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    • CParsons
      CParsons replied to the thread Chrome issue.
      If you've updated your Chrome / EDGE browser and STILL having this issue, let me know.
    • CParsons
      CParsons reacted to Mel Smooth's post in the thread Chrome issue with Like Like.
      Cheers. It updated as I was checking the version. Looks like it's fixed it. (y)
    • CParsons
      CParsons reacted to Voyager EMH's post in the thread Chrome issue with Like Like.
      This morning, I can not find a thread that is not functioning properly for me. :):):):):):):) Don't know why, though.
    • CParsons
      CParsons replied to the thread Chrome issue.
      Thanks for those details. I know it's annoying and frustrating but we're trying to sort it out through a multitude of variables. Nothing...
    • CParsons
      CParsons replied to the thread Chrome issue.
      Update your Chrome. It's incredibly out of date and the fixes for this specific issue are in newer releases. If you're still having...
    • CParsons
      CParsons replied to the thread Chrome issue.
      But it's a minor update that fixes a very specific issue.
    • CParsons
      CParsons replied to the thread Chrome issue.
      The version numbers are important here. Are you on the latest version or are you like my significant other and never update for months? lol
    • CParsons
      CParsons replied to the thread Chrome issue.
      Yeah, but it's not happening on Firefox or Safari, which are not Chromium based. With the issue that took place with Chromium around the...
    • CParsons
      CParsons replied to the thread Chrome issue.
      Yes. Care to offer some help and tell me: What OS you are on? What Browser and Browser version you are using.
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