Dental Extraction.


Journeyman Pro
Jul 13, 2012
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Going for my first extraction in over 40 yrs tomorrow.

Last time was out for the count as the removed all my wisdoms in one go .

What should I expect and what should I have ready for afterwards.

The anaesthetic is usually the most painful part ☹️.

Having a tooth out is still pretty brutal, science hasn't really moved on. After, have your paracetamol ready, go home, feel sorry for yourself. Oh, and have a tin of soup ready for your tea. Soup is the answer 👍

You should wake up the next day and be okay.
It won't hurt as you'll be numb but be prepared for some pretty brutal pushing/pressure together with (sometimes) some rather alarming noises.

Once it's out 100% follow all the advice to protect the clot and not get a dry socket.
Oh - have salt for mouth swishing but think that's it apart from paracetomol if it hurts after the drugs wear off.

Edit - ice cream. Lots of it :)
If it is loose already - not a lot.

The last one I lost was so loose I pulled it myself.
The one before the dentist did (also on the loose side) a couple of wiggles and a pull out it came. (that will £100 please).
As already said most painful part is the injection. The drug they used has moved on a lot in 40 years.

Funniest part is trying to take a drink afterwards
If it is loose already - not a lot.

The last one I lost was so loose I pulled it myself.
The one before the dentist did (also on the loose side) a couple of wiggles and a pull out it came. (that will £100 please).
As already said most painful part is the injection. The drug they used has moved on a lot in 40 years.

Funniest part is trying to take a drink afterwards
Pulling you own tooth out. 🤦🏻‍♂️
It won't hurt as you'll be numb but be prepared for some pretty brutal pushing/pressure together with (sometimes) some rather alarming noises.

Once it's out 100% follow all the advice to protect the clot and not get a dry socket.
Way to make him feel better about it Amanda 😨
Remember us men aren’t good with pain or feeling unwell.
Corsodyl mouth wash (mint , not the original dentish water flavour) kills all bacteria in your mouth. Mnay years ago a dentist recommended it to me when I said my wisdom teeth were on manouvers again (he was a customer, not my dentist). Ever since then, I keep a bottle in the bathroom. Dab a finger into the fluid and touch it onto an ulcer works wonders:)
Thats just one of the many things it's good for.
My wife used it after she had a couple of teeth out recently. Helped her no end.
Pulling you own tooth out. 🤦🏻‍♂️
It was a weird tooth, from memory the 3rd one in the same place, and it appeared in my 50s. It was dead easy to remove because it did not have a proper root structure, the root it was like an upside down pyramid.
Way to make him feel better about it Amanda 😨
Remember us men aren’t good with pain or feeling unwell.

I like to be prepared :-) It's more pushing than pulling and I did say it doesn't hurt (just some freaky noises)!!

I'm a huge baby at the dentist but have sadly had a couple of teeth out. Think a hygienist treatment is worse!
Buy some dissolvable asprin. Swill it around your mouth and spit it out. It’s brilliant as a pain killer without you taking too much onboard.

I had 3 broken roots dug out about 4 years back, my first visit to the dentists since May ‘82. I’m not keen on dentists, or I wasn’t. Whilst the process was a little uncomfortable, it was way better than I expected.
I had a wisdom tooth out a year or so back. Worst part, after the needle in my gum, was the awful crunching sound as it was removed. But it took all of about fifteen seconds.

As others have said, paracetamol are all you’ll need, along with some salt for a mouth rinse for a few days.

Piece of cake.