F.A.O Xbox 360 or Tiger Woods players

Agreed, I am on my 4th 360. First died in 2 weeks, second lasted just over a year but I managed to 'persuade' Game to replace it for free, that one got the red ring of death after a few months and Microsoft replaced it. Heres hoping number 4 lasts longer.
I had the ring of death and microsoft sorted it, even after warrenty ran out, but not happy just had to spend 30 quid on my second copy of tiger woods 08!
the build quality of the xbox is crap, but the discs only break if the console is moved when the disc is in the disc tray. Well thats what Microsoft say. Anyway speak to their customer service team, they are very helpfull and the service really is excellent. Twice I've got the ring of death, and I got a new console within 2 weeks both times plus an extended waranty on the one I have now. Oh, and a 1 month xbox live gold subscription voucher. So I'm sure they will be willing to provide some sort of compensation.
I agree that they do get it sorted and to date have compensated with 3 free games, a free wireless controller, a year on Live and an Xbox Camera so generally happy. Besides, 360 is better than any other console at the moment.
With my experience of Xbox there customer service team could barely speak a word of english and didnt understand that i needed it fixed.. And they sent me 3 broken xboxes back which werent mine because i checked the serial number on it!
Personally i think they were useless. All i can say is that im ever so glad that you guys had better experience than me.
I can't believe it MVP. Your the first person I've known to be dissapointed with the service, justifiably though by the sounds of it. Maybe you deal with a different section of the microsoft customer support depending on where you live in the country?