Deeply Filled Bunkers


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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No such thing as a poor bunker, there's just poor technique. Same swing does not fit all, and if you can't vary your bunker play to suit the sand conditions, you're on a hiding to nothing.

I don't care how much, or little sand is in there, it matters not a jot.

That doesn't add up. If you don't know what the sand conditions are then you can't adjust your technique. Granted 9/10 you can tell is its on a bed of sand or a thin layer. I know my preference.

At the same time, you watch the pros complain bitterly if there is even a grain of sand it of place in the bunker. In all honesty, some of the stuff we have to contend with is a joke.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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That doesn't add up. If you don't know what the sand conditions are then you can't adjust your technique. Granted 9/10 you can tell is its on a bed of sand or a thin layer. I know my preference.

At the same time, you watch the pros complain bitterly if there is even a grain of sand it of place in the bunker. In all honesty, some of the stuff we have to contend with is a joke.

Taking your stance in a bunker should give you an indication of how much sand is in there.

When you wiggle your feet in, if they hardly break the surface, you know there isn't a lot of sand there. If it comes up to your knee, you may need a spade :D


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Best technique I've found is to stay out of bunkers.

Sand in bunkers - now hey that's a classy course you play.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Just a quick update. Had a quick word with our assistant pro on Tuesday and he got my weight more forward and change the angle of attack. Wandered over to the 11th hole just before dark and what a revelation. There is a big bunker right that I struggled in last weekend. Tonight the ball popped up high and spun on the first bounce. Even from the other side with a long (30 yard) shot I got it out and onto the green. Feeling much happier and just shows how bad habits can creep in and start causing all sorts of issues. Just need to work on the chipping again as he's changed that too