Damp Hands


Tour Winner
Apr 18, 2007
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Anybody know a trick to stop my hands sweating so much?,
Last night i went through 3 gloves in 45mins at the driving range!
sorry cant really give you a 'hand' with this one madandra seems to have it covered so to speak,but anywhoo thats my 100th post hurrah!!
Have tried antiperspirant with talc in, worked OK but not a solution, It could just be me freaking out about the club slipping out of my hands at the driving range.
Could never not wear a glove, it makes you look a right plonker! almost as bad as wearing two! that's just ginger beer!
Could never not wear a glove, it makes you look a right plonker!

1. We used to use a 'sticky talc' / resin for pistol shooting, I believe it's also used for tennis - but you'll have to take your glove off!
2. Try just wearing the glove for the drive (it's what they were designed for) and let your hands cool between.
3. Make sure that you've got breathable gloves.
htl, are you in the UK or Florida/Abu Dhabi etc? Do you eat a lot of chilli by chance? When you indulge in a Ploughman's lunch, like me, do you get a cheese overdose and come out in a sweat? Seriously could be something in your diet speeding up your matabolism!
As Viscount says wear a decent cabretta leather glove. If you're working up a sweat at the range could it be you need to slow down between shots, do the whole pre shot routine and hit less drives and more 8 irons? If your pulse is over 75 when you hit it you'll probably sclaff it.
Is this just a range thing or do you get the sweaty palms on the course, what happens at the end of a round when you have to shake hands with partners -do you opt out?
No im in sunny Surrey, ive taken up golf due to injury i sustained playing rugby at professional level, my fitness is still very good, my resting heart rate is around 50bpm, And my diet is good, just like my beer and wine a bit too much!
When im playing a round its not really an issue as long as i take my glove off after every shot, and carry 4-5 gloves, just a right pain in the arse if im playing 36 holes or at the driving range.
Have you tried playing without a glove i know you do not like the idea but if it stops yours hands sweating then it can't all be bad. Its not about what you look like its about how you play i have never worn a glove since i have been playing give it a go you never know.
