Computer advice

Futher thought.

Do you have a smart phone which takes micro SD cards?

If yes, use micro SD cards with an adapter in the camera then you can switch out the card to the phone to upload to the cloud.
After buying a DSLR for the first time a few months ago I now have hundreds of photos on the memory card on it.
My current iPad is full and has no storage space, so I can't upload my camera pics to it, ideally I'd like to replace it with an iPad Pro with a lot more memory space. Been looking at the 128gb version in Argos. Given the fact the my current iPad is generally ok I'm kinda baulking at paying £750 for a new one simply so I can store my photos on it.
I don't own a laptop or desktop, cloud storage is no good because I want to be able to see my photos at any given time and show them to friends etc.
So question is would a laptop be a more suitable buy? I'd only really like to pay £300 or something for one as apart from the odd downloading of music I never really need one.
Any advice.
I am not familiar with apple products but can't you copy your camera photos onto a USB flash stick and stick that into the iPad and look at them there?
You could also move your iPad pics onto the stick.
Maybe the Hp be a better option then.

I wouldnt touch HP at the moment after they were found to have keystroke software preinstalled on them... until thats cleared up their names a bit mud

the best around (apart from apple ofc) are lenovo
Are you shooting in RAW format. If you are keen photographer storage becomes a big issue. I have a couple of 1TB drives full of my Raw files. I treat them like negatives really. At 27mb per image it doesn't take me long to fill a 64gb card.

If you are shooting jpg you need to look to shoot raw and develop them in something like Lightroom. I have a tendency to take lots of shots and then develop the best ones.
I wouldnt touch HP at the moment after they were found to have keystroke software preinstalled on them... until thats cleared up their names a bit mud

the best around (apart from apple ofc) are lenovo

Installed but not enabled. Big difference and it was there for diagnostic purposes. I had this chat with some colleagues and noone was bothered.
Installed but not enabled. Big difference and it was there for diagnostic purposes. I had this chat with some colleagues and noone was bothered.
Even if pre installed it would surely give the potential for hackers to simple activate it? Reminds me very much of oceans 13 going straight to the manufacturer to get their kit into the high security systems
Even if pre installed it would surely give the potential for hackers to simple activate it? Reminds me very much of oceans 13 going straight to the manufacturer to get their kit into the high security systems

If hackers wanted on to key log, they'd just throw in their own brand, they wouldn't restrict themselves to those preinstalled with some other 3rd party app.