Cyclists on pavements...!


Journeyman Pro
Jul 15, 2008
Burton. Staffs (Near WulfricPoint)
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Or should that by Pscho-lists. I mean I was once nearly run down on the pavement by two cyclists riding abreast on the pavement at night without lights on. And that's about 3 laws they've broken before we start & when has anyone ever seen a cyclist given a ticket.

Cyclists don't need to pass any sort of test to go on the roads or these days more & more as it seems on the pavements. (And this is no exageration for the sake of humour).

Cyclists don't need to register their bikes, or pay insurance, when perhaps it was about time they did.

I can really understand some parents insisting their children use the pavements as the roads are so busy, but if cycling proficiency was taught the way it used to be & if parents taught their children how best to treat the roads with respect & taught them the highway code then there really wouldn't be a problem & everyone would be safer.

I remember my generation had the highway code drummed into us for being a pedestrian & a cyclist. This was a good foundation for the day when we'd get behid the wheel of something entirely different & potentially leathal.

There again a bike traveling at speed down the pavement into a pedestrian that has every right to be ther can be just as badly injured & have actually been killed by bike riders on the pavement.

Its also clear how little road sense is drummed into the current generation of the young certainly around here where I have to live currently due to my job, by the way the kids are on & off the pavement at will no matter what traffic is about... & who will get the blame for the child on his bike with no road sense its the car driver. There again its not just the children around here on bikes that have no road sense, but the adults too. I know if I'd have done any one of the things I've seen cyclists of all ages around here do, I'd have had a right dressing down by my parents.

Part of me hopes the activities around here whith cyclists on pavements is an isolated occurance, but somehow I really doubt it.

If everyone that rides a moped is suposed to take a CBT test that has to be renewed every few years, then its about time something similar happened for cyclists as things are getting ridiclous on the pavements.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE Cyclists generally.

Around here and in London they think that they own the bloody road.

Red-Lights and any form of road-sign or traffic instruction do not apply to cyclists in their eyes and I have seen so many accidents down to cyclists ignoring the highway code.

The worst type are the "proud to be a cyclist" brigade who wear all the lairy gear just to go to the corner-shop. I actually knocked one of these off his bike in london. I was driving up haymarket to picadilly circus and he just flew out of a side street, I had no time to react sufficiently to not hit him and although I braked, he still went flying.

I remonstrated with him about my scuffed bumper, he said it was my own f***ing fault and that I shouldnt be on the road, shouldnt have been driving such a big polluting car, blah blah blah and any other excuse he could find. Anyway he got back on his bike and pedalled for england into a pedestrian area leaving me with a bill for £80 to fix the bumper.

Because of this I believe that all bikes on the road should be insured & registered as they are still a vehicle capable of causing damage and injury.

So yes, I LOATHE them with a passion.

As for cyclists on the pavement, absolutely disgusting and if one of them was to run me down he would be getting a damn good right-hander.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Problem with teaching cycling proficiency the way it was taught to me in the 70's is that the roads are way way way busier than then. A new way of teaching it is required. What was ok to do then probably doesn't work today.

And while I agree tht cyclists don't help themselves (see Jon's piece above), we the car drivers of the world should do our bit. if we come up on a cyclist then expect him to do something stupid, expect him to swerve into the road to avoid one of the many potholes, expect him to suddenly turn right and expect you to realise this. Then if it doesn't happen you've lost nothing.

There are far too many things in a modern car to distract from the most important thing - concentration. Your MP3, your phone, your bluetooth, your sat-nav.

Concentrate on the drive and when something happens you're far more likely to get out of trouble.

Still think most cyclists should be strung up by their shorts though.


Journeyman Pro
Jul 15, 2008
Burton. Staffs (Near WulfricPoint)
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Yep, as if its not enough to beware of that idiot barging the nose of his car out into oncoming traffic or pulling into oncoming traffic past parked cars towards you, or any other bits of idiocy, we have to be aware of every pedestrian & cyclist; well we always had to, but now'a'day's it seems we have to more than ever with the lack of knowledge of the highway code, or even common sense for that matter.As the highway code is for more than just car drivers.


Journeyman Pro
Dec 4, 2007
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I hate cyclist and wished theyd get on the pavement cos they piss me off an wobble all in the road,

I especially hate the C*&^% that cycle in the road and ignore the special cycle path I spent 100s of council tax on to build

cyclist piss me off almost as much as banks do!


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Did you know that even if a cycle path exists, a cyclist is under no obligation to use it.



Journeyman Pro
Jul 15, 2008
Burton. Staffs (Near WulfricPoint)
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The cycle paths were introduced so that cyclists could be safe in areas of busy traffic where the space was available to provide them, unfortunately this was not combined with aditional education on how to use them & how & what to do between the cycle paths & the roads, when to give way etc.

Also, unfortunately this lack of education also seems to mean that cyclists these day understandably I supose seem to think this gives them cart blanche to use the footpathes too.

Again, half a job done by the government, actually ending up making a problem worse, when it so easily could have made a real difference.. ho hum.


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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Some of the problems with cyclists today are cultural as well as lack of any guidance or training.

I could name 3 countries where cycling is more popular than here but has far far less problems between the road user groups.

The attitude of many british cyclists is very very selfish and negative, but there is an awful lot of the same from car drivers and pedestrians, each group being in the right and hating or at least disliking the other group. Us/Them mentality. Same attitudes can be seen clearly between car drivers and truckers. Now Im not saying EVERYONE fits the profile but sadly the majority do! Sort out the increasingly negative attitude of british road users, sort out cultural attitudes,ignorance and selfishness and the vast majority of problems would disappear.


Tour Winner
Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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Cyclists shouldn't use the pavement and should be spot fined if apprehended. Likewise when they go through red lights and cross zebra & pelican crossing without giving way they should also be fined.
Motorists should give cyclists more room when overtaking as they/we don't give cyclists enough room when they are on the road and as such we are forcing them to use the pavements. No excuse I know but fact.
When I used to cycle a lot, I was forever being forced into the side of the road by ignorant motorists. When we took our son out, I always rode at the back with his mother at the front. It was the only way we could make it safe for him.


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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Well I am of the view that its not actually the cyclist on the pavement that is a problem, as anyone can ride safely even on pavements, it is tha manner/sense and attitude where the problem lies. If everyone drove cars on roads without a care in the world and no knowledge or concept of what is safe or unsafe/what is right or wrong, it would lead to carnage.

Whats needed is the focussing of every road users mind in RESPONSIBILITY! We all have it, we all from time to time fail to apply it some never do and we are all encouraged to ignore responsibility. They did away with cycling proficiency testing, that is an example of dismissing responsibility. Responsibility is always heavily weighted against the motorist in cases of accidents, WHY?, Because they are nearly always the only ones insured and paying for the carnage of accidents is more important than blaming the guilty, as sometimes the guilty have no credit and the state will pick up the tab! You will never hear officials admit to it but it happens, trust me.


Tour Rookie
Mar 14, 2007
Dublin Ireland
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I cycle to work on a daily basis and have to run the gauntlet of idiotic drivers/truckers etc who cause untold problems for cyclists.
Motorists double parked and blocking the cycle lane forcing cyclist out into the traffic.
Pedestrians who walk in the middle of the cycle lanes.
Motorists who drive along the cycle/bus lane as if it was built for them.

Wew all have a duty to drive/cycle safely and within the rules of the road. I agree some cyclists give cyclists a bad name.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Since I am both a car driver, and a cyclist, and always obey the rules of the road when using either form of transport (I use lights when it is dark, lots of them, I dress in bright clothing (to be seen, not as a fashion statement), I stop at red lights etc), every time I cycle 14 miles to work, I have at least one lunatic in a car trying to kill me. Since it is london, the driver probably learnt somewhere where all you have to do to pass a test is drive in a straight line and will have no mot or insurance.

I don't agree with riding on the pavement, but can understand why someone would do it. They should be careful though, and cycle slowly. I certainly get annoyed by 'cyclists' without lights, dressed in black.

To me, the responsibilty still has to rest with the motorist though, in nearly all situations. The worst you will get is a dent, but the cyclist could be killed. You, as a motorist can make a difference, even if it was your right of way etc. I find that nearly every time I am on a bike, some idiot will overtake me, slam on the brakes, and turn left, leaving me nowhere to go. Motorists have a huge responsibility to cyclists, whether you like it or not.

I don't ride in cylce lanes. They tend to end suddenly, and eject you into traffic unexpectedly. They are often extremely poorly designed. They are also never swept, and hence are full of broken glass and bits of wire. I am safer and happier on the road.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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A few years back I had an altercation with a bus whilst out on my bike. The bus driver had partially passed me when he then pulled back in as there was oncoming traffic. I only realised thhat he was cutting in when the amount of road available for me to ride on suddenly and dramatically reduced in width ! I ended up having to use my right forearm to "fend off" the bus (coach) and enable me to keep my balance.

I duly noted the reg no of the bus and the fleet identifier, and then called the police. Police cane took a statement and then left. They got back in touch next day to say that the driver reconned I had moved into a position where I had moved through on his inside and it was my fault. Even though my hand and arm marks were clearly visible on the side of the bus, the police didn't want to do anything else as it was his word against mine. I unfotunately had not needed hospital treatment so it wasn't worth worrying about !

I still get a funny feeling down my neck when I pass that part of the road even now. I could quite easily have been killed there. If I had lost balance or gone left, I would have ended up under the wheels of the bus.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Bus drivers are scum. I have had so many run ins with buses. It doesn't help that both times I have been on a bus, the driver has reeked of alcohol.


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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I agree with what murph says to a point, but I believe EVERY road user should be responsible for their own safety in this way.

If Lorry driver is 100% responsible for what they do.
Car driver 100% responsible for what they do
Motorcyclist 100%
Cyclist 100%
Pedestrian 100%

Where then would there be a problem? If road user groups are expected to have various levels of responsibility for and towards another road user, that to me is almost book passing when every road user other than children should be 100% responsible for themselves and their actions. But I will say that ALL road user groups should be equally responsible for the actions of children.

The real problem preventing the above and creating what murph points out as a necessity is lack of education/training and attitude guidance etc etc. preventing each group reaching 100% respomnsibility.


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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RespoMnsibility??? heh heh. :eek:
Ive just read it again and it looks odd, what I meant was we have to adopt greater responsibilities for different groups ,because of the lack of the above and various levels of vulnerability.

Phew! Now does that sound right? I need a sleep.


Journeyman Pro
Jul 15, 2008
Burton. Staffs (Near WulfricPoint)
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On my trip to work last night I was shocked that I counted over 10 cyclists without lights at night some on the pavement, but most worrying of all the one that wasa on the road where he should have been also had no lights on... Now that is dangerous to all concerned.. He didn't even have a rear reflector.