? Or maybe bad luck? We always play a version of pass the parcel if the flags out... have done since I started?

Here in Spain the flag on the 18th at all the courses I’ve played at is the Spanish flag. The etiquette is not to lay it down but to pass it around.
Not that it gets removed often these days, but normally I just go over to my bag, if it's next to the green, and rest the pin on that.
Here in Spain the flag on the 18th at all the courses I’ve played at is the Spanish flag. The etiquette is not to lay it down but to pass it around.

Similar but different
We also have the national flag on 18 but it often changes to other nations flags depending on the occasion (if a comp/group is players from SA then that flag will be in) They had the Scottish flag in when I played on my birthday. It’s a nice touch

on topic;
Haven’t really touched a flagstick in quite some time and not really seen any flag chuckers (closest I've seen would be holding by the flag and lowering it down for a 1ft drop)
Haven’t really touched a flagstick in quite some time and not really seen any flag chuckers (closest I've seen would be holding by the flag and lowering it down for a 1ft drop)
Tbh most of the time this is me. The rest of the time I'm a putter-lowerer.

I have to admit that I have dropped a couple when I've fumbled them. And I have been suitably mortified by it. I've never seen a chucker in real life, and never understood the chuckers on Youtube.
It's so rare that I ever see someone remove the flag that I file it under slow play nowadays. :LOL:
Sometimes it's quicker to take the flag out than watch people trying to retrieve their ball with the flag still in.