Head Pro
About 50/50 at our place, the monthly medal is always drawn, the monthly stableford isn't. The rest are a mixture too.
Most people's clubs seem to be more sophisticated than mine. Ours doesn't have any kind of online system for picking times. I haven't playing any partner comps, but just using the normal Stablefords and medals as an example, I normally just ring up / text / email our club sec and tell him I'm looking to play around 10 o'clock on the Saturday with my mate, and can he group us up with someone (if it's a three ball minimum). If two balls are allowed then I'll usually just play with my mate, but if I wasn't able to, again I'd just have to speak to the club sec and ask him if he can group me up with anyone.
The website has all the members emails and phone numbers available in the member's section - but it seems like a waste of effort really, you wouldn't send a mass email or text to everyone just to ask if anyone's free for a round would you?? I dunno why they put them up really.