Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Had to sit on my own in the clubhouse, single tables spread & set out so conversations with my playing partners was, well, not great, so I've decided to be a car park golfer whilst we’re in Tier 2.

A lot of members don’t reside in Cov and live in surrounding towns, which aren’t in T2 so can sit together, I see and play with my playing partners more than I see family, so why can’t they be classed as being in my bubble!

Getting pished off with it all now, it’s not going anywhere whilst people can travel freely around the world, so we can’t live like this forever, so let’s just crack on and get busy living!!
If your club is in tier 2 then tier 2 rules are in place for everyone whilst they are there. Someone from Tier 1 can't go into a Tier 2 area and keep to the Tier 1 rules whilst there. The rules from the higher tier always take precedence if two different tiers come together.

Apologies if I have misunderstood your post but that is how it reads.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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I thought mixing of households wasn't allowed in Tier 2 so they shouldn't be sitting together. England Golf
It isn't. I'm in a tier 2 area and mixing of households indoors is not allowed. 1 pub up here was closed by the police recently for not enforcing this, police have been into at least one nearby golf club to check as well.


Jun 20, 2018
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If your club is in tier 2 then tier 2 rules are in place for everyone whilst they are there. Someone from Tier 1 can't go into a Tier 2 area and keep to the Tier 1 rules whilst there. The rules from the higher tier always take precedence if two different tiers come together.

Apologies if I have misunderstood your post but that is how it reads.

Yeah same here, you follow the rules of where you are, not bring yours with you... so if club is T2 then the T2 rules apply to all. I live in T1 but work in T2.. we cant go to the pub atfer work for that exact reason.


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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It isn't. I'm in a tier 2 area and mixing of households indoors is not allowed. 1 pub up here was closed by the police recently for not enforcing this, police have been into at least one nearby golf club to check as well.

I can see why there may be some confusion, although certainly not in this particular instance. It’s quite clear here - the CLUB is in a Tier 2 area, so the Tier 2 rules apply to what happens at the club, including mixing.

If my understanding is right the only time this would be different would be if someone who lived in a Tier 2 area visited a club in Tier 1. In that scenario, whilst the Tier 2 rules don’t apply to the club, the visitor from Tier 2 would not be allowed to take advantage of the Rule Of Six and mix in the clubhouse because the Tier 2 rules don’t allow it.

I’ve just re-read the EG guidance and that’s how it comes across;

Who is affected?

• Golf clubs/ facilities in affected areas

Golfers living in affected areas, even where their golf club falls outside of the area


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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A 4th case tune up in work. I worked with the fella over a week ago. In the same lab. One college worked with him on Tuesday so she is isolating.

I was told only to isolate if my app tells me too.

Not back till the 4th Nov.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Had to sit on my own in the clubhouse, single tables spread & set out so conversations with my playing partners was, well, not great, so I've decided to be a car park golfer whilst we’re in Tier 2.

A lot of members don’t reside in Cov and live in surrounding towns, which aren’t in T2 so can sit together, I see and play with my playing partners more than I see family, so why can’t they be classed as being in my bubble!

Getting pished off with it all now, it’s not going anywhere whilst people can travel freely around the world, so we can’t live like this forever, so let’s just crack on and get busy living!!
Or more likely dieing if we crack on.

Deleted member 18588

If your club is in tier 2 then tier 2 rules are in place for everyone whilst they are there. Someone from Tier 1 can't go into a Tier 2 area and keep to the Tier 1 rules whilst there. The rules from the higher tier always take precedence if two different tiers come together.

Apologies if I have misunderstood your post but that is how it reads.

Fish's golf club is in a Tier 1 area but I believe he lives within a Tier 2 area.


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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Last week of furlough before returning to work on 2 November
Playing 4 times this week, going to be very hard going back to playing once at the weekend....if that


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Mrs SILH is really struggling emotionally for our lad (as am I) stuck on UC and really struggling with life both financially but more importantly mentally with the thought of his whole career and career sector having collapsed and having to find a new one - especially as his career was his passion. And meanwhile dozens of job applications for work going in and getting nowhere as he is but one of many thousands desperate for work.

So we really connect with the reporting today about massive mental health issues for many now, and coming for very many more down the line. And as the reporting tells us at the same time there is an apparent cutting back on mental health provisioning in the 40 hospitals that are to be built in the coming years. Desperate times now and to come.

Meanwhile we support as best we can and hope for something that is at least not the worst...

And at work it seems that my account is income strapped due to a significant fall in new client work and can no longer afford me after the end of the month - with me being an expensive UK resource that works from home on non-revenue generating projects - they can get an excellent Polish colleague to do my job from Poland at half the who knows what next...??
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Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Mrs SILH is really struggling emotionally for our lad (as am I) stuck on UC and really struggling with life both financially but more importantly mentally with the thought of his whole career and career sector having collapsed and having to find a new one - especially as his career was his passion. And meanwhile dozens of job applications for work going in and getting nowhere as he is but one of many thousands desperate for work.

So we really connect with the reporting today about massive mental health issues for many now, and coming for very many more down the line. And as the reporting tells us at the same time there is an apparent cutting back on mental health provisioning in the 40 hospitals that are to be built in the coming years. Desperate times now and to come.

Meanwhile we support as best we can and hope for something that is at least not the worst...

And at work it seems that my account is income strapped due to a significant fall in new client work and can no longer afford me after the end of the month - with me being an expensive UK resource that works from home on non-revenue generating projects - they can get an excellent Polish colleague to do my job from Poland at half the who knows what next...??
My Son in Law worked in the music business and he found himself out of work. He has started a food delivery job for Sainsbury's and loves it. No good getting maudlin about things, better to face reality brush yourself down and get on with it. A time will come when he will have the opportunity to get back to his preferred work.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Mrs SILH is really struggling emotionally for our lad (as am I) stuck on UC and really struggling with life both financially but more importantly mentally with the thought of his whole career and career sector having collapsed and having to find a new one - especially as his career was his passion. And meanwhile dozens of job applications for work going in and getting nowhere as he is but one of many thousands desperate for work.

So we really connect with the reporting today about massive mental health issues for many now, and coming for very many more down the line. And as the reporting tells us at the same time there is an apparent cutting back on mental health provisioning in the 40 hospitals that are to be built in the coming years. Desperate times now and to come.

Meanwhile we support as best we can and hope for something that is at least not the worst...

And at work it seems that my account is income strapped due to a significant fall in new client work and can no longer afford me after the end of the month - with me being an expensive UK resource that works from home on non-revenue generating projects - they can get an excellent Polish colleague to do my job from Poland at half the who knows what next...??
Remind him he doesn't have to find a new career, he just has to find a new job for the time being. As SR points out, he can return to his ideal job once this has blown over. There must be lots of people doing fill in jobs right now, it doesn't have to be forever.


Sep 11, 2011
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The Spanish govt agrees a national state of alarm, i.e. one below a state of emergency. Curfew at 11pm through to 6am. No movement between autonomous communities, i.e. we can't travel from Andalucia to Murcia or Valencia or any of the other regions that have their own president. Cities, towns and villages can set their own individual local rules, e.g. there's no live music in all but one town within 20 miles. Most sports have been stopped, inc. gyms. Capacity in bar/restaurants has been curtailed. Travel on public transport is now every other seat/row of seats is taped off.

Quoted as lasting till Feb, with 15 day extensions. Basically, the constitution doesn't allow anything more than 15 days without resorting to martial law - no chance of that ever passing here after the Franco years. The get around is what we now see, notification of the intention to extend followed by another debate and a vote - the outcome already having been agreed.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Remind him he doesn't have to find a new career, he just has to find a new job for the time being. As SR points out, he can return to his ideal job once this has blown over. There must be lots of people doing fill in jobs right now, it doesn't have to be forever.
Sorry but this exemplifies the total lack of understanding of the mental anguish that many are going through at the moment. Yes - go get a job - it’s that easy isn’t it. Well no it isn’t.

Oh and by the way - whilst your at it just dump everything you’ve been doing and working towards for the last 6 years with no restart in sight, and btw - your sector might never it might well have to be forever - and that is a terrible blow and very difficult to get your head around. This is not the same as losing your job and getting something to fill in whilst you look for another employer doing similar...but that is how some think it is.

The anguish and despair are real...and i thought we as a society had moved on from telling those suffering from depression and deep fears to ‘get over it and move on’. Clearly not with some.

And btw - this thread is entitled ‘Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?’ And to that I have posted...
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Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Sorry but this exemplifies the total lack of understanding of the mental anguish that many are going through at the moment. Yes - go get a job - it’s that easy isn’t it. Well no it isn’t.

Oh and by the way - whilst your at it just dump everything you’ve been doing and working towards for the last 6 years with no restart in sight, and btw - your sector might never it might well have to be forever - and that is a terrible blow and very difficult to get your head around. This is not the same as losing your job and getting something to fill in whilst you look for another employer doing similar...but that is how some think it is.

The anguish and despair are real...and i thought we as a society had moved on from telling those suffering from depression and deep fears to ‘get over it and move on’. Clearly not with some.

Being harsh, you have been going on about his predicament for a good few months now. If he still hasn't looked at other avenues until the music industry returns to a degree of normality then to some degree I have little sympathy. There are jobs out there. Many will be menial and not what he'd want to do but the equation is simple. Do the work and get more income or carry on on UC and struggle.

I get the mental anguish side of things and have seen the effect it has had even on those that have worked through it, especially some of our medical and nursing teams. Not sure anyone on here has said "get over it" but I am sure having a better income stream would ease some of the financial worries. There will be a lot of people from many, many industries that will not be able to go back to the jobs they know and will have to diversify. For those of my age that is a lot harder to do than someone younger like your son

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Sorry but this exemplifies the total lack of understanding of the mental anguish that many are going through at the moment. Yes - go get a job - it’s that easy isn’t it. Well no it isn’t.

Oh and by the way - whilst your at it just dump everything you’ve been doing and working towards for the last 6 years with no restart in sight, and btw - your sector might never it might well have to be forever - and that is a terrible blow and very difficult to get your head around. This is not the same as losing your job and getting something to fill in whilst you look for another employer doing similar...but that is how some think it is.

The anguish and despair are real...and i thought we as a society had moved on from telling those suffering from depression and deep fears to ‘get over it and move on’. Clearly not with some.
You haven't read my post clearly enough. It's meant to offer him hope, not dismiss any mental anguish your son may be going through.

This subject has been covered multiple times, I'm not going to continue with it. I wish you well.


Head Pro
Sep 21, 2016
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Being harsh, you have been going on about his predicament for a good few months now. If he still hasn't looked at other avenues until the music industry returns to a degree of normality then to some degree I have little sympathy. There are jobs out there. Many will be menial and not what he'd want to do but the equation is simple. Do the work and get more income or carry on on UC and struggle.

I get the mental anguish side of things and have seen the effect it has had even on those that have worked through it, especially some of our medical and nursing teams. Not sure anyone on here has said "get over it" but I am sure having a better income stream would ease some of the financial worries. There will be a lot of people from many, many industries that will not be able to go back to the jobs they know and will have to diversify. For those of my age that is a lot harder to do than someone younger like your son

Agree totally, I lost my job and spent 6 months picking up litter from a multi story car pack, if anyone thinks that was something I wanted to do but heck it was money, i've done some crap jobs when losing mine and would do so again


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Agree totally, I lost my job and spent 6 months picking up litter from a multi story car pack, if anyone thinks that was something I wanted to do but heck it was money, i've done some crap jobs when losing mine and would do so again

Exactly. Sometimes it's about making ends meet. Not just now but going back to when I was a kid and my mum and dad both having to take some poorly paid and menial/dirty jobs to get food on the table, Fortunately it wasn't for too long but they had no issues about doing what was needed. I would have no problem stacking shelves or anything that paid more than I was getting on UC


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Sorry but this exemplifies the total lack of understanding of the mental anguish that many are going through at the moment. Yes - go get a job - it’s that easy isn’t it. Well no it isn’t.

Oh and by the way - whilst your at it just dump everything you’ve been doing and working towards for the last 6 years with no restart in sight, and btw - your sector might never it might well have to be forever - and that is a terrible blow and very difficult to get your head around. This is not the same as losing your job and getting something to fill in whilst you look for another employer doing similar...but that is how some think it is.

The anguish and despair are real...and i thought we as a society had moved on from telling those suffering from depression and deep fears to ‘get over it and move on’. Clearly not with some.
My Son in Law got his delivery job after three weeks, he has a wife and a disabled young Son. You either move on or things don't improve, it's not unusual to have to find other work when needs must. The industry will probably recover in time, people will always love music.

I'm not sure why you keep posting this about your Son, are you looking for advice or sympathy? Members have expressed their views on what he should do and that's not going to change. It's not good that any of you are having your mental health affected but to look at the situation from an observer there are no children affected, him and his partner are getting benefits and are both available for work. It could be a darn site worse.
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Journeyman Pro
Jun 9, 2012
New Forest
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Sorry but this exemplifies the total lack of understanding of the mental anguish that many are going through at the moment. Yes - go get a job - it’s that easy isn’t it. Well no it isn’t.

Oh and by the way - whilst your at it just dump everything you’ve been doing and working towards for the last 6 years with no restart in sight, and btw - your sector might never it might well have to be forever - and that is a terrible blow and very difficult to get your head around. This is not the same as losing your job and getting something to fill in whilst you look for another employer doing similar...but that is how some think it is.

The anguish and despair are real...and i thought we as a society had moved on from telling those suffering from depression and deep fears to ‘get over it and move on’. Clearly not with some.

And btw - this thread is entitled ‘Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?’ And to that I have posted...

Sorry but it really is that simple. I'm in the same boat as your son. The job i loved doing basically disappeared overnight. I wasnt made unemployed but it was on the cards, so i went out and got another job. Not one i want to be doing, but its keeping a roof over my families head and food on the table, and that is all that is important right now. I hope my industry recovers and i can get back to it but its not looking good at the moment. Going out and finding work,any work, would probably be the best thing for your sons mental health