Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Counting down to alleged Covid enforced office closure and redundancies. It's dragging now and motivation at an all time low. Not like me and getting the job done but feels like a chore. Working from home still so make sure I have something to do the minute I finish work and usually head to the gym to burn off some angst!


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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If anyone gets a minute, look at Rashfords twitter feed. Literally hundreds of businesses and councils offering food to kids.

Makes very emotional reading.

Good to see the community step in where Westminsiter failed... Hopefully there is a kid being fed this half term, who goes onto lead this country some day..


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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It’s not about anyone being big enough to fight their own battles, it’s the calling out of the constant form of “attack” by posters on here everytime silh posts, same people respond to him and then the same people “like” those responses to him, it verges on bullying at times and goes back to my point on mental health.
Let’s be clear. Telling someone that you are not commenting on a particular issue because you want to stick to the rules is NOT bullying. Not in any context. It’s not verging on bullying. Not even close. Nor is it attacking him. So, whilst you may have an issue with some forumers, do not include me in this accusation. I have never bullied or attacked anyone, on this forum or anywhere else.
You may support the majority of Hogies viewpoints. I am sure you have “liked” many of his posts. But other people don’t subscribe to his point of view. They are as entitled to their view just as much as you, Hogie and the same people who frequently like your posts.
All of which probably neatly sums up why political posts were banned, so I suggest we leave it there.

Deleted member 16999

Let’s be clear. Telling someone that you are not commenting on a particular issue because you want to stick to the rules is NOT bullying. Not in any context. It’s not verging on bullying. Not even close. Nor is it attacking him. So, whilst you may have an issue with some forumers, do not include me in this accusation. I have never bullied or attacked anyone, on this forum or anywhere else.
You may support the majority of Hogies viewpoints. I am sure you have “liked” many of his posts. But other people don’t subscribe to his point of view. They are as entitled to their view just as much as you, Hogie and the same people who frequently like your posts.
All of which probably neatly sums up why political posts were banned, so I suggest we leave it there.
I suggest I’m entitled to my opinion just as much as you are and as for silh is concerned, I do not respond to his posts and have no time for 99% of what he posts, yes, at times I will “like” the odd post from him, but even a broken clock is correct twice a day, so please don’t come on here and accuse me of fighting his battles, I called it as I saw it, you got in to a direct conversation with him then moaned when you didn’t like how he replied.

You reap what you sow!

Happy to leave it there!


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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Is this thread getting binned soon?
It is worse than those political ones. ?

If it keeps going like it is, then it is a distinct possibility

Can I remind posters that the thread title is "Corona Virus- How has it affected you"

So it is a place to give your personal experiences, good or bad

It is not a thread to discuss the relative rights or wrongs of government policy etc


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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Its a bit like the COVID guidance. If people would just accept the principles behind the rules (forum and Government) rather than look to push the boundaries the thread would stay on track and the infection rate would ŕeduce.

That is political. People should follow Govt rules without question, and you assert that the infection rate would therefore reduce. Based on what evidence? And at what cost (economic and otherwise)?


Sep 11, 2011
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Apart from the 'standard' measures imposed here in Spain, there are a number of provincial, regional and local measures that can be implemented depending on the infection rate per 100,000 inhabitants. The regional presidents hold most of the powers, with national impositions only happening if it hits a really bad figure nationally. Even the smaller towns and larger villages have mayors who also hold real powers. Impositions of new, extended measures happen when the infection rate hits 500 per 100,000

NO THIS ISN'T A POLICITCAL POST - just wishing to show the mechanics behind what's happening locally.

The village where I live, after having almost zero from day one, is currently at 1,555 per 100,000 - the exact number of infections is 45. Most of the towns and villages locally are either side of 1,000 per 100,000. Like the UK, the local authorities are trying to keep bars and restaurants open. Both are limited to 50% of capacity, and masks must be worn, even when you're sitting down, if you haven't got a glass or knife and fork in your hand. Road blocks are much in evidence and fines are being issued to everyone who has tested positive and is outside their front door - €1,000. And we are being discouraged from travelling between towns.

We do a supermarket shop every 3 weeks, and for essentials, e.g. bread and milk, once a week + out bowling a couple of times a week. Normally, we'd be out every day for most of the day. Now we're out 3 times a week for a couple of hours at a time. Word on the Spanish news is we're not too far away from control reverting back to Madrid and a full on lockdown.


Journeyman Pro
Jul 13, 2012
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So West can go to Westfield Vue cinema.and watch their whilst the team play in an empty stadium next door :unsure:.

Worlds gome mad .?


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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We closed our office after reopening a few weeks ago ... partly because adjoining councils going into lockdown.
Partly because it is too expensive to keep a building running for about 20-25 who may turn up. It now requires a lot of cleaners, coffee shop, security, HVAC etc. I feel sorry for those who work in facilities - they can’t work from home.

When will this mare end??


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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We closed our office after reopening a few weeks ago ... partly because adjoining councils going into lockdown.
Partly because it is too expensive to keep a building running for about 20-25 who may turn up. It now requires a lot of cleaners, coffee shop, security, HVAC etc. I feel sorry for those who work in facilities - they can’t work from home.

When will this mare end??

Maybe in time for The Masters. But not the one coming up soon.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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That is political. People should follow Govt rules without question, and you assert that the infection rate would therefore reduce. Based on what evidence? And at what cost (economic and otherwise)?
Surely if people keep a distance, wear masks and wash hands it would reduce infections without imposing too much damage on business. Or am I missing the point?
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