Driver Swing - Comments?


Q-School Graduate
Jan 3, 2012
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If you could slow it down to a blur then I will take another look! :)

Too fast.. think of the tempo of a golf swing as being like hitting a nail with a hammer. Get lined up, nice and steady back, then watch the hammer on to the nail with a good solid thump that accelerates all the way to the point of impact.

Ha, that was slowed down!! I will have to give it another go tomorrow! :)


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Very nice swing - I certainly wouldn't slow it down (would encourage a 'hit' mentality rather than a swing thru to the finish) in fact I probably wouldn't change anything apart from your aim.


Q-School Graduate
Jan 3, 2012
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Very nice swing - I certainly wouldn't slow it down (would encourage a 'hit' mentality rather than a swing thru to the finish) in fact I probably wouldn't change anything apart from your aim.

Thank you for the kind words JustOne. My setup is something that I'm working on and I must admit I wasn't paying much attention at the range, I was just trying to hit the ball in a straight(ish) line. What I can't understand is what goes sooooooo wrong on the days where the slice really gets going. I think it may be a case of me trying too hard to correct once the first slice happens and from then it's just a slippery slope. I swing much quicker, probably grip too hard and use the arms too much. If I can get a grip on that I may actually improve!!


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Thank you for the kind words JustOne. My setup is something that I'm working on and I must admit I wasn't paying much attention at the range, I was just trying to hit the ball in a straight(ish) line. What I can't understand is what goes sooooooo wrong on the days where the slice really gets going. I think it may be a case of me trying too hard to correct once the first slice happens and from then it's just a slippery slope. I swing much quicker, probably grip too hard and use the arms too much. If I can get a grip on that I may actually improve!!

A square stance and a square face at impact will ALWAYS produce a slice if you are hitting UP on it.

You could close your stance to draw the ball or open it and learn to play the power-fade correctly but standing square is a no-no if you're hitting it on the up.

Also if you are turning your lower body too fast that it's leaving your hands lagging behind.. (the face will then be left wide open) the fix for that is actually to swing faster with your ARMS so they catch up!!!!
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Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
OK, I must admit I didn't know that. Can you expand on where you would aim me?

Power-Fade: (when hitting UP)
Aim the clubface about 15yds left of center, aim your feet/hips/shoulders 30yds left of center.... swing along the line of your toes.

Draw: (when hitting UP)
Aim the clubface 5 yds right of center, aim your feet/hips/shoulders 15yds right of center..... swing along the line of your toes.

Edited.... don't forget the hips and shoulders are also aligned where your feet are! Don't go aiming left with your feet and have closed shoulders or aim right with your feet and have open shoulders!!! you'll be all over the place then!!! LOLOL
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Q-School Graduate
Jan 3, 2012
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Power-Fade: (when hitting UP)
Aim the clubface about 15yrds left of center, aim your feet 30yds left of center.... swing along the line of your toes.

Draw: (when hitting UP)
Aim the clubface 5 yds right of center, aim your feet 15yrs right of center..... swing along the line of your toes.

Thank you, am at the range tomorrow morning so will have a play around.