Everybody has to start somewhere....


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Mar 11, 2019
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How did you take up golf, how did you learn and when did you get to the stage where you thought...yeah, I can do this!

One of the best parts of this forum is reading people’s stories.

So as a newbie, I would love to hear your starter stories!

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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An uncle (in Edinburgh) offered to introduce me to the game and invited me up for a crash week, gave me a few clubs and many rounds later I was hooked (well the first round had me really)


Club Champion
Oct 1, 2017
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I'd always wanted to play but never really got round to it because of my football commitments. Took a head injury in a match and never went back to it. Funnily enough, I picked up a copy of Golf Monthly at the airport on the way to a week away with the Mrs. I read it cover to cover twice and as soon as I landed had booked myself some lessons. Borrowed some clubs to get me started and have never looked back!! I'm now a bit obsessed with the game 😂

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Played club hockey for many years. A combination of a bad knee and a young family meant the time was right to pack that in but I wanted to do some form of sport / social activity still. My in laws all played golf so I thought I'd give it a go.................


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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I had some lessons when I was young (think 11-12) with a local pro at my dads course .. think dad wanted me to get into it. Played until I was 16 (poorly) then broke my Arm. After I came back I was driving now so me and a mate set off for a course , I hit one shot shooting pains through my previously pinned elbow and didn’t play again until I was 25.

Played at 25 through work got slowly back into it.. play once a week now however my dad seems to have retired from golf due to bad knees (he says his dr says golfs too high impact, sounds like he just given up on it) anyways now my uncle and grandad both given up (my uncle because my dad can’t play nor can my grandad because he is so frail so he lost all confidence on the course) sad really did enjoy our 4 balls and I even used to be a member at grandads club so used to play with him and my uncle for 2 years.

Safe to say I have the bug just no-one in the family does anymore


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Mar 11, 2019
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My story is at the very beginning. My father and brother in law plays. Asked if I wanted to play a weekend in Cornwall. Got some lessons, I have only had two so far. First was on the basics-grip, posture etc, second was on putting.
Sometimes a bit frustrating that I can’t do some things.
Next lesson is next week which is working on my swing and then a 4th which is chipping.
I get to the driving range about once a week for the past 4 weeks and have started practicing in my garden.

Looking forward to the time it all clicks in to place.


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Oct 4, 2018
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Kind of didn't have a choice. My dad was a member of a club and would play every week. In the summer months he would drop my mum at work around 4pm then drag me along to walk 9 holes with him as a 6 year old I was more interested in the chocolate bar I got at the end of the week if I behaved at the golf club.

As I got older (around 11yrs old) mum started working Sundays as well so he would drop her to work and I would then get pocket money if I pulled his trolley around for him in his medals etc, I had no idea what a Caddy was I just thought a couple of quid and a coke was a decent trade off for doing something quite easy. Then after rounds he would take me chipping and putting until it was time to pick mum up. Eventually that led to him teaching me how to hold and swing the club and at 13 my parents treated me to a junior membership and I was well away, instead of caddying I'd earn my pocket money on a Sunday for practising whilst dad played, then I'd be out with the juniors.

Just wish I hadn't stopped playing at 19years old but life got in the way, but now am back playing and loving it


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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When I was like 13 or 14 my dad had just started playing. He got me and my mum some beginner group lessons for the basics and we were off. Used to play nine holes with them most weekends. As I got older we played a bit less, I think my mum wasn't really into it anymore because she never improved much. Once I moved out (around 22) I barely played anymore, probably like once or twice a year. When I was 28 ish I got back into, as I started thinking about the time when I won't be playing football anymore, but I want a sport I can keep playing for many years to come, so I got a mate into it and got back into playing once a week. Found two other mates used to play and got them back into it, so we have a regular fourball and we're all members at the same club. Am now 32 and still play at least once a week and enjoying it.


Aug 15, 2018
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Play ice hockey and realised I'm not going to be able to do that forever. I've tried plenty of sports in the past. And had been to the driving range using hired clubs with mates a few times. Other than that had only played pitch and putt.

Got a friend who's moved half the country away and was his idea really. He was thinking if we got going with golf would be able to have golf weekends halfway between the two. So I started going to the range a bit after work, found some bargain irons in the AG second hand bit of the shop attached to it. Added a cheap putter and a bag and started playing par 3 courses.

That was about 7 months ago, I'm now a club member and play fairly regularly.

The goals for this year are to get a handicap, shoot below 100, and start lessons 💪

Deleted member 23344

I played football until I was 35 and started a family and also cricket sporadically until I was 55. I still wanted to play sport, but I was now too old for those that I had played before. I mentioned this to a work colleague of a similar age and he said that he was thinking of playing golf and invited me to join him. I was quickly hooked and 12 years on, and retired, I’m still playing regularly with a number of friends. I always walk the course as it’s the only exercise I get.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Welcome. For me, my dad played and I use to play a bit of pitch and putt. In 1976 Sandown Park were offering a week of one hour lessons to kids in group bookings to learn and each day we learned different parts of the swing and the pro would walk up and down the line and help each of us. There was a dustbin full of balls and we could basically stay there until it was empty. Dad didn't mind as the drink driving laws back then were not as rigid or well policed and so he could have a few beers in the clubhouse. Had a bit of natural aptitude and got hooked. Cashed in my post office savings stamps for a shiny half set of Petron Impala and got junior membership of my dads club and away I went

Deleted member 15344

I first had a round when I lived just outside Peterhead - my dad went for a round at Cruden Bay and took me when I was about 12 maybe ? But most of my childhood was cricket mainly and football - then joined the RAF and had the odd society day over 20 odd years but was still playing mainly cricket but hockey as well now plus coaching and umpiring - then I got injured playing hockey and one of my mates said why don’t I go and join him and the local club so about 10 years ago bought my first set and first membership and got hooked quickly


Journeyman Pro
Nov 4, 2015
My parents started playing when they reached retirement. Pretty much out of the blue ... we are not the kind of family that would ever come into contact with golf (at least here in Germany, where golf still is or at least used to be until a few years ago, a pretty elitist sport). But I have a filthy rich aunt (she married well) who picked up the game decades ago and she somehow shanghaied my parents into it and paid for their get-into-golf lessons and license and for their membership. Honestly, I thought my parents had gone nuts. It was like they had joined some weird cult or something. Suddenly, nothing else was important anymore. It was all about golf. So while I tried to singlehandedly save the world by learning how to milk goats and by living in a hut in the woods without electricity or running water, my parents joined the circles of the rich and the famous. But, even though I was convinced that they had gone completely dark side, my mom convinced me to come to the driving range with them and try it out. You can guess the rest. After a few futile attempts were I missed the ball completely or topped it forward 3 yards, I made solid contact with my mom's 6 iron. My life would never be the same again.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I grew up in an era where elitist sports like golf were not available to us council house oiks. I played football until a cruciate tear at about 30yo prevented me from playing any more, and I essentially took up tennis when my boss at the time enrolled me on a starters course that his club were running, I was there just to make up the numbers. I played club and league tennis until I got to the point that I knew everyone who played and could not only predict whether we'd win or lose but could accurately predict the score too, so it started to get boring.

I walked off the court after the best men's doubles win in a league match we ever had, realised that it wouldn't get any better and I was past my mid 40's, and announced that from then on I was going to play golf. I joined my 1st club the following week and got a 26 handicap a few weeks later and was hooked!

Shooter McPowick

Head Pro
Apr 2, 2016
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Age 11 I was given an old bronty 6 iron and a couple of balls from a friend who played a bit, we lived in Scotland at the time, opposite a school field so after school Id try and beat the crap out of this 6 iron. No lessons etc. just go and have fun. After a while (don't know how long now) I needed more loft as when I hit the 6i well I'd loose the ball. Bought a bronty PW from Makro with pocket money - back when Makro sold things other than food.... There was an island green of sorts created between a road and some paths and I would fantasise about playing on a real course but used this makeshift green as a target. Dug 3 holes in the green and would chip, flop, and sod around each day after school.

FFW a year or so and my uncle who played golf gave me a few of his old clubs, a 3i blade, old 9i and a knackered putter. This was it.... I had my "set" of clubs and was desperate to get out on a course - boy was I disillusioned! Mom would drop me off at a local pitch and putt while she did the shopping and just play away.

Eventually my folks took me to a course in Troon and I happily hacked my way around. God only knows how many people I had to let through - damn this was the definition of slow play but I remembered the old guys (probably my age now - haha) being quite encouraging.

FFW 3 years and I got a proper half set for christmas 4, 6, 8 and PW and by now had moved to the midlands and knew a few guys who played, joined a club as a junior - I remember having to be interviewed and watched as I hit balls down the range "Thanks Joss - we will let you know" - It felt like an eternity for the letter to arrive but I had been accepted - yay! Couple of years hacking it around with mates in the junior squad, completed the set with 3,5,7 & 9 irons and before I knew it I was playing of 14. Could not hit woods for love or money as I sliced them further right that forwards.

Moved to South Africa in '91 and continued - the school had a golf team - I was in my element, not long and was the golf captain, there were fixtures every Friday after school with other local schools. - High School came to an end and so did the golf....

FFW 18 years! My Brother took me down top golf for a birthday and the flame was reignited, Id always wanted Mizuno irons as a kid and this was it - no holding back - bought a set of mizunos and joined a club. Didn't venture out onto the course until I felt as though I could hack my way around without embarrassing myself - spent a few weeks on the range before venturing out. Once I did I got the 3 cards in and I was where I left off - on 14.

3 years later and Its moving in the right direction but its hard work, but I'm enjoying the process.