Excellent Customer Service: Brand Fusion(Sun Mountain) & discountgolfstore.co.uk


Tour Rookie
Jan 29, 2013
North Berwick
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Excellent Customer Service: Brand Fusion(Sun Mountain) & discountgolfstore.co.uk

Had a bit of a catastrophic failure of my two year old Sun Mountain cart last week when the frame snapped in two places. Not sure how this could have happened unless there was some underlying weakness in the tubing.

Anyhow sent some pictures off to the UK distributer for Sun Mountain, Brand Fusion. Within an hour or so I got an email saying 'sorry you've had an issue - send us proof of purchase and we'll replace'.

Searched high and low for the receipt to no avail so emailed discountgolfstore.com who I bought it from and hey presto again within an hour they had emailed me a scanned in copy of the till receipt for the transaction.

I forwarded that on to Brand Fusion, who immediately dispatched the new trolley by overnight courier which arrived today.

I first emailed them on the 3rd March and in less that a week with no hassles the issue is resolved.

So big thumbs up to both these companies.