Donald Trump "trumped"


Head Pro
Dec 12, 2006
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Just read in the news that Donald Trumps plans for a golf complex in Scotland have been rejected . Good news or bad? what do you think
I'll reserve opinion for now. Don't like the man.

If he does appeal and it goes ahead it could possibly help the other more deserving courses in the area (Royal Aberdeen, Cruden Bay etc) from knock-on tourism....or it could go the other way. Golfers might not play those courses if they only want to play one in the area.

The americans who designed and own Kingsbarns are constructing a new course near Nairn, my old stomping ground, and it'll be interesting to see what happens there. Royal Dornoch, Nairn etc might benefit from a 3rd world class course nearby to attract the golfing tourists so far north.

Don't think Trump's lacky has done him any favours prior to a possible appeal by saying " If you want to do big business then it's clear you shouldn't do it in the North East of Scotland".

Doh! He's now got his own foot in his mouth and one of Trump's up his a**e. Awww, shame.
I can't be doing with these t****. Dream up some scheme to pull in the yanks, make a ton of cash and screw the locals. It could bring in a lot of tourist-types (I'd support that, sure) and boost the economy but I expect it would damage, rather than help the established courses. With the advertising power and selling packages, the wealthy visitors would just drive on by the places that could benefit. That's what I reckon.
Look at the Dominican Republic.....the US corporations moved in, built dozens of hotels claiming they would boost the local economy....Bulls*** the workers get paid $1 a day, and still live in mud huts....


(in serious political mode)
You know me, never outspoken or opinionated in any way.

t.b.h. I don't know or care other than what is really good for the local folk.

Im all for a massive golf complex but rather have it owned and ran by natives rather than turning the UK into another Franchise as per man utd etc.
Not that I want to run down the North East, but if I was spending this sort of cash on a complex, this is the last place I would choose.
There won't be many rich people who will want to jet in and play an expensive eighteen holes in the weather they get up there, when they could go to Bermuda and play in the warm.
This is what one of the councillors who took the decision said -

"A golf course is a beautiful thing. They are an improvement to what, to me, is wasteland.

"Let us embrace this tremendous project with enthusiasm. The rest of the world would think we were mad if we turn this down."

I tend to agree with him and think it's a big opportunity lost for the area.

Aside from the 'hairpiece' being a bit of a knob I thought overall it was a good plan, would have been good for the local economy. They must have factored in the climatic element which is not nearly as poor as some might want to get up here and play some real golf courses, not the side of motorway converted flat farmland windless tracks that charge a fortune down your way. Sure it can be cold yes but it's also very dry in the NE not wet like the west side of UK. let's face it nowhere is particularly pleasant in the winter in the UK, I have worked all over UK from Exeter to Norfolk to Newcastle to Aberdeen. The location was more about the perfect links land, great dunes and lots of space. Bermuda is for swimming and fishing, too hot and humid for golf, golf is best on a bracing windy day where you walk, not buggy, feel tired at the end and have a couple of guinesses after. Golf in any kind of heat is wholly unpleasant.

Conservationists win again...what ever happended to compromise? Anything RSPSB/SNH etc tell you take with a very large pinch of salt!

I think the Aberdeenshire councillors expect an appeal from Trump but looks like there isn't going to be one. Never mind, we still have Cruden Bay, Royal Aberdeen, Murcar, Newburgh, Peterhead, Fraserburgh on that coast, all excellent tracks.
As previously mentioned I don't think Trumps lackey speaks without first clearing it with the big man, and to be honest he is right. By rejecting the application they have sent out a terrible message about doing big business in that area.

These projects are complicated enough without having to fight planners. I fully expect Trump to now look elsewhere and I think the Aberdeen planners will be kicking themselves.

Only my 2 cents at any rate!
Just back after a spell working in Aberdeen.

It was interesting listening to the folks I was working with and their views of the planned project and its's subsequent planning problems. I would say that most if not all the people I talked to were for the project. Most were looking at the possible spinoffs for the local business community, some looking at direct employment opportunities and of course the construction work that would be required to bring such a project to reality.

passed by the estate a fortnight ago and had it pointed out to me on the way up to St Fergus. Big tract of land crying out for at least one golf course if you ask me.

As to the area not being "golfing country" there are some great courses up along the East Coast so another one would not go amiss.