Different format competition


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Our club has occasional Texas Scrambles and a team comp and another format where two players scores counts on Stoke index 1 to 6, three on 7 to 12 etc.

Today we had a different format, teams of four, Stableford, hole number 1 had one player to count, hole two was two to count, hole three saw three to count and back to one for the fourth and so it carried on. No worry what the stroke index was on the hole. We won the competition with 94 points, second and third place teams tied with 89.

Some lower handicap teams moaned that they couldn't win this new format and other moaned that Texas Scrambles favoured lower h/ c teams

Any views?
i normally just turn up and play often i dont even know what format im playing until
a/ive asked in the pro shop
b/i ask on the 1st tee
c/once i was walking down the 2nd and realised i didnt have a clue why i was there !

the only format i dont like is matchplay against the course , i just couldnt get to grips with it
We often play "The Waltz" as you describe but in teams of 3 so every 3rd hole is challenging!

Today we were teams of 3 in a "multiplier" with all scores to count on every hole. Off 3/4 handicap it was tough and we were having a mare until I birdied and my partners parred the 12th, all with shots, for 36 points! Think we got about 90 which seemed rubbish til we saw how many teams had a lot less!

PS Scrambles with a handicap limit DO favour teams of low handicappers...
Our club has occasional Texas Scrambles and a team comp and another format where two players scores counts on Stoke index 1 to 6, three on 7 to 12 etc.

Today we had a different format, teams of four, Stableford, hole number 1 had one player to count, hole two was two to count, hole three saw three to count and back to one for the fourth and so it carried on. No worry what the stroke index was on the hole. We won the competition with 94 points, second and third place teams tied with 89.

Some lower handicap teams moaned that they couldn't win this new format and other moaned that Texas Scrambles favoured lower h/ c teams

Any views?

Thats a great score,well played.
We had the exact same comp this morning,however we only had a team of 3.
We scored 81 points.
I like this format,puts a little bit of pressure on,which I like.
Thats a great score,well played.
We had the exact same comp this morning,however we only had a team of 3.
We scored 81 points.
I like this format,puts a little bit of pressure on,which I like.

Cheers, it was a great score. I felt it was going to be a good day when on my first hole (15th) I chipped in for a birdie on a shot hole. I ended up scoring 76 gross. Seemed fun but then winning always is
Cheers, it was a great score. I felt it was going to be a good day when on my first hole (15th) I chipped in for a birdie on a shot hole. I ended up scoring 76 gross. Seemed fun but then winning always is

Me too,shot level par on the card.
I had 5 gross birdies in 6 holes.
Birdied 8,9,10,11 and 13,so happy.