fade or draw with driver?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I'm not saying it's impossible, just difficult.

I have to echo what Bob and a few others have said.....It is bloody difficult......The thing is you might get away with it a few times and you see a nice high right to left shot but think of it this way....The last thing you want is to be missing your targets on both sides.....

Think of it....You naturally slice so the logical thing to do is to minimize this.... A controllable fade.......
How confident would you be standing over a ball after playing a left to right flight for so long and then having to aim over all the trouble that you had been staying away from?

It tough mentally and physically....As Alex has said we asked Bob for the same advice nearly at the same time.....I spent the hole of last year and a good portion of this year hitting balls left and right of my targets.....
Now the thing is in the time i spent trying to draw the ball it tightened up my swing no end......My go to shot now is Push Fade NOT a Pull Fade......

I can now draw and fade my irons and my woods except my driver.....We're having what you might call a lovers tiff at the moment but iv posted tonight in the Lounge again about it.....

There is a hell of a lot of fiddling with ball positions and stance to get a really reliable draw or fade for that matter but after all i have said i still go back to a Push fade when i really have to.....

Of the 18 holes on our course 13 of them set up for a fade off the tee.....If you naturally draw the ball you'll have an interesting round!
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Head Pro
Jun 8, 2011
Holywood, N. Ireland
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Not sure if you've misunderstood but I'm not trying to change my natural shot I'm trying to learn how to play both shots so I can utilise either if the shot dictates it and also to learn more about my swing and golf technique in general.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Not sure if you've misunderstood but I'm not trying to change my natural shot I'm trying to learn how to play both shots so I can utilise either if the shot dictates it and also to learn more about my swing and golf technique in general.

No misunderstanding......But at the moment can you say with 100% positivety that you could rely on your skill to hit both of those shots when you have to.....Everything in your post points to you wanting to hit both shots......As was said its no walk in the park....

Nothing wrong with that.....But you need to learn to control those shots.......Its fine hitting them but can you do them under pressure....
I think thats what most are trying to tell you is to have a go to shot under pressure....
I can draw and fade my irons as well but the driver is an altogether different animal.....
Most amateurs slice the ball when they first start playing.....Its easier to control a slice than to teach yourself to draw a ball.

Shaft is longer, face is bigger, your swing in turn will be longer and you have to time everything perfect to square the club face......
A few degrees either side of perfect and its "Goodnight Irene"


Head Pro
Jun 8, 2011
Holywood, N. Ireland
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No misunderstanding......But at the moment can you say with 100% positivety that you could rely on your skill to hit both of those shots when you have to.

You clearly have misunderstood. I am asking for technique tips on how to draw the driver so obviously I'm not confident in hitting both shapes. I'm fairly confident doing it with my irons but not my driver. Furthermore, you seem to assume I want to change my stock/go to shot-I'm not. I'll say it again I'm trying to learn how to draw the driver to:

1. Be able to hit a draw when the hole demands it
2. To educate myself to perhaps reduce my bad shot with the driver
3. To enjoy the game more

It has been suggested that I should learn to control my fade-apart from trying to use more traits that lead to a draw how would you suggest I learn how to control my fade?

Finally sorry if this post seems abrupt but I asked a fairly simple question to begin with i.e. setup tips to hit a draw with the driver, and we're now on the 5th page of the thread and I've had about 2 responses that actually attempted to answer this. Others have either went off on a complete tangent, assumed I was trying to do something I'm not or simply ignored the question altogether. To say I'm getting frustrated is an understatement.


Tour Winner
Oct 26, 2009
Midlands/North West
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You clearly have misunderstood. I am asking for technique tips on how to draw the driver so obviously I'm not confident in hitting both shapes. I'm fairly confident doing it with my irons but not my driver. Furthermore, you seem to assume I want to change my stock/go to shot-I'm not. I'll say it again I'm trying to learn how to draw the driver to:

1. Be able to hit a draw when the hole demands it
2. To educate myself to perhaps reduce my bad shot with the driver
3. To enjoy the game more

It has been suggested that I should learn to control my fade-apart from trying to use more traits that lead to a draw how would you suggest I learn how to control my fade?

Finally sorry if this post seems abrupt but I asked a fairly simple question to begin with i.e. setup tips to hit a draw with the driver, and we're now on the 5th page of the thread and I've had about 2 responses that actually attempted to answer this. Others have either went off on a complete tangent, assumed I was trying to do something I'm not or simply ignored the question altogether. To say I'm getting frustrated is an understatement.

Try this it should help you:



Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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Okay...................I'm sticking my head over the parapet here, but what the hell!
To hit a draw with the driver, and somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but do this :

1. Set up square to target.
2. Ball in line with left heel (approx).
3. Open the clubface fractionally.
4. Hit the ball with an in to out swing path.
5. Watch the ball start slightly right of target line but draw back to centre fairway whilst soaking up the oooohhh's and aaahhh's of your playing partners.
Good luck with this, I believe this is what you're looking for,



Head Pro
Jun 8, 2011
Holywood, N. Ireland
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Okay...................I'm sticking my head over the parapet here, but what the hell!
To hit a draw with the driver, and somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but do this :

1. Set up square to target.
2. Ball in line with left heel (approx).
3. Open the clubface fractionally.
4. Hit the ball with an in to out swing path.
5. Watch the ball start slightly right of target line but draw back to centre fairway whilst soaking up the oooohhh's and aaahhh's of your playing partners.
Good luck with this, I believe this is what you're looking for,


That's exactly what I was looking for. I've now a few different techniques to go and try out. Thanks very much.

All it took was a bit of a rant to get some good answers :)


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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That's exactly what I was looking for. I've now a few different techniques to go and try out. Thanks very much.

All it took was a bit of a rant to get some good answers :)

Glad to help fella.
I've had so much good advice from this forum I thought it only right to pass some on.
I hope it works for you, keep us informed,



Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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If you're off 19 and your target is 12 this year, are you hoping that by learning to hit the draw when you need it, you will achieve your target?

The reason I didn't answer your question was because what you are trying to do is very dificult and may ruin the swing you have at the moment.

From your present swing and set up, you will need to change
  • your aim
  • possibly your grip
  • possibly your ball position
  • your swing plane
  • your angle of attack
  • your club face at impact
  • tee height
  • and last but not least, your swing path
Is it worth it to change all that to play one shot you might need once in a blue moon, and mess up your natural swing ?

You say above that the Shawn Clement video had everything you were looking for.... did he explain how to swing in to out?
If you have a natural fade, which is sometimes a slice, aiming right with a slightly open club face will not draw the ball, it will just give you massive slice unless you change your swing path to in to out and you have already read from others how hard that is to do.

I will end by wishing you good luck with your plan
As long as you understand it will be a long and difficult road with much heartache along the way (ask Aztec) and if you can, please seek professional help as you go to check you are on the right road.

To help with the change in swing path try the head cover drill below.

[video=youtube;KsrovFJ3o9I]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsrovFJ3o9I&list=UUFeb2vdftHQESr49G8ZorhQ& index=61&feature=plcp[/video]

Good luck


Medal Winner
Oct 23, 2010
The head cover drill works a treat. Pro at john reay in coventry helped me get on plane with similar approach and I don't think I'd ever hit a draw in my life previously.

Word of warning, if you've not got towel or think to use head cover and throw down car keys and wallet instead, prepare for the consequences. VW key fobs fly about 40yds off the toe of a 5 iron!!


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Word of warning, if you've not got towel or think to use head cover and throw down car keys and wallet instead, prepare for the consequences.

The trouble with using something that small is the club could still come to the ball out to in but go over the keys.
Get yourself a big yellow car sponge, cut it in half and use them as per the video.


Sep 11, 2011
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My 'natural' shot is a bit of a fade. Which I can control to give a little more fade if needed. I can hit a draw, with reasonable control, on about 2 out of 10 attempts. That means 8 out of 10 occasions I'm still looking to get up and down from off the green. Hollywood shots and miraculous escapes rarely achieve the desired result. You can learn the draw and the fade on the range/practie ground but when you add in specific yardages out on the course...

By all means give it a go but bearing in mind it is your short game that is called on far more often, it is your short game that needs the vast majority of your available practice time. Develop a repeatable, stock, shot and then perfect your chipping and putting.