ESR Application


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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Yesterday we had a 36 hole competition. My starting handicap was 9.1 and in the morning round I narrowly missed the buffer. In the afternoon I shot 4 under CSS which is the second time in 4 qualifying rounds so triggered a 1 shot ESR.

I was expecting my Handicap to be calculated as...

9.1 to 9.2 (AM)
9.2 to 8.4 (PM)
8.4 to 7.4 (ESR)

However, what has actually happened is...

9.1 to 9.2 (AM)
9.2 to 8.2 (ESR)
8.2 to 7.6 (PM)

I have queried this with the club but wondered if anyone on here knew the correct process? It doesn't seem right that my playing handicap for the PM round is shown on my h'cap record as 8 when it should have been 9. Surely the ESR is applied after the round that triggered it?
Good news, the error has been corrected, I now play off of 7 again. I hope I make a better fist of it than I did last time!!!
Good shooting :thup:

So is it 2 rounds under CSS in 4 to trigger this?

Yeah, but it depends on how far under CSS and how many rounds between the two low scores. If you search CONGU CSS calculation you should find the CONGU UHS manual which explains all.
Good shooting :thup:

So is it 2 rounds under CSS in 4 to trigger this?

When a player returns a Qualifying Score with a Nett Differential of -4, or below, in a calendar year this triggers the ESR algorithm, setting an initial marker. An ESR calculation will be initiated the next time a Nett Differential of -4 or lower is returned by the player. The average Nett Differential of the two scores is then compared to the number of rounds in the sequence to establish an ESR. For this reason reductions of less than one stroke may be recommended as, when combined with the decrease applied by the system, the overall reduction will always be more than one stroke.
The case for applying an ESR increases as the average of the two Nett Differentials becomes
lower and the number of scores in the sequence reduces.
Good shooting :thup:

So is it 2 rounds under CSS in 4 to trigger this?

Two rounds of 4 or more under the CSS in a calendar year if I remember right. The amount depends on how many under CSS the two rounds were and the number of rounds between them, the table is in the manual somewhere. You also can't get an ESR in Cat 1 or to get into Cat 1 so it would take you to 5.5 at the lowest.