I wasn't present ,when this most heinous of crimes was committed,but i find it somewhat hypocritical,and laughable,that the OP complains about,etiquette,and standards. If i was so enraged by "visitors" behaviour at my club,i'd of approached them,and pointed out the correct procedure,the 8 ball in question,would most likely have apologised and explained themselves,but instead,you decide to vent your spleen on a public forum.
I'm really not surprised by some of the replies,especially after you start questioning peoples intellect,and suggesting that they were lager louts.Unfortunately,life and golf clubs have there share of faceless whingers,thankfully they are still a very small minority.
I wonder what the members and committee at your club will think of some of your comments ?
Before speaking of "standards" maybe you should be questioning your own ?
I find it slightly amusing that the op won't putt out on 17 because it is dangerous, but will openly invite the group behind to hit at him while standing just off the 18th green. Call up holes are dangerous. Not a good idea.
OK guys, time to put this baby to bed.
Having read this I cant help but feel this subject has run its course, threads like these always end up turning sour.
It is obvious that there are some personal grievances/personality clashes being played on here on both sides, who was right and wrong has been lost, anyway, there are always three sides to every story.
End of Subject, anyone wishing to continue may freely do so via pm to each other.
Any more bickering will result in threads being removed and infraction points being given out. Points do not make prizes.