Direction of the arms in the swing....

Am I missing the point of this? Is this just a post where some are trying to get something straight in there heads?
Am I missing the point of this? Is this just a post where some are trying to get something straight in there heads?

I think Virtuocity found out something new to him and wanted to share because it might enlighten some other people who are interested in swing/biomechanic theory.

Some people like to talk about swing stuff, some people like to talk about their Mizuno clubs....... :whistle:
I think Virtuocity found out something new to him and wanted to share because it might enlighten some other people who are interested in swing/biomechanic theory.

Some people like to talk about swing stuff, some people like to talk about their Mizuno clubs....... :whistle:

Nope, woow woow, I love talking swing stuff, you know I do! I was just not getting the point of this one. Who cares what your arms do in a situation that it totally false? If we are talking bio-mechanics then its all about your body not crashing into its self! You move your arms without moving your body out the way and you are crashing into yourself, nothing to learn about that?!
Who cares what your arms do in a situation that it totally false? If we are talking bio-mechanics then its all about your body not crashing into its self! You move your arms without moving your body out the way and you are crashing into yourself, nothing to learn about that?!

But your arms DO move that way... it's just that they don't APPEAR TO because your turn brings the club to the inside. Your arms are actually lifting the club up AWAY from you, not around you, your shoulder turn is doing that part. If you moved your arms without moving your body out of the way (as you said) you'd never crash into yourself as you are actually swinging the club AWAY from yourself. you only crash into yourself when you have the arm swing WRONG because you're trying to swing your arms around your body instead of away from it.

Hope that helps, seeing as you love this stuff..... :ears:
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I think Virtuocity found out something new to him and wanted to share because it might enlighten some other people who are interested in swing/biomechanic theory.

Some people like to talk about swing stuff

Pretty much this.

Granted, it's not quite as interesting as talking about golf socks, shoes, NEEEEEWWWW SHHHHIIIIIINEEEEEEES or custom fitting but hey ho.

Just in case anyone mistakenly stumbles upon this thread in future, please revert to one of the following slow play threads which can be found below. Apologies that this is just a tiny sample.
Yep, OK, far to defensive for me, James if you want your own section ask for it, don't get all twitchy when anyone dares discuss anything you say.

Virtuocity I think all this is very interesting, far more so than any of the threads you posted(in the links above) and I would love to see more of this stuff. This particular thread is not going to help you as you are talking about something that does not happen, who cares what your arms would do if you did not move your body, you do move it, once they have finished moving on your pink line they crash directly into your chest and you would have no way to make contact with the ball on anything like a consistent basis.

I actually still think I must be missing the point of the thread though. And my comments are in no way a dig.
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Yep, OK, far to defensive for me, James if you want your own section ask for it, don't get all twitchy when anyone dares discuss anything you say.

I'm not being defensive, you said it doesn't happen when it does. It's a discussion and I'm saying how it is. If you want to disagree that's entirely your prerogative mate :thup:
As a side question to this. Is the move you describe in #26 present in all swings, or, could someone potentially get wrong?

The vid in #12 explains it pretty well, we often learn by what we see and then interpret that wrongly. We don't actually swing the club around us - even though it might FEEL like we do. Normally what happens is that in getting it wrong the hands out-race the shoulders and drag the club too much to the inside (and too low) in the takeaway and from there it's a series of compensatory moves in order to hit the ball with any consistency.
The vid in #12 explains it pretty well, we often learn by what we see and then interpret that wrongly. We don't actually swing the club around us - even though it might FEEL like we do. Normally what happens is that in getting it wrong the hands out-race the shoulders and drag the club too much to the inside (and too low) in the takeaway and from there it's a series of compensatory moves in order to hit the ball with any consistency.

Sounds like a previous habit of mine :mad:
You'd be wrong.

Not sure what you mean by that remark?

I can manipulate the clubhead out away from me, straight along the ball to target line or round to the inside by moving my arms and not rotating by torso. At a point where the club head has moved around 3 feet I then have a problem, my left arm is now pushed against my rib cage and I cant move it any further round, I can only move it upwards.

Please explain what is wrong with that? I know it's not what you want to do but the OP was asking about taking the club back without rotation.
I cant add anything constructive, but i have found the thread very interesting! i hadn't really thought about it in the way the video JO posted, i can now see where potentially i have been creating problems for myself. I have been trying to work on less arms more body doing the hard work and am understanding it better now, i can see where i need to practice! explains a lot to me!

carry on.
I apologise, my remark was incorrect - you can swing the club around by your ankles if that's what you want to 'teach' and have people think that to be correct way to perform a decent stroke. I would choose the proper way.

Why do you do this?

You should have used all my quote, not just a bit that is taking it out of context.

THE OP ASKED ABOUT TAKING THE ARMS AWAY WITHOUT ROTATING THE BODY. I NEVER SUGGESTED IT!! I answered his question, I didnt suggest this is the correct way to make a back swing. Did I?
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Why do you do this?
Because I understood the question precisely and knew EXACTLY what he was implying. His question was "what direction do you think should they travel" to which your answer was "what ever position you wanted in the first two or three feet" which I decided all by myself to be NOT the answer he was looking for, and is therefore effectively the wrong answer. It's also the wrong answer should anyone want to use that advice to create a good golf swing, so it was wrong twice. If you didn't know the answer or don't understand it that's OK, if you can't accept that your answer was wrong and want to argue about it then that's up to you, you're going to have to continue alone.

Edit your post as much as you like.
Because I understood the question precisely and knew EXACTLY what he was implying. His question was "what direction do you think should they travel" to which your answer was "what ever position you wanted in the first two or three feet" which I decided all by myself to be NOT the answer he was looking for, and is therefore effectively the wrong answer. It's also the wrong answer should anyone want to use that advice to create a good golf swing, so it was wrong twice. If you didn't know the answer or don't understand it that's OK, if you can't accept that your answer was wrong and want to argue about it then that's up to you, you're going to have to continue alone.

Edit your post as much as you like.

I took his question to to be asking what direction they would travel. I tried to explain that they could infact travel in any of the ways he highlighted. I didnt say any of them were right or wrong.

Normally my Edits are to correct spelling and gramatical mistakes.. I do that sometimes.

But, sometimes I add something I later beileve should have been there.
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