Confused about bags...

some manufacturers/retailers offer free bags when purchasing a new electric trolley

Stewart Golf, used to guarantee that every make of bag would fit their trollies. iirc
their push trolley is excellent for gripping bags. Whilst the x9 follow holds my cart bag pretty well there are some whacky bases out there now.
ok...but I don’t need a bag, I need a trolley to fit my existing bag... the whole point is that I don’t want to buy a new bag, to the extent that if I need to, I won’t buy a trolley!

........What I don’t quite get, and can’t really tell from product sites and online shops, is: do I need a cart bag, or will my carry (stand) bag fit on a trolley?

sorry, was replying to the question at the end of the first post, suggesting a bag that is good as both carry and cart, that will fit most if not all trolleys.
As full throttle says, some manufacturers chuck in a bag with the battery trollies, but it depends on how much you will spend.
If you've got enough bungee cords you can fit any bag to any trolley.
That reminds me of my mates old trolley. One day he even had his belt on there and he lifted it over a stream. When he set it down it just fell apart completely. Wheels rolling off everywhere! ???