European Tour Live on your PC FREE!! - Anyone interested


Assistant Pro
Apr 8, 2008
Salisbury, Wiltshire
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I have a link below which i am happy to share with all my fellow Forum members.

You can stream live European tour events on your PC, you only have to register your email address free of charge. It is a site from the Netherlands, so you may need to translate some info if you get stuck, i will do an instruction guide if anyone is interested?


Assistant Pro
Apr 8, 2008
Salisbury, Wiltshire
Visit site

Its live broadcast, with English Sky sports commentating. Broadcasts normally start about 3.30pm for Thurs/Fri, earlier on Sat/Suns. Some days quality is better than others.

You will need to register, (to help this unless you speak dutch!, you can right click, go to page properties, translate page. This will convert the page to English.)

1. Go to the top of the page on "Account aanmaken"

2. you will see this below, i have translated it for you.

gebruikersnaam: Username:
wachtwoord: password:
Herhaal wachtwoord: Repeat password:

voornaam: First name:
tussenvoegsel: insert:
achternaam: Surname:
geslacht: sex: man vrouw woman
geboortedatum: Date of Birth:

Ik wil graag de THIS IS GOLF nieuwsbrief ontvangen -
I would like to receive newsletter THIS IS GOLF
Ik accepteer de algemene voorwaarden -
I accept the terms and conditions

Then fill it in & log in, it may send a link to your email, i cant remember?!

You only need to put in your user name and password each time you visit the page and you can watch live Golf at your Desk!!

Hope you all enjoy it! Only for GM forum members!! :rolleyes: