Cleaning Motacaddy Winter Trolley Wheels - Help


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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We have an option of carrying on purchasing winter wheels which I have done. Our course is wet and whilst there a high pressure air machine there is not enough pressure and all the mud from the previous people is around the machine. Even when the machine is working well it is still difficult and time consuming.

Carrying is not an option, nor changing clubs, and I tend to bring the half cleaned trolley home.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
If it’s to keep mud out the boot I’d be popping them off and into a builders bag in the boot and wading in the garden after use. Quick spray with wd40 as this should prevent mud sticking to the inner wheel rim in future and pop them back on. I’d also get aerosol lithium spray grease and just put a little spray inside any bearings if applicable post wash.
If it’s to keep mud out the boot I’d be popping them off and into a builders bag in the boot and wading in the garden after use. Quick spray with wd40 as this should prevent mud sticking to the inner wheel rim in future and pop them back on. I’d also get aerosol lithium spray grease and just put a little spray inside any bearings if applicable post wash.
Thanks, really helpful.
We saw someone using a battery powered pressure washer and a gerry can to wash their trolley in the club car park.
I have these and use the air line and the hosepipe after my round. Doesn’t get them perfect but have a full bag for the trolley so doesn’t dirty the car etc. the only way to properly clean them is to take off and use a cloth / soapy water
Our place is affectionately known as “mud wood”. My slicks are a royal PITA to clean. The hedgehog wheels work for so long and just clog up with an inch of mud. They also become a bigger PITA to clean.
Air compressor at the course, then take them home, blast off with the hose then in the sink with an old brush and dish soap. I know it seems a lot but your wheels will look lovely.

I do this with my clubs and my shoes after every round.
Air compressor at the course, then take them home, blast off with the hose then in the sink with an old brush and dish soap. I know it seems a lot but your wheels will look lovely.

I do this with my clubs and my shoes after every round.

Sounds a ball ache after every round.
Air compressor at the course, then take them home, blast off with the hose then in the sink with an old brush and dish soap. I know it seems a lot but your wheels will look lovely.

I do this with my clubs and my shoes after every round.
I heard a pro/caddie/someone say “If you need to clean your clubs after a round, you aren’t cleaning them properly during your round”.
I don’t do either???
I heard a pro/caddie/someone say “If you need to clean your clubs after a round, you aren’t cleaning them properly during your round”.
I don’t do either???

My clubs don’t need cleaning after a round. I make sure any dirt is removed after each shot.

It baffles me how many people play with clubs that have mud and grass all over the face and effectively no grooves.