Cracking Range Session


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Just had one of those range sessions where the game felt easy.

Rolled up with a day spare, a break from the old job hunt and interview preparations.

I relaxed into a bucket of 100 balls and got down to working on some drills and trying some things out I picked up from youtube the day before. I spent half a day (the morning was taken up with job hunting) pouring over swing videos, mostly Mark Crossfield stuff.

So armed with knowledge I started experimenting, plenty of bad shots to analyse. My usual strong draw in my irons was evident, it seemed to come mostly from swing plane however.

I hit some very poor drives, worked on those but didn't get it working.

I hit some short irons, all very good. I started to look at why I could hit short irons good but not anything longer.

I moved to the hybrid and started to hit a few good ones, OOPS out of balls.

So a break for coffee, a reflection on my progress, which pretty much was nothing. I hardly hit anything good over a 7 iron.

I realised that in the longer clubs my hands appeared to be level with the clubhead, not slightly ahead and I was leaning over, not standing athletic like. I went through my normal routine with a hybrid, BAM good shot... OK what am I doing right here, the hands are ahead! Short irons, the hands are slightly ahead.

I seemed to have one swing for my hybrid and short irons and another for everything else, it MUST be down to setup. I ensured my alignment was good, I checked my grip, I checked my arm position (Bob will remember telling me my hands are too close to my body, I still do this now and fixed it a little this time too!). With my hands correct and standing up taller my swing was flatter and stopped me hooking the ball.

On to the driver BAM down the middle, 3 wood, BAM. 5 iron BAM. I see I was loosing power from my hand position and it was also leading me off plane. Now I had pushed my hands away from my body and got a straighter left arm.

It felt almost as if I was hitting the ball off the toe, I was standing up straighter, arms nicely away from the body, a good width on the swing and BOOM! Another nailed shot. I was really grooving in all the good advice from lessons I had a while ago, which fixed my common faults.

The only problem is I only go to the range every other week or so and can't afford to play at the moment! All this potential and nowhere to release it!

I still have enough on my range card for one more trip, hopefully it will be as fun as this one!

At least the putting green there is free, I am working on my putter on the carpet at home too. If I ever get a membership again I would hope to at least break 90 again!#

A session like that can really give you the bug for this game again!


Club Champion
Aug 30, 2013
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Had one of those sessions tied in with my last lesson.. Everything just clicked... Unfortunately it then makes me believe I can actually play.!


Tour Rookie
Mar 24, 2010
Lincolnshire Wolds
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Good work on your range session. I nipped over to Rasen on my lunchbreak and hit 50 balls today as well focussing on my longer clubs and very positive it was too. Looking forward to the weekend now.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Good work on your range session. I nipped over to Rasen on my lunchbreak and hit 50 balls today as well focussing on my longer clubs and very positive it was too. Looking forward to the weekend now.

I worked out that when I tried to move my hands away from my body I actually lost a straight left arm, losing power and plane.

With proper arm position in both areas I started hitting good shots.

Golf is like that, you fix one thing only to break another!

I was hitting so close to the hosel it now feels like I am hitting off the toe but actually they are middled!