First round


Assistant Pro
Oct 2, 2007
Ashford Middlesex
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Had my first ever 18 hole's today and shot a 94..out in 51 back in 43...played a few 9 holes before, but very pleased with my first full round.. hope to break 90 next time :cool:
This really is a brilliant first round. You'll soon notice however that golf is the most frustrating game. I hate to put a downer on things but don't expect to break 90 too soon, just enjoy the good shots and don't worry too much about the rubbish ones. If you do this you'll soon be addicted!
Find fairways and disregard distance is the best advice I can offer I just wish someone had said that to me when I was learning instead of "Jesus Brendy youre hitting that ball a country mile, do it again!" or "If I had your long game, id be playing of blah blah" Its like most things in life, you never appreciate them until its too late.
Great start,Steve!
But - DON'T beat yourself up if the next one isn't so good. Take it easy - it will happen again, and get better!

Brilliant start.

Take it easy and just enjoy being out in the fresh air with good company and, no matter how good or bad the round has been, if you can manage a good drive on the 18th you will want to come back the next week.

I'm very happy to break 90 in the monthly medal and have on many occasions not broken 100 but still come back for more. A 5 off the tee on the 1st is never a good start!

I'd be ecstatic if I shot 94 now, never mind on my first round!
Congrats mate, it's quite an achievement. As said previously though, don't be despondent if your next round goes a bit pear shaped. I should know!
Through the summer I was shooting rounds of 101 to 109 which I was on the whole pleased with. Now........ I'd be looking at rounding at 109 to 118, with much frustration, and that's on a par 70 course. I'm hoping to address this over the winter with some range practise for my driver, wood and iron play.
I was realy pleased with my first score..I have bought a wilson staff Dd+6 driver which has realy helped..i seem to get good distance and be fairly straight..but my short game needs lots of work..any tips would greatly appriciated..
Well done, Its a thing you'l remember for a long time. I still remember my first full round on Silverknowes in Edinburgh. I was 11 years old at the time and shot 129 and that included a drive, three five woods and a taxi on the 18th (600 yds) The five wood was one of the old Trevino Greentree model that we all seemed to have or want at that time.

Those were the days.
well done pal my 1st ever round about ten years ago i shot 101 and soon got down to shooting 80,s within a year now scoring low seventys and when im hot under par just keep it going and remember you wont lower your scores overnight but if your driving well and striking the ball well practice your short game lots!nothing cuts your score better than the ability to scramble par from anywhere ian mc.