Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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My ultimate point was that some are struggling to find a proportionate balance. This lady has a family. A husband leading a normal life, but two university age kids who haven’t been allowed back in their own home since September last year because their mum has heard all about how Covid is spread in educational environments, and she is terrified that they will infect her.

With the exception of walks, her and her husband haven’t been anywhere together for eighteen months. Nowhere. And I need to be very clear that this lady has no underlying health conditions.

So yes, I have answered my own question in part, but as I say, my point was that some are clearly struggling to strike a balance which is proportionate to the personal risk, this lady massively so in my opinion.

Yes you are correct here about her being OTT.
But my point was that behaviour which was recommended strongly, such as not going to large indoor meetings, (but is now becoming commonplace despite ,in our area, anyway ,the figures being higher than they have ever been, ) is now attracting looks and comments.
Sense is retreating ?


Assistant Pro
Jun 26, 2015
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There's clutching at straws and then some. Are you actually suggesting an alcoholic potentially turns everyone they come into close contact with into an alcoholic also?
No I'm not, nor does everyone with covid automatically infect everyone else they meet but you are more likely to get covid if you keep company of others with covid and more likely to become fat or an alcoholic if you keep company with alcoholics and the obese.
It is really pretty apparent that behaviours both desireable and undesireable are imitated both consciously but very often subconsciously and thus transmitted.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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Was talking to a mate yesterday, his sister in law has lost the sight in one eye after having the booster jab, they reckon the sight has gone for good ?
Still gonna book mine at the first opportunity ?

Really? What was the mechanism of the loss of sight - vascular? Do you know which vaccine they received?


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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No I'm not, nor does everyone with covid automatically infect everyone else they meet but you are more likely to get covid if you keep company of others with covid and more likely to become fat or an alcoholic if you keep company with alcoholics and the obese.
It is really pretty apparent that behaviours both desireable and undesireable are imitated both consciously but very often subconsciously and thus transmitted.

You are using the wrong verb!
Behaviours are not transmitted.
Behaviours are what someone decides to do.
Unless we are talking Manchurian Candidate stuff?


Falling apart at the seams
Aug 25, 2009
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Yes you are correct here about her being OTT.
But my point was that behaviour which was recommended strongly, such as not going to large indoor meetings, (but is now becoming commonplace despite ,in our area, anyway ,the figures being higher than they have ever been, ) is now attracting looks and comments.
Sense is retreating ?
Agreed. Funny looks for wearing masks are now common and certainly I am finding their use rapidly declining. I’ve been to two college open evenings this week - both rammed and not a mask in sight.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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You are using the wrong verb!
Behaviours are not transmitted.
Behaviours are what someone decides to do.
Unless we are talking Manchurian Candidate stuff?

Behaviours can be conditioned, either by pharmacological or psycho-social mechanisms, and are not entirely, or even sometimes at all, volitional. I guarantee you have some such behaviours. We all do.

Deleted member 21258

Many behaviours are not what people decide to do at any form of conscious level. Virtually no one decides I will become obese or I will become an alcoholic.

Its so annoying, I notice stuff like that with me.

A slightly right of field example, I would hate it if I ever went on a cruise (its just not me, for so many reasons), so why the hell do when I watch an advert or talk about a cruise, I cant help myself thinking that looks/or would be nice and I fancy going.

The power of what you see, what you are told, what you experience and what you subconsciously learn, is a a powerful thing. Used by Sage, used by marketing people and so on. The abused become the abuser and so on. So many real life examples, in additions to medical studies carried out(Swinglow, have a read about it and the studies, it may open your eyes adn you will notice things about yourself).

Its a really interesting subject.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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They were my thoughts but I didn’t want to offend anyone by suggesting it.
I'd be disappointed if someone took offence to that but I know where you are coming from. Closing off from the outside world like that is not good for you.

She is not alone. Apart from other adults I know of parents with kids who have become paranoid through this. Strike fear into people often enough and some sticks pretty heftily eventually. People talked on here at the beginning of the long term consequences of this pandemic and the situation of this lady is a prime example.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Its so annoying, I notice stuff like that with me.

A slightly right of field example, I would hate it if I ever went on a cruise (its just not me, for so many reasons), so why the hell do when I watch an advert or talk about a cruise, I cant help myself thinking that looks/or would be nice and I fancy going.
I get seasick, the thought of cruising as a style of holiday strikes horror into me but those Viking River Cruise adverts sucker me in every time :LOL:. It's a running joke in our house that I ooo and aahh every time one comes on without realising.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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I'd be disappointed if someone took offence to that but I know where you are coming from. Closing off from the outside world like that is not good for you.

She is not alone. Apart from other adults I know of parents with kids who have become paranoid through this. Strike fear into people often enough and some sticks pretty heftily eventually. People talked on here at the beginning of the long term consequences of this pandemic and the situation of this lady is a prime example.

I can honestly say that I was heading to the extremes of locking myself away and, ironically, what has really helped recently is more people getting covid. That may sound odd but before I knew very few people who had had it. Covid was like the bogeyman you never saw in a horror film, talked up by every exagerated story. Now, I have friends of my age, health level etc who have had it, some with mnor symptoms, some felt rough but no worse than other illnessed that they have had. That has made me no less cautious out and about but now I have seen covid a closer range, I do not have that fear of it being an instant death sentence that was lurking before.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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I get seasick, the thought of cruising as a style of holiday strikes horror into me but those Viking River Cruise adverts sucker me in every time :LOL:. It's a running joke in our house that I ooo and aahh every time one comes on without realising.

Yep, always look in horror at people being hurded like cattle when they come off cruise ships in the carribean but still see the adds and think that it looks nice


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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I get seasick, the thought of cruising as a style of holiday strikes horror into me but those Viking River Cruise adverts sucker me in every time :LOL:. It's a running joke in our house that I ooo and aahh every time one comes on without realising.

Mrs Colch wanted to go on a cruise. I've got absolutely no interest as I work on survey ships so when I'm off work I don't want to be getting back on a ship. Fortunately we went over to France a couple of years ago and she was seasick on the ferry over, even though it was almost flat calm. She hasn't mentioned going on a cruise since then.


Sep 11, 2011
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Agreed. Funny looks for wearing masks are now common and certainly I am finding their use rapidly declining. I’ve been to two college open evenings this week - both rammed and not a mask in sight.

I guess it’s different cultures. Over here 99% of people wear masks when in public buildings, shops etc. About 30% when wandering the streets but, perhaps an indication of the mindset, almost 100% of those wandering through the (crowded) village market were wearing masks.


Assistant Pro
Apr 9, 2017
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So I had my 2nd jab 6 months ago next week, I’m not 50, but I was originally fast tracked as my child is classed as vulnerable, and I am a care giver.

Should I be able to book a booster?
119 advice says yes
119 booking says no
Website booking says no

Seems that age overrides any other reason why should be able to book your booster.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Its so annoying, I notice stuff like that with me.

A slightly right of field example, I would hate it if I ever went on a cruise (its just not me, for so many reasons), so why the hell do when I watch an advert or talk about a cruise, I cant help myself thinking that looks/or would be nice and I fancy going.

The power of what you see, what you are told, what you experience and what you subconsciously learn, is a a powerful thing. Used by Sage, used by marketing people and so on. The abused become the abuser and so on. So many real life examples, in additions to medical studies carried out(Swinglow, have a read about it and the studies, it may open your eyes adn you will notice things about yourself).

Its a really interesting subject.

What I find funny, but somewhat worrying, is how we are continuously told by the media that violence on TV and films etc does not increase the propensity to cause more violence.

Yet vast sums are spents on marketing and adverts which are designed to influence a viewer - I wonder why they waste their money if it has no effect. :confused::confused:


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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What I find funny, but somewhat worrying, is how we are continuously told by the media that violence on TV and films etc does not increase the propensity to cause more violence.

Yet vast sums are spents on marketing and adverts which are designed to influence a viewer - I wonder why they waste their money if it has no effect. :confused::confused:
Perhaps most know right from wrong, but jealousy and wanting to appear better than your peers is prevelant:)