Fed up with the weather!


Medal Winner
Apr 8, 2011
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Had planned to go out today, but cancelled at last minute due to persistant rain. Boooooo!!!! Been out once since start of November as weather's been nothing short of shocking for months. Just wanted a good moan :angry:
I hear your moan. Its the same here in Edinburgh. Was lucky to get out for 9 holes on Saturday. Got to the 2nd Hole and the Heavens opened. But soldiered on and completed the 9. However the Greens were like pools.
And there doesn't seem to be a particular end in sight either....forecast with us for for more wet weather across the next few weeks!

On Saturday morning we walked in after 9 holes. The rain was torrential and once the wind picked up things got deeply unpleasant so we went in for breakfast and to see if things improved. They didn't so my Saturday chores started much earlier than I had planned/hoped :(
Spoke to the steward at my old place last week - find out where we're playing in Spain in October (couldn't seem further away) - said they'd been closed for 8 weeks as it's their only source of income they'd basically had no money in for 8 weeks of course he did tell me he'd just bought a new set of irons and a driver so that made me feel less sorry for the git!
Not that bad in the NW today not that cold and only a slight drizzle. Feel for you NE chaps on here the forecast looked really nasty for the coming week. Cant see the Easter hols being much fun at this rate. Still at least it gives me chance to get some college work done!!
Smashing day here today, bit cloudy but dry - trouble is all the courses are under a foot of water from Friday, Saturday and Sunday......
Got half a chance of being open Wednesday if it stays dry - I'm not holding my breath!
Smashing day here today, bit cloudy but dry - trouble is all the courses are under a foot of water from Friday, Saturday and Sunday......
Got half a chance of being open Wednesday if it stays dry - I'm not holding my breath!

Been told they expect to open ours tomorrow if no more rain tonight, would rather they leave it another day personally, hopefully will get a hit Wednesday weather permitting
Well, there goes another week's golf - another hour's worth of heavy rain to top up the new lakes we have on the course.
More rain forecast - if they do open it'll be so boggy that it won't be worth it....
Got a nice new waterproof bag for Xmas - I've barely tried it in the rain as any rain closes the course....
Been told they expect to open ours tomorrow if no more rain tonight, would rather they leave it another day personally, hopefully will get a hit Wednesday weather permitting

It was closed today Steve?! As per what Neil was saying at the bar.... Was it open Sunday?

I would rather they left it closed till Saturday now!!! ;)
Was in comps both days at the weekend so had to endure it. The course was begging for mercy from the rain, especially Sunday with only the front 9 open.

I actually don't mind playing in the rain. Provided it's not too cold/windy I find it quite therapeutic!
What I hate is drying everything out (and emptying the bag) when I get home, especially if I'm playing the next day, so this week I shall be getting an H2NO bag and wave 2 fingers at the rain!!

Finished 1 up in a bogey Saturday (rain all the way round) which was good for 20th place (!), and won our winter pairs s/f 5&4 Sunday (rain only interrupted by snow), mostly due to my pardner.
good call Gary, I have got the stewart bag which looks very similar to the SM one. my clubs and gear were bone dry after yesterday round.

59 quid off you know where... no more left though :ears:
Im getting my gear ready for tomorrow for my 3rd game in 4 days would have been 4 in a row but I like having my family jewels :p

Been great over here for last few days and the course is in great condition

What is this rain thing that you speak of?

P.S. I know that come summer when all you englanders are playing on bone dry fairways we will get our rain but im gonna enjoy it while I can :D
My place only opened on Thursday due to snow last week ,was away watching Man Utd Saturday so played Sunday course and greens in good knick considering the weather and guess what its snowing again and its forecast for the next 2 days.
Been told they expect to open ours tomorrow if no more rain tonight, would rather they leave it another day personally, hopefully will get a hit Wednesday weather permitting

Been lashing down here all day. We have our club 4BBB scheduled for Sunday which was re-arranged from Feb as the back 9 was closed, and it's still closed with little hope of it being open at the weekend. Easter weekend sees the HAIG Cup which is a two day board comp and if I'm totally honest, I don't see that going ahead either unless we don't get any rain between now and then which looking at the forecast is unlikely.

So far this year we should have had 7 qualifiers and 2 pairs board comps. We've played 2 qualifiers and 1 pairs comp.
It was closed today Steve?! As per what Neil was saying at the bar.... Was it open Sunday?

I would rather they left it closed till Saturday now!!! ;)

As expected they opened Sunday carry only then closed it this am. I expect it reopens on Wed looking at the fcast, worst case Ill go up and practise Weds, hopefully weather holds for Brocket on Friday, at least that will be far drier :)