Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Deleted member 21258

Numbers for the UK from the last 2 days.....

Number of new cases 24 Mar......1,427
Number of new cases 25 Mar......150

Number of deaths 24 Mar.....87
Number of deaths 25 Mar.....11

A long way to go, but encouraging.

Think England figures haven't been added yet, so only Wales/Scotland ?

Hope they have though


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Who says I don't want a means test? I want whatever enables SE and those on ZHCs to be able to stop work NOW - whatever system that is - or guarantee is given - I frankly don't care.

There doesn't seem to be any means testing whatsoever for those in 'normal' contacted hours employment - they are getting 80% of their monthly wage paid to them. No means testing anywhere in sight as far as I can see. So I don't know why there is a need to means-test SE or ZHCs.

Note: If my son is means tested he'll probably get significantly more than £500/month if it is means tested against say last 3months of income.

So he’s earned well in the last 3 months yet is still in arrears!

And now 3 times you’ve dodged the question regarding his partner, again you brought them into it, “home all day every day”, I guess there is no contribution coming from them, but they’re burning the oils all day every day, why is that?

Late with his accounts, late with his bills, sounds like he’s got a freeloading partner, but hey, let’s throw a grand a month at them to help put back into the system, no doubt McDonalds, KFC and the local Curry House will benefit ?


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Day 2. DAY 2!?!

You just wait till you hit day 12. You won't have changed your boxers for 5 days, nor seen the razor for a week - you've hidden that for safety reasons. There'll be eleventeen empty beer bottles next to your armchair, and that's just this morning's feast. You have the shakes as you reach for the whisky, with a fear of will it last.

The kitchen will be deemed the communal area/demilitarised zone, with each of you having your own room.

But don't worry, only 17 days more to go... hahahahahaha(demonic laugh)
To be fair Bri I'm kind of on day 7 with the exception of a couple of rounds last week and a trip to the shops.
But I do take your point....(y)


Global Moderator
Nov 19, 2008
Exeter..ish - Devon
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Numbers for the UK from the last 2 days.....

Number of new cases 24 Mar......1,427
Number of new cases 25 Mar......150

Number of deaths 24 Mar.....87
Number of deaths 25 Mar.....11

A long way to go, but encouraging.

If you got those figures from the Worldometer web site, you might want to look at them again before midnight. It was the same yesterday, the final figures won't be posted yet.


Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
In the slow lane...
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I see off licenses have now been added to the list of essential businesses... Wonder if Tim will see that as an opportunity to reopen all the 'spoons as offies? All beer coming ready poured ?...


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Brutally honest I have no idea where I stand in all of this .. I could be self employed or jobless but not claiming. I am living off a redundancy package which will run out at some point. Given the jobs market has completely dropped off the planet, I will be spinning my wheels for a bit longer.
I am also a bit confused about the edict regards tenants, will the landlords get subsidised to the full amount plus what ever extra costs the banks choose to impose?
Oh well never mind, just chill out and thank your lucky stars if you don’t get this or have to have the attention of the health service.
Although if it’s any consolation you could live with my wife who has declared that we are on rations .. I get 1 square of chocolate, a piece of bread for my tea and my lunch is either fish finger and chips and peas or a 2/3 of a chicken kiev with chips and pees. despite my amazing chef skills .. I have lost 5lbs since Thursday last week.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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slightly off topivc but
if you have caught the virus but fortunately recovered from it ,can you catch it again or are you now immune ?
just wondering .

According to what I heard last night by the secretary, he said the MP who had it was back on the front bench because it’s highly unlikely to catch it again, but with this being a new unknown strain, not sure how they could know that yet?


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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Is this global virus the World Wars our grandparents (or parents in some cases perhaps) had to deal with? Will the need for frugality be remembered by the current generations like the old ones did?
Will we return to the same old ways once we are through this or will we start to be more considered in our spending and the way we live our lives?


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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slightly off topivc but
if you have caught the virus but fortunately recovered from it ,can you catch it again or are you now immune ?
just wondering .

With most viruses that is true - the jury is still out on CONV19 but experts 'think' it will behave the same - loads of antibody test will soon show if, once recovered, it does give immunity from future infection.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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The science suggests that re-infection is unlikely at least in the short term
The did tests on some animals- infected them, they recovered, scientists tried to re-infect and they couldn't.
There are reports of a few re-infections but its thought those tests may be unreliable
Testing kits may be available very soon according to Sky news


Sep 11, 2011
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slightly off topivc but
if you have caught the virus but fortunately recovered from it ,can you catch it again or are you now immune ?
just wondering .

When the genome was identified by the Chinese, they sent a copy of it to med labs/research facilities around the world. The genome from the first Spanish victim was identified by the lab at the University of Valencia as being a mutated version of the Chinese one. Similar enough to be recognised as a Coronavirus, but different enough to recognise it had undergone an antigenic shift.

If its very similar, the antibodies to developed against the first version should work. If its too different, who knows. Unfortunately, this also makes developing an effective vaccine a little harder.