Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Sorry but it really is that simple. I'm in the same boat as your son. The job i loved doing basically disappeared overnight. I wasnt made unemployed but it was on the cards, so i went out and got another job. Not one i want to be doing, but its keeping a roof over my families head and food on the table, and that is all that is important right now. I hope my industry recovers and i can get back to it but its not looking good at the moment. Going out and finding work,any work, would probably be the best thing for your sons mental health

Unfortunately we live in a complain & claim society, and it’s everyone else’s fault!

Is this the same son who was late with his tax returns, wasn’t this a new venture and his first returns which if not submitted on time he wouldn’t be able to claim when the first lockdown occurred!

Member/s on here advised you (SILH), and correct me if I’m wrong, you had to do everything for him I believe.

When I was setting up my first business and fitting out my shop, I was unloading ToysRus lorries in their warehouse on nights, you simply get off your arris and do what you need to do, you don’t sulk and moan and blame all & sundry, but, I personally think that as long as you share the same attitude and wet nurse him, he’ll never change, why would he?

And if you think that’s harsh, tough, don’t post and look for sympathy when there’s many people far worse off than your mollycoddled son!


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Unfortunately we live in a complain & claim society, and it’s everyone else’s fault!

Is this the same son who was late with his tax returns, wasn’t this a new venture and his first returns which if not submitted on time he wouldn’t be able to claim when the first lockdown occurred!

Member/s on here advised you (SILH), and correct me if I’m wrong, you had to do everything for him I believe.

When I was setting up my first business and fitting out my shop, I was unloading ToysRus lorries in their warehouse on nights, you simply get off your arris and do what you need to do, you don’t sulk and moan and blame all & sundry, but, I personally think that as long as you share the same attitude and wet nurse him, he’ll never change, why would he?

And if you think that’s harsh, tough, don’t post and look for sympathy when there’s many people far worse off than your mollycoddled son!
I’m not looking for any sympathy - I’m simply saying how coronavirus is affecting ME and my wife. And when I heard the reporting today about the mental health issues that the coronavirus is having now and is likely to have in the future, with the young and the unemployed - I 100% got it. And I would hope that all here would also get the mental health issues that many are experiencing and that many will suffer from in the future as a result of the pandemic.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Sorry but it really is that simple. I'm in the same boat as your son. The job i loved doing basically disappeared overnight. I wasnt made unemployed but it was on the cards, so i went out and got another job. Not one i want to be doing, but its keeping a roof over my families head and food on the table, and that is all that is important right now. I hope my industry recovers and i can get back to it but its not looking good at the moment. Going out and finding work,any work, would probably be the best thing for your sons mental health
Your experience is your experience. And do you not think my lad is not trying everything he can to get work? Do you not think that there are many hundreds of thousands out there doing the same - desperately trying to come to terms with their circumstances and see a way ahead. Do you think the reports about mental health issues many are suffering from are made up? Of course you don‘t. And it is very worrying - and that is MY experience. It is not your e perience but that is not the title of the thread.


Tour Winner
Jun 5, 2013
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Sorry but this exemplifies the total lack of understanding of the mental anguish that many are going through at the moment. Yes - go get a job - it’s that easy isn’t it. Well no it isn’t.

Oh and by the way - whilst your at it just dump everything you’ve been doing and working towards for the last 6 years with no restart in sight, and btw - your sector might never it might well have to be forever - and that is a terrible blow and very difficult to get your head around. This is not the same as losing your job and getting something to fill in whilst you look for another employer doing similar...but that is how some think it is.

The anguish and despair are real...and i thought we as a society had moved on from telling those suffering from depression and deep fears to ‘get over it and move on’. Clearly not with some.

And btw - this thread is entitled ‘Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?’ And to that I have posted...

No it doesn't.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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You haven't read my post clearly enough. It's meant to offer him hope, not dismiss any mental anguish your son may be going through.

This subject has been covered multiple times, I'm not going to continue with it. I wish you well.
Sorry sir! I’m just a bit sick and disappointed of how judgemental it seems some are about those who are really, really struggling at the moment - I’m afraid you got the brunt of my disappointment. I appreciate your post was meant to be supportive. Believe me we are trying all we can to support and encourage. We know our lads struggles are not as difficult as many - but that is not what the thread is about. It is about our personal experiences of how the pandemic is affecting us - and that is all I posted about.


Tour Winner
Jun 5, 2013
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I had to delete my initial response...

I post about how the pandemic is creating mental health issues in many - and that through personal experience I get it - and all that happens is that I get a load of critical and dismissive posts...great. Actually shameful.

None of that makes your previous response true that I replied to above.


Journeyman Pro
Jun 9, 2012
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Your experience is your experience. And do you not think my lad is not trying everything he can to get work? Do you not think that there are many hundreds of thousands out there doing the same - desperately trying to come to terms with their circumstances and see a way ahead. Do you think the reports about mental health issues many are suffering from are made up? Of course you don‘t. And it is very worrying - and that is MY experience. It is not your e perience but that is not the title of the thread.

Don't tell me what I do and don't think. Sadly I no longer have the bank of mum and dad to fall back on, so its all on me. But there you go , thats life and we get on with it.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I had to delete my initial response...

I post about how the pandemic is creating mental health issues in many - and that through personal experience I get it - and all that happens is that I get a load of critical and dismissive posts...great. Actually shameful.

Could your son not move back in with you until he gets back on his feet, that might take the pressure off.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I had to delete my initial response...

I post about how the pandemic is creating mental health issues in many - and that through personal experience I get it - and all that happens is that I get a load of critical and dismissive posts...great. Actually shameful.

It might be just that your own posting style on here has been exactly what you now criticise others for. It's difficult to forget long running posts of DMD's, Brexit, Boris etc etc where you showed no sympathy for anyone else's views if they didn't fall in line with yours and you were rude to posters on a regular basis.

You shall reap what you sow springs to mind


Jul 11, 2009
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Methinks some people on here are of the attitude of, “Yea and those hungry kids would be fine if they just tried to get food a bit harder!”


Jul 11, 2009
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In some cases it's true.
Below is an example of someone looking for a job on my local FB page

Anyone no amy jobs going

That was it.
Yes, in some cases it is. But then we all know heartless people who will be of the opinion, “My neighbour claims benefits and has a smart phone!!!! IT IS A DISC RACE!!!!”

There’s a middle ground and people rarely adopt that stance.


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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It might be just that your own posting style on here has been exactly what you now criticise others for. It's difficult to forget long running posts of DMD's, Brexit, Boris etc etc where you showed no sympathy for anyone else's views if they didn't fall in line with yours and you were rude to posters on a regular basis.

You shall reap what you sow springs to mind

Or it might just be that people who disagreed with SILH's political views and used to have a go at him on those threads are continuing to play the poster rather the post...


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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In some cases it's true.
Below is an example of someone looking for a job on my local FB page

Anyone no amy jobs going

That was it.

Probably just someone having bit of laugh with an unamusing post because they know some folks will suspect it just might be genuine and share it around


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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Sorry if this seems insensitive but when people talk about mental problems and "anxiety" because of covid. Especially in children, teens and young adults I just can't find it in myself to be sympathetic. These people need to build some mental resilience. This is a flash in the pan compared to what they may face in the future. How will these people deal with paying off their mortgage to see the wife leave and take 75% of it and see Mr Big driving their car.


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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Sorry if this seems insensitive but when people talk about mental problems and "anxiety" because of covid. Especially in children, teens and young adults I just can't find it in myself to be sympathetic. These people need to build some mental resilience. This is a flash in the pan compared to what they may face in the future. How will these people deal with paying off their mortgage to see the wife leave and take 75% of it and see Mr Big driving their car.

Ever thought of joining the Samaritans?