club dispute


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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You need to deal with the club and get this sorted. This can get very messy if your local golf association or union get involved and you don't get it sorted. You may find your handicap suspended and you may find it impossible to move to another club.

You must have really pushed the guys buttons to get hauled up for that. There must be more to it surely
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Face breaker

Q-School Graduate
Mar 18, 2015
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Sounds to me like he's the first to go in yer little black book entitled 'who not to play with' and personally if the clubs that 'anal' then I'd be taking my money elsewhere...

I'd also make my intentions to leave and the reason for doing so 'very public' in the process, it's only fair that other members who may find themselves in the same situation as you should know what they're dealing with also...

Not a great swearer myself (well not at the club anyhoo) but sometimes the odd one or two slip out unintentionally, all depends on who yer talking to really, if they swear like a trooper then you tend to get drawn into it but to report you for it is 'pathetic' plain and simple...
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Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
Blimey, I'd have the course to myself if that was the case at my place.
Same at mine but without being there and knowing exactly what happened it's hard to comment. There is swearing and SWEARING! Who it's aimed at, how often, how loud, the words used, the context.
Also not sure why you ignored the letter if it was an official one from the club. It was highly unlikely to be joke.
As said before, lodge an appeal and state your case. You missed the chance to do so by not responding to the letter but you can try.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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The first thing I would advise you to do is to read the club's rules and regs to confirm the club has followed the laid down procedures for disciplinary procedures.

You cannot be suspended where I play without a disciplinary hearing attended by yourself to explain both sides of the story.

Warning- you cannot just cancel a direct debit agreement if the original was funded by a credit arrangement with some one like Fairway Credit. They and not the club will take you to court for the payment.


Sep 11, 2011
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You received a letter inviting you to a disciplinary and you ignored it. Not attending to plead your case is an admission of guilt. Not attending when others would have made time to hear your side of the story is just plain ignorant and rude.

3 months for swearing when an apology at the disciplinary meeting would have probably got you a slap on the wrist... that 3 months, probably, also includes the lack of respect you showed to the committee members for not turning up.

No sympathy from me. Suck it up and learn from it.


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
You received a letter inviting you to a disciplinary and you ignored it. Not attending to plead your case is an admission of guilt. Not attending when others would have made time to hear your side of the story is just plain ignorant and rude.

3 months for swearing when an apology at the disciplinary meeting would have probably got you a slap on the wrist... that 3 months, probably, also includes the lack of respect you showed to the committee members for not turning up.

No sympathy from me. Suck it up and learn from it.
I'd agree with this. We had an issue at our club and called the parties in. They turned up, apologised and that was that. If they hadn't attended or not shown contrition the result would certainly have been different.


Tour Rookie
Dec 18, 2009
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Things like this happen and they try to blame slow play for declining memberships 🙄🙄🙄
Cmon mate tell us the full story theres got to be more to this than "aw, crap that was a poor drive"


Head Pro
Feb 2, 2017
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You received a letter inviting you to a disciplinary and you ignored it. Not attending to plead your case is an admission of guilt. Not attending when others would have made time to hear your side of the story is just plain ignorant and rude.

3 months for swearing when an apology at the disciplinary meeting would have probably got you a slap on the wrist... that 3 months, probably, also includes the lack of respect you showed to the committee members for not turning up.

No sympathy from me. Suck it up and learn from it.

Really sums up most of what is wrong with golf clubs here, I'm not saying it's not ignorant to not turn up for an arranged committee hearing however would find it strange if the committee would arrange a hearing without at least receiving a reply from the accused. Anyway why should swearing be met with a ban? If he was swearing directly at someone in an aggressive and threatening manner then I could see the need for a committee hearing but swearing in general and swearing whilst playing golf is commonplace at all levels of the game at all clubs and it does no harm. Some people swear like troopers very few don't swear atall, golf clubs need to move with the times realise it's not 1930 and whilst respect should be shown for members of the golf club and the club itself, members are not children in a school class to be told offend punished for not following all of the tedious rules clubs have in place. I wonder If any of the committee members have ever been in a football locker room at half time, they'd all be banned haha

Deleted member 18588

Amazing how many people are prepared to be definitive on this issue and yet none of us know the facts.
Merely one side of the story been heard and yet that is enough for many of the usual suspects to condemn this particular committee and golf clubs in general.
Personally I prefer to hear both sides before rushing to judge


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Amazing how many people are prepared to be definitive on this issue and yet none of us know the facts.
Merely one side of the story been heard and yet that is enough for many of the usual suspects to condemn this particular committee and golf clubs in general.
Personally I prefer to hear both sides before rushing to judge

I agree.
To give an opinion, both sides should be heard


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Simple answer. Presumably the suspension is temporary. Continue to serve your suspension & then return to the club when it expires or stop paying. If you stop paying, however, the club will, no doubt, Chuck you out.

...and if you leave - like any financial commitment you make that involves future payments over a period - you may well be required to make a settlement period to meet your obligations.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Really sums up most of what is wrong with golf clubs here, I'm not saying it's not ignorant to not turn up for an arranged committee hearing however would find it strange if the committee would arrange a hearing without at least receiving a reply from the accused. Anyway why should swearing be met with a ban? If he was swearing directly at someone in an aggressive and threatening manner then I could see the need for a committee hearing but swearing in general and swearing whilst playing golf is commonplace at all levels of the game at all clubs and it does no harm. Some people swear like troopers very few don't swear atall, golf clubs need to move with the times realise it's not 1930 and whilst respect should be shown for members of the golf club and the club itself, members are not children in a school class to be told offend punished for not following all of the tedious rules clubs have in place. I wonder If any of the committee members have ever been in a football locker room at half time, they'd all be banned haha

Gratuitous swearing of any form on the golf course is neither required nor should it be acceptable...and that has nothing whatsoever to do with not 'moving with the times'. Most of us (not all) utter a wee swearie from time to time. If I do and I am overheard I will apologise.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Gratuitous swearing of any form on the golf course is neither required nor should it be acceptable...and that has nothing whatsoever to do with not 'moving with the times'. Most of us (not all) utter a wee swearie from time to time. If I do and I am overheard I will apologise.

Or, put another way, it's a golf club not a football locker room.

I fully appreciate that for some it's doesn't matter where they are; But at that point it becomes irrelevant to bring golf clubs into it ie. It's not a golf club issue.


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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There's usually more to these cases than meets the eye

BUT if there isn't then I think I'd be contacting the relevant County Union


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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It's your leisure time. That you have paid for.
If someone's been offended by words, it shouldn't be your problem. It's theirs.

Quickly move clubs.
Letter to the the person/committee who banned you with every choice word you can think of. Pay no more money.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
It's your leisure time. That you have paid for.
If someone's been offended by words, it shouldn't be your problem. It's theirs.

Quickly move clubs.
Letter to the the person/committee who banned you with every choice word you can think of. Pay no more money.
Another ignorant comment by someone who doesn't know the facts. There's a world of difference between someone quietly cursing among his friends & what I once experienced, which was someone shouting obscenities so loudly that he could be heard across two fairways. You may find it hard to believe but there are still people nowadays who don't like to hear swearing. I'm not one of them but I would never swear in front of someone I didn't know in case they were offended. I'm old fashioned enough to think that swearing in front of women is a no no, I can't think of many of our Lady members would appreciate it.

The OP received a letter asking him to explain himself, he ignored it & suffered the consequences. If he follows your advice it's possible he'd find himself banned from every club in the county.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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I got suspended 3 months for swearing on the course
I dont want to pay my fees over the next 3 months which amounts to nearly £400 and yet i cant even use the practice area

All about context really (but that's already been mentioned)

The swearing may have been the trigger to the whole episode of suspension, but unless the course is in the grounds of a monastery the swearing is perhaps just part of a larger (more juicy) story


Tour Rookie
Mar 10, 2013
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Another ignorant comment by someone who doesn't know the facts. There's a world of difference between someone quietly cursing among his friends & what I once experienced, which was someone shouting obscenities so loudly that he could be heard across two fairways. You may find it hard to believe but there are still people nowadays who don't like to hear swearing. I'm not one of them but I would never swear in front of someone I didn't know in case they were offended. I'm old fashioned enough to think that swearing in front of women is a no no, I can't think of many of our Lady members would appreciate it.

The OP received a letter asking him to explain himself, he ignored it & suffered the consequences. If he follows your advice it's possible he'd find himself banned from every club in the county.

Excellent post MIB .
I wonder why people feel the need to be so prickly, the situation would seem to have had a clearer outcome if the OP had attended the request from his club.
I know if I had been involved I would have wanted to meet my accusers face to face.