Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
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I think what it shows is you haven’t read the Sunday Times article of which have the facts that people are referring to and you instead just looked at what I posted. The article clearly states about Boris being missing from many important cobra meetings , members of his cabinet attempting to downplay the whole issue

Many I should use South Korea as an example ? Either way some countries acted quicker and understood the threat straight away and didn’t attempt to downplay it or come up with ideas like “herd community” - remember it was our leader on a sofa saying we should “take it on the chin” “ let it spread through us “ etc

In this time of crisis the country has needed a strong leader - from evidence I don’t believe we have had one and indeed maybe others within the cabinet have stepped up and shown themselves to be stronger

It’s just an opinion but I hope when this finishes there will be a full enquiry and timeline to see if someone could have been done a lot earlier to restrict the number of people who have died - I suspect there could have been
And as MM says..that's the time for it.
Producing an article like this now is going to lead to ...unrest, anxiety and worry.
Of course mistakes will have been made but were they made because the advice given to the Government was wrong or that they acted inappropriately on that advice..
At the moment it doesn't matter..what's done is done...we need to focus on Now and Later
We can't skip back 2 months and start again
These things need to be left until we've emerged from the crisis - then everyone can fill their boots.
So much of the so called journalism going on at the moment is, in my view, simply to justify the journalist's existence.
People need to realise that, like it or not, the Torys are in charge. Trying to undermine that drifts focus from the job in hand.
There will be plenty of time for ramifications,excuses and blaming when we've survived.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
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There's no doubt that the Government and its advisers will be found to have made errors in their handling of the crisis.

However, having read the ST article I think there is too much of a danger of reaching a conclusion based upon not enough evidence at this stage.

Throughout the media have been quick to seize upon opinions and theories offered by those with a different view to that of the Govt. Understandable as, in their eyes at least, it makes for a good headline

This latest article is no different with much of its content attributed to unnamed sources and of the remainder much comes from those with a previously expressed difference of opinion to the Govt's advisers.

But a wonderful opportunity for the likes of Owen Jones to snipe.

Once the country emerges from this then and only then there should be an independent enquiry into the handling and all those giving evidence should be fully assured of immunity and protection from any action.

That is when questions should be asked, not now when all efforts should be focused on the present and dealing with the virus.

Nail on head for me. Interesting that the article states at one stage we'd stockpiled that much PPE that it had gone out of date, yet the Government is being pilloried for not having enough PPE. Something in that doesn't add up, as do a few other bits. I'm not saying there's no truth in it, there may be some truth, but there's also an awful lot of conjecture and hearsay. I'll wait for the enquiry before I sign up to the lynching party.

Deleted member 18588

Waiting until after it is all done when it is already too late for too many... The shortcomings need identifying and addressing asap...

The people we voted in to look after us need to start stepping up to the plate...

I agree that the day to day handling of the crisis requires close scrutiny.

What I think would be wrong would be if we try to reach conclusions about the overall outcome before there even is an outcome.

Pointless at this stage to be questioning the Govt's actions in January and February as that ship has sailed.

Far more important to question them on the present and the future with an overall enquiry after this has been brought under control.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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The whole world was caught with its pants down.
Since then, everyone's pulling them up as fast as they can.
Unfortunately/fortunately, we haven't had a global pandemic recently to learn from so we're learning as we go.
I'm satisfied everyone is doing their best.
Except of course for the nutters who keep going out unnecessarily.
If anyone wants to have a go at someone, have a go at them


Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
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I agree that the day to day handling of the crisis requires close scrutiny.

What I think would be wrong would be if we try to reach conclusions about the overall outcome before there even is an outcome.

Pointless at this stage to be questioning the Govt's actions in January and February as that ship has sailed.

Far more important to question them on the present and the future with an overall enquiry after this has been brought under control.

Three of my neighbours are frontline NHS workers and they are going to work scared and that simply shouldn't be happening...

Do they think the government is doing right by them?
Not so from what they've told me...


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 16, 2014
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For those that say don’t question our government at this stage and it serves no purpose I would say if we don’t question them about funding to scientists to find a vaccine ASAP we will be worse off.

It’s to late now about the mistakes that have been made already but as one of the scientists at Oxford University said this morning funding must be a priority for their work, I just hope that the government are on to this.


Occasional Player of Golf
Oct 26, 2011
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Waiting until after it is all done when it is already too late for too many... The shortcomings need identifying and addressing asap...

The people we voted in to look after us need to start stepping up to the plate...
Is there a game of baseball coming up? ?


Loving this thread title - call it like it is (y),............if only government could do that too.

Instead I'm having to rely on Andrew Neil, Piers Morgan and others to press ministers for facts with the Cult of Boris membership obfuscating at every turn.

Look this latest news came from The Sunday Times, not The Guardian or Mirror so can't be instantly derided as political, they are a Tory paper after all. In that regard it's content should be taken on board and it's claims countered or clarified by Govt, hopefully will be later today but expect waffle and deflection, it'll somehow end up the fault of anyone but those in charge and actually Boris attended all those Cobra meets via skype.:rolleyes:


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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Certain members are posting things that support their own political leanings, whilst this is a natural reaction, it can have the effect of winding up other members with opposing views.

My feeling is that it is too early for recriminations, I’d rather read a balanced view, looking at all sides

With respect, anything Owen Jones writes is never going to be described as balanced


Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
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Certain members are posting things that support their own political leanings, whilst this is a natural reaction, it can have the effect of winding up other members with opposing views.

My feeling is that it is too early for recriminations, I’d rather read a balanced view, looking at all sides

With respect, anything Owen Jones writes is never going to be described as balanced

With respect, the author of the piece in the ST wasn't Owen Jones...
Merely him that tweeted the article otherwise hidden behind a paywall...

Deleted member 15344

Certain members are posting things that support their own political leanings, whilst this is a natural reaction, it can have the effect of winding up other members with opposing views.

My feeling is that it is too early for recriminations, I’d rather read a balanced view, looking at all sides

With respect, anything Owen Jones writes is never going to be described as balanced

Owen Jones didn’t write the article and certain people reacted to a poster as opposed to what the actual article said.

The article was also posted in a well known Pro Tory paper so what political leaning does that show.

I would also suggest that people are reacting in a way because it maybe highlights that the government ( whose political side they support ) potentially could be culpable for lives being lost based on poor or incorrect initial reactions to the issue
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