Fitted wedges yes or no?

The most critical part of Wedge choice is what Bounce you prefer/.use ? Many golfers dont even know what it is ? ie, are you a Slider or a Digger ?

I use a Vokey 54* with 8* Bounce, and it works a dream for me around the Greens, but then it might not suit you at all .
My 60* Lob W has only 4* Bounce, which I love out of bunkers, despite the 'norm' dictating that you need LOTS of Bounce in Sand. With little Bounce, I can also play it off tight fringes too, but others may not !

Everyone is different, so IF a fitting can help, go for it, but only for Bounce reasons and not Shaft etc etc.
I enjoyed my wedge fitting and I would say, definitely, 'yes'.
The pro started with the wedge in my normal iron set, reviewed this and checked it for loft, then confirmed how far I hit it with a three quarter swing. Then we looked at how many additional wedges I could use to complete the bag.
So he considered lofts on the new wedges, and the gaps between them. Next, he saw me hit a few and assessed if i was a digger or scooper, so to decide what bounce to incorporate. Vokey also have a grind profile so i was able to try various types of these.
Finally, had a chat about which grips I wanted. He was also able to offer a good price with discount if you bought 2 or 3.
Yes definitely- a big part is looking at your angle of attach then getting the correct bounce based on that.
Wedges are probably going to be my first fitted clubs. I currently have a 52, 56 and a 60 and these were inherited. Not sure I need all three, so would be good to get a fitting/gapping session to see what I actually need. Likely to be much later in the year in time for next season.
I play of 21 I have everything fitted apart from my wedges and putter. Would the make a massive difference if I got them fitted
Think one issue is how you play your chip shots. If you play everything square then standard lie / bounce is probably fine. However, if you like opening the face or punching stuff off the back foot then some fitting help might be worthwhile.

Normally wedge shafts are pretty standard and if your irons are set to a specific lie you can probably go for the same. Similar with grips.