

Journeyman Pro
Jul 15, 2008
Burton. Staffs (Near WulfricPoint)
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the government take the absolute you know what out of us and its our job we as a public/nation/humanity have got to do something about it or they will continue to manipulate us and take the .... for generations to come.

Maybe, but the British Public in this day & age will not stand & be counted in the only way that could matter. These MP's know this only too well I'm afraid. They will continue to get away with blue murder for as long as we let them.


Tour Winner
Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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Someone put expenses in for cleaning his bloody MOAT! WTF?
C'mon they are really taking the wazz.

Dewsbury has been crawling with the press today as Mr Malik, the "justice" minister (choke, cough), great job BTW has quoted that EVERYTHING he has claimed for was for his second home and is IN his second home, £700 massage chair, £2.5k home cinema system etc... get the picture.
Quote "I am as straight as they come, honest, not in it for the money, I love my job and constituents and i'm not paying it back" £66k.....

He resigned his cabinet post just hours after making this statement.

Rumour has it that he has some dodgy dealings with a local, "shady" businessman regarding renting properties and they say he doesn't live in his "first" home anyway. ???


Tour Winner
Dec 16, 2007
East Lothian Scotland
How good is it to see these people squirm. We’ve got a general election coming up and they know times running out for their smug little world. They kid us on they care about us and all they care about is deceiving us into thinking they care.

How an top MP can admit to, and pay back, thousands of pounds in unpaid capital gains tax and not be prosecuted is beyond me. This woman has a smirk in her face, that tells me anyway, that this is all small fry compared to the money they been creaming off the system.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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the same can be said for teachers, in the past 20 years its become an easy option after a degree, a job with excess holidays, steady pay and no real desire for the job which shows in class room discipline except the perks with obvious exceptions.

class room discipline, or the lack of it, is not entirely the teachers fault. they've been operating with one hand tied behind their backs ever since corporal punishment was removed as an option <u> without putting an alternative in place</u>. hence the huge number of exclusions, most of which will be overturned if challenged.

the one you missed is their incessant yammering to get SATs stopped, truth is they want all exams stopped. Why? because exam results tell you two things if you read them properly,

1. has the pupil learnt anything - if all his class/year mates are passing and he's not look at the pupil.

2. has the teacher taught anything - if all the class/year results are poor, look at the teacher.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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Time for QE2 to dissolve parliament- I'd suggest an acid bath, plink,plink fizz :mad:



Tour Winner
Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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Someone put expenses in for cleaning his bloody MOAT! WTF?
C'mon they are really taking the wazz.

Dewsbury has been crawling with the press today as Mr Malik, the "justice" minister (choke, cough), great job BTW has quoted that EVERYTHING he has claimed for was for his second home and is IN his second home, £700 massage chair, £2.5k home cinema system etc... get the picture.
Quote "I am as straight as they come, honest, not in it for the money, I love my job and constituents and i'm not paying it back" £66k.....

He resigned his cabinet post just hours after making this statement.

Rumour has it that he has some dodgy dealings with a local, "shady" businessman regarding renting properties and they say he doesn't live in his "first" home anyway. ???

Obviously not rumour anymore as it is slapped all over the Sunday newspapers.

The man is a crook! I really shouldn't get into all this as I may find myself in the crap.

Not just his property portfolio that is in question.