Chipping and short game woes!


Medal Winner
Jun 28, 2013
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Hi everyone,

Im new to the forum and thought that this was the best place for me to start me interaction and involvment with other users.

I've been playing this great game of ours for a number of years and would like to think that I'm a half decent player, or not half bad dependant on which way you want to look at it.

My problem is, and always has been tmy short game. I play off a 12 handicap, I have no problems with driving, ball-striking and reading greens, but I cannot chip and pitch for love nor money. Its got to the point where I am embarresed and get physically scared when I miss a green.

In a single round I am capable of thinnig fatting and even, to the amazement of my playing partners double hitting my chips.

Its this that I need assistance with, we having got a clue how I am even capable of hitting the ball twice in one stroke. My next sessions of lessons is booked in for next month, but until then any help would be gratefully received so that I can try and save some face at my local club.

Thanks in advance for any assitance.

a puzzled Will :confused:

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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hate to 'advise' on the basis of so little information but, in this case, with the double hits as a clue, I would suggest you start by shortening your backswing to the point (or beyond) you feel you can accelerate freely through the ball without fear you will loose it!

just a starting point, but my guess is that you are going back long and slow - afterwhich anything can happen when you start forwards!

hands ahead of the clubhead - accelerate through the confidence in the clubs ability to transport the ball quite large distances with little effort ie 60ft with inches of backswing and a 7 iron.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Welcome to my continuing nightmare. Off 11 and got close to 9 but it was a case despite my short game and not because of it. Had it all. Fats thins, double hits and shanks. Had a few lessons and was using the linear method which worked well for me and utilised the bounce significantly giving a bigger margin of error

Ive worked hard on reducing the stoke to something more conventional but still isn't textbook and I still don't have 100% trust. Its a case of spending hours and our just chipping, not always to a specific target but just homing the stroke and the going back and focussing on a hole. I would suggest getting a pro to give you a once over and see if its a basic flaw. I've found the simpler you make it the better. You could always contact Bob Mc and see if he has any V-Easy raining aids or check them out on e-bay. That will help immensly


Journeyman Pro
Nov 1, 2007
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Hi Will

You sound like your having the same problems that my mate has, he is the same H/P as you and was down to eight at one stage but due to his chipping it's slowly going up.
Two things i notice about him when he double hits the ball its because he stops accelerating through the ball and the other thing he does is he flips his hands just before contact.
I have also seen him close his eyes. I bought him a V-easy and that helped he has also had lessons which helped too. Some good advice given above I wish you Luck its not a nice thing to go through.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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The recent GM short game special was fantastic, confirmed I was doing everything right. My long game is that of a 20 handicapper, I am only 12 because of my short game. I can get up and down from within 80 yards quite often!

I always play with ball in middle, no shaft lean, using the bounce for chips. I have a 10* bounce 52 and a 14* bounce 56 which are perfect for my chipping style. Just ensure the impact looks like the address, ie dont start with no shaft lean and hit with lean.

From further out, starting around 50 yards I start pitching instead. A 50 yard pitch is a normal stance (as if it was a full shot) 52* half swing.

60 is a half 47*, 70 is half a 44*...

Work out your yardages for 3/4 and full shots too and you end up with pretty much every 5-10 yards covered from 130 in to 50.

Once inside 50 its "feel" chips with good technique.

BTW since seeing my short game my pro has bought a V-Easy, giving him a short game lesson was quite bizarre!
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Tour Winner
Apr 24, 2010
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To get rid of the double hit chip
Go to practice green with 3 or 4 iron
Chip from a couple of yards off from fring to circa 10 to 15 yards
Use the 3iron like a belly putter and try chipping and running - you will hopefully get some consistent contacts because the club head will always be at the same point at the bottom of the swing.
Then try and do it without the club anchored in your belly.
Then try with a 7 iron

Strongly recommend the Veasy


Medal Winner
Jun 28, 2013
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Hi guys thanks to everyone for all of the advice and tips.

I can confirm that I am now the proud owner of a v-easy and yesterday shot a net -2 with a number of tough up and downs and decents chips n pitches around the greens, I'm hope that this is just the start of a good positive patch, but who knows as I aslo have some lessons booked.

Unfortunately, I only got to use my v -easy for five minutes as the rubber in the join at the top split. :( I've emailed the vendor and hopefully should be receiving a replacement model asap. Im guessing its just a fault in the rubber, but Im looking forward to a few more sessions with the v-easy.

thanks once again, I'll keep you all informed with further progress.



Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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I feel your pain, going through the chipping yips at the mo, cant even use my hybrid from just off the green. gonna check out the mighty Bobmacs vids and get my v easy out. The amount of shots I threw away at the weekend from just off the green was a joke


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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Maybe you are using just your arms, the body must move as well and as mentioned accelerate into the ball

Have a short game lesson it helped me loads


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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in this video, he cant help himself saying how easy this really is. if you are struggling then you cant really have the ball too far back.

ball back
hands ahead
weight on left side

the simple chip and run is just that, simple. you must stick to these principles and you cant go far wrong. its not a hard swing.