Chance of single figure handicap this year?


Assistant Pro
May 1, 2015
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Hi all,

Ive set myself a goal of getting below 10 handicap by the end of the year. Ive never had a handicap but id assume its about 18. My driving is probably low single figures level (290-310 total yards and pretty straight) but short game is very poor.

Typical round on a hard course would be 8 or so pars, occasional birdie, 6 bogeys, and then a few disaster holes where i knife a chip across the green several times etc.

If i really dedicate myself until october on the short game practice area after work etc, is getting to high single figures a realistic goal or pie in the sky?


Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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Yep good luck. It’s possible. Maybe write a blog to chart your progress??
I’d don’t really understand though how you can drive 310 yards, straight & play off 18. You could use a putter for every shot after your drive & still shoot a lot lower than 18?


Assistant Pro
May 1, 2015
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Yep good luck. It’s possible. Maybe write a blog to chart your progress??
I’d don’t really understand though how you can drive 310 yards, straight & play off 18. You could use a putter for every shot after your drive & still shoot a lot lower than 18?

I usually play on courses like dalmahoy east so par 4's can be 450 yards. 290 or 300 yard drive still leaves a decent second shot. But yea will try and update this thread with progress.

User 99

Assistant Pro
Feb 16, 2018
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300 yards drives playing off 18, lordy, there ain't many players this side of the PGA tour drive it that long.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Hi all,

Ive set myself a goal of getting below 10 handicap by the end of the year. Ive never had a handicap but id assume its about 18. My driving is probably low single figures level (290-310 total yards and pretty straight) but short game is very poor.

Typical round on a hard course would be 8 or so pars, occasional birdie, 6 bogeys, and then a few disaster holes where i knife a chip across the green several times etc.

If i really dedicate myself until october on the short game practice area after work etc, is getting to high single figures a realistic goal or pie in the sky?

How come you’ve not got a handicap since you joined Dalmahoy last August, have you not put 3 cards in or played in any comps?

What’s changed with your game since this post..

Hi all.
Wedges are normally the best part of my game. Whether hitting them full from 120 yards or chipping from around the green im really confident of getting up and down....when the weather is nice.

So if your hitting long (very long) drives and your wedges WERE the best part of your game 18 months ago, why do you think your off 18 now (still) and what’s going to change this year that hasn’t over the last 2?


Assistant Pro
May 1, 2015
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Thanks everyone.

Re the above i just never go in comps - just play with pals.

I do enjoy full wedges, but general irons or chips are not great, and putting is really poor. My above post was also talking about how im confident with my wedges when weather is perfect - anything else and i struggle (hence that post).

Doubted myself re the driving from the above responses so looked up trackman recording i did. Total distance average is just over 280 with carry of 256.1, so maybe ive exaggerated a bit with the 290 etc - they will be my best ones. Ball speed 148. club speed 102.3.

Feel like my bunkers/chipping has fallen apart and putting terrible.

Suppose the question is if i really work on these would 10 etc be achievable. Have stayed at the same level for a long time.
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Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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It is possible to knife the driver to the length of a putting green off the tee and still play to single figures, although it is getting a bit harder.

A one putt green counts the same as a 300 yard drive.

You sound like me when I first started (except that I have always been a good putter) it was only when I got my short game in order that I saw the handicap start to really come down.


Head Pro
Feb 2, 2017
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My first ever handicap was in the single figures and I play off scratch/plus one it floats up and down though I'd say if you drive the ball that distance fairly straight then it'd be more course management that would get you down. If you can't chip very well practice with a hybrid it's a much lower risk shot and even use the putter from areas round about the green when possible.
Even if your iron play was well below par you'd still be off single figures If you were remotely competent round about the greens. I will say you have never had a handicap etc so I'd assume you gave never played in a competition playing by the rules very strictly which is very different to social golf but if your driving is as good as you say it is I'd say it should be a pretty realistic target


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Thanks everyone.

Re the above i just never go in comps - just play with pals.

I do enjoy full wedges, but general irons or chips are not great, and putting is really poor. My above post was also talking about how im confident with my wedges when weather is perfect - anything else and i struggle (hence that post).

Doubted myself re the driving from the above responses so looked up trackman recording i did. Total distance average is just over 280 with carry of 256.1, so maybe ive exaggerated a bit with the 290 etc - they will be my best ones. Ball speed 148. club speed 102.3.

Feel like my bunkers/chipping has fallen apart and putting terrible.

Suppose the question is if i really work on these would 10 etc be achievable. Have stayed at the same level for a long time.

only real ways you get to lower the index down to single figs is through entering comps & finding out what the pressure of marking a card does to the golf game

as have to find out what the mental pressure does to the long game as regards what kinda shot result issue tendencies turn up
will tend to manifest in couple of ways

re distances off of a 148mph ball speed that carry is a tad optimistic

chs 100 mph bs 148 mph LA 13.2 º carry 242 overall 275-ish
chs 105 mph bs 156 mph LA 12.6 carry 259 overall 285-ish

david toms for most of his pga career was approx 105mph chs & would very very rarely get close to 300 overall even on firm-ish tour mown fairways

you already have in the casual games identified the weak areas that exist which are goin to require some major overhauls if the game is goin to improve any

part distance wedges - around the green pitches/chips - bunkers - putting - this is a big area of an 18 hole score
& in these casual games do you always putt out or are there gimmes

have to know to a more exact ways over a period of say 3 months (assuming you play 18 once a week) what the 'real' gross scores are

found nearly always if folks don't carry an official index that they usually prone to over estimating where they think their index level is at - have to first off have a realistic notion of just exactly score-wise where the game is at


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Ive a similar club head speed and get no where near 250+ carry, and i'd also be surprised if you got any run on the ball at Dalmahoy let alone 30 yards plus.

Single figures on the other hand shouldn't be out of reach of most golfers if you play on a reg basis and have no disabilities .

Why do you want to get to single figs, if you don't play in comps and only play bounce games up to now?


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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Hi all,

Ive set myself a goal of getting below 10 handicap by the end of the year. Ive never had a handicap but id assume its about 18. My driving is probably low single figures level (290-310 total yards and pretty straight) but short game is very poor.

Typical round on a hard course would be 8 or so pars, occasional birdie, 6 bogeys, and then a few disaster holes where i knife a chip across the green several times etc.

If i really dedicate myself until october on the short game practice area after work etc, is getting to high single figures a realistic goal or pie in the sky?
100% yes!

I did exactly this last year. I was a 21 handicap on April 1st, by August 31st I was sitting at 7. I have since gone back to an 8, but yes its possible. I spent all of my time chipping! But I dedicated everything to it, I would play 5/6 times a week, but when I say play I mean practice!!