Dental Extraction.

Buy some dissolvable asprin. Swill it around your mouth and spit it out. It’s brilliant as a pain killer without you taking too much onboard.

I had 3 broken roots dug out about 4 years back, my first visit to the dentists since May ‘82. I’m not keen on dentists, or I wasn’t. Whilst the process was a little uncomfortable, it was way better than I expected.
It is also good for thinning your blood and breaking up the clot you are trying to form to stop the bleeding.
The dentist should give you a sheet that explains what you should do.
Right, my wife is a very experienced dental nurse, took this to her.
Take pain relief (ibuprofen or paracetamol) before numbness wears off.
Leave clog undisturbed that day, so no rinsing mouth even with salt that day.
Soft diet and no hot drinks.
Brush teeth as normal that night but gently around extraction. No mouth wash.
Sleep slightly propped up if that helps.
Normal for small amount of blood in saliva. You might get an aftercare pack from dentist with gauze if there is bleeding.
Following day, teaspoon of salt in warm water (dissolve salt) rinse gently round mouth 2 or 3 times a day.
Normal for some discomfort for a couple of days, if pain is worse after a couple of days call your dentist.
If you smoke - no smoking. She was firm on that one.
Damn.. the waiting lists in this country is going to the dogs. Starmer should do something about i

Right, my wife is a very experienced dental nurse, took this to her.
Take pain relief (ibuprofen or paracetamol) before numbness wears off.
Leave clog undisturbed that day, so no rinsing mouth even with salt that day.
Soft diet and no hot drinks.
Brush teeth as normal that night but gently around extraction. No mouth wash.
Sleep slightly propped up if that helps.
Normal for small amount of blood in saliva. You might get an aftercare pack from dentist with gauze if there is bleeding.
Following day, teaspoon of salt in warm water (dissolve salt) rinse gently round mouth 2 or 3 times a day.
Normal for some discomfort for a couple of days, if pain is worse after a couple of days call your dentist.
If you smoke - no smoking. She was firm on that one.
I had to have 2 teeth out last year. The first one was straightforward, took 5 minutes. The second one split and took 50 minutes, an absolute nightmare.
I really feel your pain and hope it goes well.

I dread the dentist as my teeth are so sensitive. He get nervous when I visit and tooth extraction is not for the feint hearted along with fillings. I hate drillings.

Around 20 years' ago I had a local anaesthetic when I had a scale and polish. I have manned up since!