clubhead speed


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2010
South Wiltshire
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This seems waaay too low to me.

No chance of the 3/4 (75%) swing.

To go into WRX/BSG mode...Leaving yards on the table!

I put a full swing on the ball but just hit it at about 65% power. I'm not too worried about the yards left on the table as I don't lose as many golf balls as I used to, I still loose a few now though!


Nov 16, 2011
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I put a full swing on the ball but just hit it at about 65% power. I'm not too worried about the yards left on the table as I don't lose as many golf balls as I used to, I still loose a few now though!
Was that a 65% power, so 65% clubhead spead, swing that put the ball on the 18th green from the tee at Camberley Heath?

What is your 65% Swing Speed then?


Nov 16, 2011
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"Best set of launch conditions you can to max distance" Not maximum distance possible but your own maximised effective distance. Well! thats what I meant anyhow.


Have I (well the references) convinced you that SF is purely Ball Speed diveded by Clubhead Speed? And that the 'other factors' simply affect Ball Speed?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Was that a 65% power, so 65% clubhead spead, swing that put the ball on the 18th green from the tee at Camberley Heath?

What is your 65% Swing Speed then?

That was his 48.74% swing as he was looking for a soft landing to keep it 10ft from the pin!!!!

</lucky git> LOLOLOL


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Have I (well the references) convinced you that SF is purely Ball Speed diveded by Clubhead Speed? And that the 'other factors' simply affect Ball Speed?

Well! I am convinced it is the output. I am also convinced that the inputs are a number or variables.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Smash Factor is simply Ball Speed divided by Clubhead Speed - nothing more/less.

I don't necessarily agree with that wording. Smash factor is applied to the clubhead speed to give us the ball speed which up until the point of impact will remain an unknown regardless of how fast the club head is travelling.

The reason I say that is because smash factor is something you can actually improve rather than just accepting that it's the result of the ball speed ÷ club head speed, even by lowering your clubhead speed to gain more distance.....

from the link you posted earlier....

With a club speed of 100 mph and a smash factor of 1.40, the ball speed is 140 mph. But if the golfer could obtain a smash factor of 1.48 with a more controlled swing having a lower club speed of 98 mph, the ball speed would be increased to 145 mph – i.e. an additional 5 mph ball speed by swinging slower. Since 1 more mph ball speed (all other things equal) will generate 2 more yards carry, an extra 10 yards is added to the drive in this case by swinging with more control! Further, the more controlled swing will most likely have a very positive effect on dispersion
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Nov 16, 2011
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Would you believe the guys that 'discovered' the New Ball Flight Laws?

You might even recognise the colours and text!

There is no logic to your association of Smash Factor as something 'real'. It is simply a metric. It's the Ballspeed that is the REAL thing to improve. In the case you quote, that is achieved, supposedly, by a more centred strike.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009

Would you believe the guys that 'discovered' the New Ball Flight Laws?

I didn't say I didn't believe you or that you were wrong in any way only that I don't believe that the wording correctly portrays the concept of smash factor... as SR said previously (I think) the ball speed is a RESULT of the smash factor.. the fact that AFTER you've hit the ball you can back track to work out the smash factor if you know the clubhead speed is irrelevant. Even the Trackman site should use words like COR and clubhead path/loft.

('re gonna make me go read that now you git!!!!!) <wink> LOLOL


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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I can certainly confirm from experience (on a Launch Monitor as well as course) that my 'flowing' swing was/is faster than my 'Welly it' one - by about 5mph!

All my lessons take place using a flight scope to show my ball flight etc. On one paticular lesson I'd gone in a little bit angry and subsquently I was trying to knock the skin off the ball, my technique was all over the place. My teacher got me to slow my back swing down, and concetrate on accelerating through the ball from around 85-90% of a full swing, in doing so my swing was more controlled and I added, like foxholer, around 6mph to my swing speed.

In a lot of cases, trying to hit it harder results in a slower swing speed due to tense muscles not moving as fast.
This is what I was told by my teacher, tense tight muscles are going to slow you down and hinder you swing.

If I have to go after one I think about turning faster and really whipping the club through.
This is what I'm trying to do now, slow back swing and concentrate on accelerating through the ball, getting that whipping effect Region3 writes about above.


Nov 16, 2011
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I didn't say I didn't believe you or that you were wrong in any way only that I don't believe that the wording correctly portrays the concept of smash factor... as SR said previously (I think) the ball speed is a RESULT of the smash factor.. the fact that AFTER you've hit the ball you can back track to work out the smash factor if you know the clubhead speed is irrelevant. Even the Trackman site should use words like COR and clubhead path/loft.

('re gonna make me go read that now you git!!!!!) <wink> LOLOL


Do you think I posted the link just for the hell of it? Please read it! I'd lose respect for you if you didn't. As stated, you'll probably recognise quite a bit of it!l

Smash Factor is a result of Ball Speed NOT the other way around. How many times must the calculation be splatted in front of you (and SR) before you agree!

And I was going to waffle on about basic attributes ('normalisation' for IT geeks) , but lack of internet access has saved you from my ramblings about that. The simple way of thinking about Smash Factor is that it's quite similar to Distance - a completely derivable value - albeit a really useful one. The way to determine which attributes are essential, and which ones are derived is to imagine that Trackman etc is storing the info, but has a distinct lack of space - and only wanted to store the data that was essential. Neither Distance nor Smash Factor (nor ball location/dispersion) would need to be stored as both/all could be calculated from the truly basic data! Smash Factor would be the easiest to calc though!

However, the concept of 'improving your Smash Factor' is quite a reasonable one, just like 'getting more distance' is. But in the 'real' world, it's probably called 'hitting it better'!. There is a tendency for LM users to become a bit obsessive about the numbers and forget that there was plenty of 'fitting' being done before LMs (and concepts like Smash Factors) existed!
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Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Smash Factor is a result of Ball Speed NOT the other way around. How many times must the calculation be splatted in front of you (and SR) before you agree!

I totally agree, I dont think I have said otherwise. My point (poorly put it seems) was that swing speed is not the only factor to hit the ball far, there are a number of factors (that I wont explain again ) and these are the ones that can create the best outputs (a higher smash factor) for your swing speed.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009

Do you think I posted the link just for the hell of it? Please read it! I'd lose respect for you if you didn't. As stated, you'll probably recognise quite a bit of it!l

Smash Factor is a result of Ball Speed NOT the other way around. How many times must the calculation be splatted in front of you (and SR) before you agree!

You're doing that 'play on words' thing again aren't you?

Smash factor isn't the same as working out the radius of a circle once you know the circumfrence, it's not a constant even though it IS as you say the result of ballspeed over club speed. If I tell you I hit a ball at 130mph what was my smash factor? in ballistic terms it would be like measuring muzzle velocity and accepting that you can't change the bullet.

Smash factor is something you can actually improve and saying that it's simply a division of numbers doesn't make that apparent to the layman, that would be like telling someone that a 7-iron goes 150yds and then leave them wondering how they hit it 165.

So YES of course smash factor is a simple calculation but explaining it in such terms is a waste of time at best.

Just to side track a bit...I was reading something (maybe the Trackman site) where it was saying that coaches working with their pupils should focus on smash factor and ball speed, the actual club head speed wasn't an important stat to know by itself.... yet (ironically) us choppers do all seem to know what our clubhead speed is!.... I happen to know that my smash factor with the Callaway FTiQ was 1.5 and I did hit a 1.52.
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